[Review] BenQ BL2411PT: IPS bomb that’ll finally destroy flickering Dell U2412M

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My S24A850DW is slowly dying after 2 years (half of the screen flickers when cold) so after reading this thread and the reviews listed in the thread i ordered the BL2411PT. It will be interesting compare the screen coating with my semi-glossy S24A850DW.
I got the BL2411PT today and i must say that the colors looked ok out of the box, this must be the first monitor in a long time that looks perfectly setup from the factory. However my ColorMunki spectrometer says otherwise ofcourse :D. This is what i measured out of the box:

White level: 290
White point: 6483
Gamma: 2.22
Contrast: 1326
dEavg: 5.5 (CIE 2000)
dEmax: 14 (CIE 2000)

White point and gamma is ok and dEavg is close to the acceptable (<4.5) and thats probably why it looks so good to the subjective eye. Time to calibrate, at first i aimed for a white level of 120 but it looked a little pale compared to my smooth and crispy S24A850DW so i increased to a 160 white level instead and now it looks a lot better.

The OSD settings i reached with the aid of the spectro are:

Picture Mode: User
Brightness: 33
R: 100
G: 99
B: 96

And the result of the calibration is:

White level: 160
White point: 6503
Gamma: 2.20
Contrast: 1383
dEavg: 0.32 (CIE 2000)
dEmax: 1.33 "black" (CIE 2000)

Not bad, only black stand out but it could be because the spectro is not so good at that low intensity. The contrast could also be a little inflated also due to the spectro but to my eye black is black on the BL2411PT.

Other things i notice on the BL2411PT is that there are no visible backligt bleed at all but there are some ipsglow. Personally i really don't notice the ipsglow unless i look for so for me its ok. Last i thought i do a little comparison of the BL2411PT and the S24A850DW:

Backlight bleed: BL2411PT none, S24A850DW a lot

IPS glow: BL2411PT more faint glow than on the S24A850DW but with the amount of BLB on Samsung the BenQ is the clear winner.

AG Coating: BL2411PT is matte but clean so no dirty screen, S24A850DW semiglossy, i have no preference here

Flicker: BL2411PT no flicker at all, S24A850DW noticeable with the pen test but not IRL

Desktop: I think the BL2411PT looks as good as the S24A850DW

Gaming: I think the BL2411PT looks as good as the S24A850DW

Movies: I must say that the S24A850DW looks better than the BL2411PT but its probably due to the semiglossy coating on the Samsung.

=> As an ips allrounder i must say the BenQ BL2411PT beats the Samsung S24A850DW.
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Well on the desktop and in games the BL2411PT is equal or better than the S24A850DW but in movies the semiglossy Samsung excels. I wouldnt say the BL2411PT is bad in any way its just that when watching movies the glossys and semiglossy's is the dot over the i.
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I have used the BL2411PT for 3 days now and movies are actually starting to look good. After having used a semiglossy for almost 2 years it took a few days to adjust to a light matte.
Hi all!

I would want to ask a question regarding this monitor. I am between this Benq and the HP Z24i. Which would you recommend? I have read other post in this forum, and there seems to be little difference, but I would prefer some advise.

Both are flicker free? The Benq seems so, but I don't know about the HP.
Image quality, contrast... which is better overall?

Thanks in advance.
The HP Z24i has a lighter matte coating but suffers from cross-hatching (Google Dell U2713HM cross-hatching to read the horror stories) and slightly worse overdrive (more overshoot ghosting) vs. the BenQ according to PRAD's reviews. The HP does not use PWM but neither does the BenQ.

Color and contrast quality is very similar, however from the few reviews available (PRAD, extrahardware CZ, overclock.ru) the BenQ is more consistent in terms of out of the box color quality and contrast wise (the Z24i extrahardware cz reviewed had poor contrast vs. the other units tested).

I would pick the BenQ since it seems to be more consistent color quality and contrast wise, does not have cross-hatching issues and has the best overdrive.

My S24A850DW is slowly dying after 2 years

It has a 3 year warranty, hope you have the original bill.
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Hi all!

I would want to ask a question regarding this monitor. I am between this Benq and the HP Z24i. Which would you recommend? I have read other post in this forum, and there seems to be little difference, but I would prefer some advise.

Both are flicker free? The Benq seems so, but I don't know about the HP.
Image quality, contrast... which is better overall?

Thanks in advance.

I have never seen the HP Z24i so i can't say which one is better but i can say that i am very pleased with the BL2411PT especially since it was so good setup from the box (at least mine was).
Is the 144hz Benq really worth the extra $100 or so over the 60hz version?
Is the 144hz Benq really worth the extra $100 or so over the 60hz version?

The 144hz BenQ uses a TN panel and is 1080p while the BL2411PT is a 1920x1200 IPS panel which has better colors and viewing angles.

A 5850 is far too slow to make a high hz TN worth while.
Hmm, thanks for the response. New vid upgrade waiting to go in is a 7870.
The only place I know of is NCIX's US site (and by default they charge a 15% restocking fee for anything less than seven dead pixels). For some reason neither ASUS nor BenQ has officially released their best 24" monitors in North America.
Hmm, thanks for the response. New vid upgrade waiting to go in is a 7870.

A 120hz+ monitor is a waste of money paired with a 7870 unless you will only be playing old games or are fine with making newer games look horrible (reduce graphical settings) to get high frame rates (stable 100fps+ is ideal for a 120hz+ monitor).
To anyone that owns this monitor, can you tell me if it has any backlight bleed? (I've read the reviews and it seems it doesn't but an extra opinion would help)
Thanks stefan, can you tell me if there's a gap, not an actual physical gap, but the space between the bezel to where the actual display is lit (top and bottom)? and if there is a gap, how big is it? (if you can take a pic that would be awesome!)

