Revolution Revealed!


Matt from IGN said:
Revolution is "two to three times more powerful than GameCube," according to Nintendo.

The system will offer a "free Internet-based player-matching service, similar to Xbox Live." The service will also offer downloadable versions of classic Nintendo games, such as Donkey Kong and Super Mario Sunshine.
dang it Smiffy you got me all excited until i read further into the article ah well its least its more powerful then the gamecube :p
I wouldn't worry about the 2-3 times more powerful part, with Nintendo that would relate to what you see on screen rather than the specs like MS and SONY. MS claim Xbox 360 is 15 times as powerful as the Xbox, but the difference in what you see isn't that great.
It's so unfortunate that Nintendo reports "real" specs and not fake overblown lies like MS and Sony. It drives the casual (i.e. idiot moron) gamers to say "oMg my Ps2 cAn ReNdeR 60 miLliOn mOrE PoLy's tHaN yUr GaMiGuBE!!!!!!"

But alas, they tell the truth. *sigh* DAMN YOU, NINTENDO... DAMN YOU!!

PS WickedAngel, eat your heart out... "Free online" confirmed today.

Edit: PPS - I just realized how absolutely ridiculously biased IGN is in that article. "In contrast, the XBox 360 is 15 times more powerful than the XBox and the PS3 is 1000000000 times more powerful than its predecessor" (ok, exaggerated... but still). Do they not realize that those numbers are way off? I mean... if the X360 was really 15 times more powerful than the X-box, we would all be sticking our dicks into the virtual women it can create inside your brain with the blink of an eye. GOD such unrelented bias, and it's in an article posted on a supposedly reputable site!
steviep said:
It's so unfortunate that Nintendo reports "real" specs and not fake overblown lies like MS and Sony. It drives the casual (i.e. idiot moron) gamers to say "oMg my Ps2 cAn ReNdeR 60 miLliOn mOrE PoLy's tHaN yUr GaMiGuBE!!!!!!"

But alas, they tell the truth. *sigh* DAMN YOU, NINTENDO... DAMN YOU!!

PS WickedAngel, eat your heart out... "Free online" confirmed today.

Edit: PPS - I just realized how absolutely ridiculously biased IGN is in that article. "In contrast, the XBox 360 is 15 times more powerful than the XBox and the PS3 is 1000000000 times more powerful than its predecessor" (ok, exaggerated... but still). Do they not realize that those numbers are way off? I mean... if the X360 was really 15 times more powerful than the X-box, we would all be sticking our dicks into the virtual women it can create inside your brain with the blink of an eye. GOD such unrelented bias, and it's in an article posted on a supposedly reputable site!

IGN hasn't been reputable for a couple of years now. I stopped reading them when I got burned on buying that piece of crap RAW game on xbox that they gave a 9.x+ score.
ok people now let me see you jam 4PPC cores and 2GPU cores in that bitch,thats right shut the fuck up
I like the idea of free online play for games they make, but it leads me to think other developers may want to add a charge for their games.
That thing is very cool looking. For me, the size is the best part. If you didn't see the gallery on IGN, its small enough to pick up with one hand, sorta like the size of a novel. I think Nintendo beats MS and Sony in looks department.
CooLWoLF said:
That thing is very cool looking. For me, the size is the best part. If you didn't see the gallery on IGN, its small enough to pick up with one hand, sorta like the size of a novel. I think Nintendo beats MS and Sony in looks department.

I concur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow i'm impressed at nintendo for not coming up with some stupid gimmick like the lunchbox handle for the cube. for once they did something right with just a plain conservative look
Free online play is cool but how many will there be the first year? Probably a 1/3 of what Xbox360 will offer.
bench261 said:
Wow i'm impressed at nintendo for not coming up with some stupid gimmick like the lunchbox handle for the cube. for once they did something right with just a plain conservative look got something against lunchboxes?

Here's a link to the high res shots, I think it's safe to say that generally this is the best looking out of all 3.

The conference starts in just over half an hour(from the time I posted), you can watch it live on Gamespot.
Hot damn. Is the Gamespot broadcast free? Or do you have to sign up for their premium membership?
Smiffy said:
Here's a link to the high res shots, I think it's safe to say that generally this is the best looking out of all 3.

