Report: New Xbox Can Handle 3-Minute Internet Drops

I am glad the new xbox will be like this and hope sony does it also ! This way more people will have their eyes opened up and use the PC for gaming !
Oh and btw this will only make the torrent sites more popular hahaha cracks me up ! PC forever and Tor uh nm lol
I don't live in a rural area, but my parents do and their internet can be intermittent at times. So I imagine all these people that can't game because every time the internet goes down the xbox pauses their game until a connection is established. For a single player experience this is absolutely retarded. Not that the new Xbox was on my list of items to buy at launch, but now it may not even be on my list of items to buy when there are deep discounts.

Now I am a parent with a 2 year old and I can tell you how damn frustrating that it is when you go to fire up some kind of entertainment for them and it doesn't work. These are consumer electronics they just need to be plugged in and work. Starting a game and making me wait 5 min for a system or game patch is BS. Can you imagine back in the 80's if someone plugged in a VCR and it needed a patch or had to phone in to the company before playing the movie? No one would have bought one, but these days people just seem to accept it.
See, all this inside ball stuff we talk about here (day-one DLC, annoying DRM, etc.) doesn't register with the general 360 population of fratboys, 14 year olds and Netflix users.

This will. So would blocking used game sales (which this could allow). Everyone knows the internet to college towns can be suspect. There are gonna be a lot of angry "casuals" and MS will have to take notice.
Guaranteed Launch Nightmare.

Yep. I had frequent outages in GA when I lived there and most of them lasted for hours sometimes days.

This is awful news. But not unexpected. No more Xbox for this guy.

Switching to PS4.
Yeah, with you on that.

It won't work. The infrastructure across the world is not ready for that kind of requirement. Only a handful of countries even have such a network able to truly remain online 24/7/365. And two of those countries (Japan and South Korea) don't really give two flying shits about the Xbox to begin with.

Microsoft is basically going to release a Virtual Boy that will do nothing but make them see red and give them horrible headaches.
I just can't believe that they would do this because it's such a terrible idea. Maybe they have some kind of insurance policy on the Xbox platform and if it fails they get a huge payout; that's the only logical answer. They're trying to make it fail so they can sell it off.

Meanwhile, Sony recently announced its PlayStation 4 console, which is expected to hit shelves by the holiday season. But we haven't actually seen the console, so many expect more details from Sony at E3, too.
This is what drives me crazy. WHO CARES WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!? I guess that if your primary source of gaming entertainment is a gaming console then you know or care little about actual hardware specs and you just want to see the pretty box.
This is what drives me crazy. WHO CARES WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!? I guess that if your primary source of gaming entertainment is a gaming console then you know or care little about actual hardware specs and you just want to see the pretty box.

(insert sexist joke about gurl gamer who cares more about how the console looks on her shelf than the actual performance/features of the console itself)
Funny how this nextgen console fight is looking like it will shape up to be a war over always-online-DRM instead of a specs war. Its undeniable that its shaping a huge marketing opportunity for whichever company announces first that their box will NOT require always-online to be play games.

As usual the MBA's and the fratboy marketing majors making the big decisions at these companies lately just do not get it, have no clue about the situation on the ground.
I don't give a shit if it can survive 30 minute "outages" -- some people don't have always one internet, some people might want to play the god damn games they paid for without being tethered to the mothership.

So if an ISP goes down for 24 hours, you can't even fire up some singleplayer ANYTHING?

You'd figure microsoft would see how well the "always on" DRM shit from EA baked into SimCity worked out for them. And they want to do this with a 600 dollar console?

Hah - I know which console I'm NOT buying next.
this debacle + the failure rate of 360's is great news for Sony, of people looking to buy next gen consoles.
From what ive been seeing on other sites, people are saying that it is only dev kits that require an always online connection so that Microsoft can track who is using their dev kits which isn't a bad idea considering someone tried to sell one of them online.

Apparently Xbox 360 dev kits were the same and required always online when the console was first released.
"My internet is down! Argh..."

"Well, at least until it goes back up I can play a single player game on my XB--- wait. No. I CAN'T! IT WONT LET ME! WHY DID I EVEN BUY THIS THING!!!!"

[this is why I will NOT be buying this]
So. Yeah... when is that super smash bros being made? I need a reason to pick up any "next gen" system. I just don't see one.
If this is accurate, Microsoft is in for a world of hurt. College students around the world only have access to what is typically awful college internet. Losing that demograph is no laughing matter.
My xbox is rarely connected to the internet. It's only on there if there is an update that I know about, an update for an old game to work, or my son (under 11) heard about a new game & we are looking for a demo. I will never leave something like this "Always On". They get unplugged when not in use.
Thank god I'm a PC gamer and do not even have to consider getting a console.

How long will we have that I wonder? Not long if MS has their way imho. Win8 appears to be an attempt to kill off the PC for casual users, or at least make it less attractive. MS is trying to kill PC gaming and move gaming to the tablet/phone/console only.
Why else would so many be scrambling to make Nix a valid alternative to the MS "yes", Nix "well maybe in a year or two", or straight up "NO", mentality that has been the standard for devs/publishers for the last two decades?
I think that this is possible, Microsoft can do it, it won't hurt them much besides ire from "gamers" on the internet and they won't have to do more than a few PR drops of excuses at most. We have three extra keys on our keyboards thanks to them after all, with their infinite money they can make things happen. Their lead customers are the ones who fell for the half a billion dollar they spent on marketing the Kinect for launch and dudebro shooter fans, not people like you and I.

..and in other news, you wouldn't believe how well Sony's Move has sold despite everything. What the heck are people using them for?
Whoops! Your ISP went off line.. That game you were playing for the last 3 hours, and have been constantly validating as legal, well, we're not sure since we cant connect to check repeatedly... Must be pirated!

That kind of shit should be illegal. Or they should be forced to change all wording on how they do business--- they aren't selling games and systems anymore--- they're leasing them for as long as you can repeatedly pass their ID tests every few seconds. Gaming companies and hardware manufacturers are slowly killing off the notion of private ownership.
So now we know how much lagcompensation COD IX will have.

3 minutes after your client shoots, the server acknowledges, and interpolates hit/miss

I wish i was kidding.
Funny how this nextgen console fight is looking like it will shape up to be a war over always-online-DRM instead of a specs war.

Specs of a game console matter very little to me. If I wanted specs, I'd stick with the PC, cause MS or Sony can never build a better console that compares to what I can build with a PC.

It's all about the games, and typically the weakest console tends to win in market share. So long as there's some really good games, who cares about specs?