I ask this because I once owned a Benq XL2420T and the top part of the monitor had like a 3-4mm gap (again not actual physical gap) from the bezel and it was kind of tilted (I'm scared of things like this now).

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Here's a few pictures of my BL2411PT. The camera was adjusted so the pictures looks like what i see with my own eyes. I might add that the led lamp (2.3W, 35 Lumen/W) on the right flickered like crazy in the camera display while the BL2411PT was flickerfree.

Black image, a faint ipsglow can be seen in the lower corners (when i move my head it disappears):

A colorchecker colorchart i found on the net:

Closeup 1 of the frame:

Closeup 2 of the frame:

Closeup 3 of the frame, there seems to be a few pixels between the frame and where the image starts:

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One question; at least from your pictures the screen does not look as saturated as qnix or vp277[02] or similar. Is this a by product of the pictures or the actualy monitor is a bit 'duller' ?
I used a strong halogen lamp when i took the macro shots so the closeups looks dull but under normal use i think it is colorful enough. I can take a few pictures of the desktop from normal viewing distance with normal room lighting and put them up after work today.
Taking pictures was not as easy as i thought, with no flash the colors get exaggerated and with flash i only see the flash halo reflected on the screen. I will read the camera manual and give it another try later today or tomorrow.
I have read the camera manual and after a few hours of experimentation with a whole bunch of settings i ultimately landed in letting the camera set the white balance by itself. Here's a series of images from my desktop:

My desktop background (ugly but i like it)

Downloaded wallpaper 1

Downloaded wallpaper 2

Downloaded wallpaper 3

Downloaded wallpaper 4

Downloaded wallpaper 5

Downloaded wallpaper 6

It looks pretty decent. Ncix has this for $327. I'm debating between this or 27inch (which is around $700). Kind of prefer 16:10 and I need display port which makes the qnix not a good option.
I have tried 27" but for me they feel to big so i have settled on 24". As for the BL2411PT i am pretty pleased with it, a glossy or semiglossy gives a little more "in your face" colors especially in movies but this is the first monitor in a while without disturbing blb, bluish tint, glowing green ips clouds, flickering or dirty ag.

Here's list of my previous monitors:

  • BenQ BL2411PT: Present one, Good colors, a little duller than the S24A850DW especially in movies but not by much, no blb and restful for the eyes
  • Samsung S24A850DW: Good colors, plenty of blb, restful for the eyes, used for 2 years
  • Dell U2312HM: Good colors, flickering, dirty screen, headache inducing, returned within days
  • Asus PA238Q: Good colors, green glowing ips clouds all over the screen, returned within days
  • Samsung T220: Good colors for a TN-panel, plenty and then some blb, restful for the eyes
  • Samsung 17" matte TN-panel: Still have it but it looks like a joke when fired up today, maybe 50%-55% srgb coverage, when i bought it thought it looked good but the flatpanels of those days were so bad compared to whats available today that i can only laugh when i turn it on.
The monitors before this were CRT's, i still remember my 17" Sony Trinitron it was so "alive", good colors and deep blacks - those were the days :D.
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is it safe to order from Ncix (with regards to bleed/pixel issues) or should I wait for someone else to carry it. I think I can live with 24inch. This monitor is mostly for movies/web browsing not so much games. It would replace a dell u2311 (not 12) which I think has some issues with not full colours. What is blb ?
is it safe to order from Ncix (with regards to bleed/pixel issues) or should I wait for someone else to carry it. I think I can live with 24inch. This monitor is mostly for movies/web browsing not so much games. It would replace a dell u2311 (not 12) which I think has some issues with not full colours. What is blb ?

BLB is short for BackLight Bleed. As for Ncix i have never heard of them (i live in Sweden) but maybe someone from this forum has better info on Ncix.
Hello everyone!
I have this monitor for about a month, i'm very pleased with it, good colors, contrast ok, no backlight bleeding at all on my monitor, the glow is a little annoying, but I got used.

The text is clear and crisp on this monitor, i am very excited about it.
Before I had the LG W2220P 22 " 1680x1050 IPS, very happy with that monitor, but the coating was pretty aggressive on that monitor, the BenQ BL2411PT have light coating mate indeed.

I attached some pictures of the monitor with the lights off and some others with lights on in different angles.





Here is the entire set of photos:
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Nice pictures they show exactly what i wanted to show but my Canon Powershot hasn't been the same since i borrowed it to my nephews, the pictures i get from it are mostly blurry and colors are all wrong. For me it's the link in your first post that works.

The BL2411PT seems to be a real pearl among the debris of ips monitors today, not one review or owner has reported backlight bleeding or dead pixels yet though i havent found that many reviews. Very strange you can't buy this monitor in US.
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Actually my old Fuji F20 does not show correctly the colors in these pictures, colors seems a little too saturated, i think it was set to vivid or something similar.
I wanted to show them here on this thread, but I couldn't upload, i do not know why !

I wonder why TFT Central have not done a review for the BL2411PT, i really wanted to know their opinion about this monitor.

@stefanp67, what revision is your monitor ?
mine is Rev-AL 00-007, made in May.

What settings you have chosen for your monitor?
I use: user mode, brightness 18(for the night), 25(for daytime), contrast 50, sharpness 4, gamma 3, color tempereature - user define (R=100, G=99, B=96).

I made &#8203;&#8203;another set of pictures, this time I set the camera on standard, not vivid.

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