The conference starts in just over half an hour(from the time I posted), you can watch it live on Gamespot.

wow that is pretty small, ive seen modems bigger than that...nintendo may have won me over this time from years of dissapointment, if they can make a conservative controller and not some fisher price controller then i like the direction they're goin at
nintendo have alway catered to kids games.. i mean, who besides kids plays super duper mario cart racing 5000?! i dont, i want some real, gritty, hardcore games (gears of war :D ) so unless they change that theres no way in hell i'm going nintendo this round
Drakensoul said:
Now what are the chances of a Lolo remake? :(
I love Lolo.

that game suckeddddd..well it was wonder they made a suicide button, so u can punish that blob for not running fast enough :mad:
bench261 said:
that game suckeddddd..well it was wonder they made a suicide button, so u can punish that blob for not running fast enough :mad:

Haha.. puzzle games are supposed to require thought and effort :D

Lolo and Bubble Bobble for the Revolution!
Well it looks better than the Xbox that is for sure.. PS3 I am so so on. Haven't made a decision if I like it or not.
I got a question here, nintendo stated that it could take gamecube games right?

So how do you load a small GCB game in a slot load system? :confused:
I was wondering the same thing.

Edit: Is anyone seeing the press conference through the free stream posted above? Anyone?
I thought the only format they would take are the smaller DVDs, I can't tell the real size of those DVDs from the picture. It's not like Nintendo to use a totally open format for their game media.

The system is very sexy, but it does make me wonder if it'll be blown away in terms of capability just because they can't fit much in there. At least it's not purple.
It takes both full size dvd's as well as GOD's, not sure if they both go in the slot drive though, there seems to be something just under the slot drive...
it looks like a cable modem!

...until i saw the high-res pics, i was convinced that it was just a cable modem with someone holding a cd in front of it haha....

oks seriously, this gen, PS3 messed things up and is fugly as hell, i am seriously considering installing a PS3 in my trunk and seeing if it will power my 2x10" MTX subs....thats just what it reminds me of when i see it, a big amp! and the controller looks like some failed sex toy, but i do see how it kinda looks like a giant "3". Luckely im sure sony will allow you to hook up the old school controllers.

In relation to the thread, i thought the Revolution looked pretty ugly as well, that is until the high-res pics. It will make a great vehicle entertainment option, thats pimp. Except the games :( Luckely Nintendo just re-releases all their games, so the good ones like Super Smash Bro's will get released. I've not played the gamecube version of kart racing, but the N64 version of that has a special place in my heart, i hope they do it better this next gen.

What else....uuummm nothing, bye.
Techx said:
nintendo have alway catered to kids games.. i mean, who besides kids plays super duper mario cart racing 5000?! i dont, i want some real, gritty, hardcore games (gears of war :D ) so unless they change that theres no way in hell i'm going nintendo this round

Lots of people do, SMK64 remains one of the greatest multiplayer racing games of all time. The only people who are CONCERNED about how "grown-up" their games are are immature young adults who want to prove to themselves that they're not kids anymore.
Techx said:
nintendo have alway catered to kids games.. i mean, who besides kids plays super duper mario cart racing 5000?! i dont, i want some real, gritty, hardcore games (gears of war :D ) so unless they change that theres no way in hell i'm going nintendo this round

Obviously you've never played super mario cart at a drinking party while high before... ;)

Only little kids play "real, gritty, hardcore" games. Ohh look aliens and monsters SCARY!

Gamecube has the best party games, of any consoles, period.

If this thing is backwards compatible, hell yea I'm getting it! Games are meant to be FUN, not pretentiously "serious".


Looks pretty good, but I'm not too impressed after seeing the PS3. Also not looking forward to playing all of 5 good games that come out for it, just like the GC :p
I have sound.

Currently they are talking about sales...

no revolution yet. :/

edi:; actually some guy is mixing the Nintendo DS sounds with music live. Intresting mix.
rogue3092 said:
Looks pretty good, but I'm not too impressed after seeing the PS3. Also not looking forward to playing all of 5 good games that come out for it, just like the GC :p

on paper everything always lloks different. Let bring up Athlon v intel. Intel always had the physical speed advantage. But Athlon was doing more work at a slower clock than old blue. On paper Intel wins hands down. In reality. That is not the case. ;)