removing heatsink without ripping out cpu


Aug 11, 2004
time after time I cannot remove the ICE heatsink from this SN95G5 shuttle without it ripping the cpu from the damn seat while its locked. you cannot get under it cause the HSF covers it all. anyone got any tricks?

thanks in advance!
twist it back and forth while gently lifting, it'll come out eventually ;)
Run something like Prime95 or SuperPi to heat the thermal paste up, that might losen it a bit.
Unknown-One said:
Run something like Prime95 or SuperPi to heat the thermal paste up, that might losen it a bit.
if it would boot I would =)

(cf)Eclipse said:
twist it back and forth while gently lifting, it'll come out eventually ;)
I figgered that as well and I've tried many times but it won't. I have the right amount of paste on there
the fucking thing is pissing me off cause some thermal got underneath the cpu and on the pins...and go figger that the computer is not staying stable. I guess its pooched. anyway of cleaning the pins and removing the paste?

I had this problem as well and I couldn't really twist my CPU since the default mobo/AMD bracket keeps it very snug to the mobo. Next time I will definitely warm it up though, just too scary to "rip" it off like I did last time.
Dude run your cpu for at least 20 minutes and letting it heat up the paste and than it comes right off. Just twist it back and forth a couple times and its a clean break. This is my method and have been building pc's since the k6 days and never had a problem.
Whenever I have problems with removing heatsinks, I like to take a blowdryer to it and heat it up for like 20 - 30 secs. That's worked for me
I feel your pain. I use AS Ceramique and that stuff is like "ceramic glue." I've pulled 3 cpu's out of the socket, even with running Prime95, twisting the hsf (what little it is allowed to move) and all that. Fortunately I've never bent or broken any pins. Next time I'll try the hair dryer trick to see if that helps. It sure is freaky to yank the cpu right out of the socket and then struggle to get it off the bottom of the hsf. That Ceramique is really good stuff but when you put it on as recommended it creates one heck of a tight seal!
G'ßöö said:
the fucking thing is pissing me off cause some thermal got underneath the cpu and on the pins...and go figger that the computer is not staying stable. I guess its pooched. anyway of cleaning the pins and removing the paste?


isopropyl alcohol and something thin that can get between the pins without bending them.
thnx 4 the tips! cheers!

EDIT: will grab a toothbrush and ISO and go to town. will update later
I hate this problem... yes twist and eventually it will seperate... sometimes you might accidently rip the thing out of the socket.

I removed my IHS, and I do not have that problem anymore... I use the IHS with the stock heatpiped heatsink unit, and it will, or course, come off with the heatsink itself... and that is no big deal, if I want to use an aftermarket heatsink, I don't use the IHS... so it can remain attached to the stock one if it wants... if I want to use the stock one... the IHS is there already attached... laughs..
nope...its nice 'n clean and all that but still unstable. its toast, but thanks for the input. I've just never had to do that b4 so I wanted [H] input 1st. even warmed up that HSF is a fucker to remove

G'ßöö said:
nope...its nice 'n clean and all that but still unstable. its toast, but thanks for the input. I've just never had to do that b4 so I wanted [H] input 1st. even warmed up that HSF is a fucker to remove

toast eh? Whats it do?

If nothing at all, make yourself a nice litte keychain. :D
typical computers ....the SN95 now does it with another CPU after a day of no crashing. it runs for awhile then crashes or wont post at all with 2x512 ram in it, remove 1 stick it will post immediately. not seen it crash on 512 yet but its probably coming. I guess its days are over but may tinkle a tad more with another psu. thankfully I'm moving into the lan house so its easier to digest. really liked the SN95 for its "dragability" for lan'ing. very good gaming performace

removing the cpu still sucks tho. not a good design
check to make sure it isn't something else causing the instability, on my sn85 (i think) the northbridge southbridge, would get extremely hot putting a small fan over it relieved some instability
G'ßöö said:
nope...its nice 'n clean and all that but still unstable. its toast, but thanks for the input. I've just never had to do that b4 so I wanted [H] input 1st. even warmed up that HSF is a fucker to remove


Maybe not as clean as you think. Get some of this STUFF or similar and spray the hell out of the cpu and mobo, while holding it upside down or in a way to allow it to drain out. I used trich in the past and that stuff is just great for cleaning electronics, not so good for the environment. Now we use some crap that changes from time to time, but we just call it tweet-in-a-can or powerwash.
what I like to do, is the use of fishing line. The ultra thin kind, just warm up your processor if possible (hairdryer), then slide the fishing line through it, then unlatch. Works every time.
And you tried that... why? I'm confused. Did you try to remove teh HSF while Priming so it was warm?

If so, eek... Thats uh, not good...
Socrilles17 said:
check to make sure it isn't something else causing the instability, on my sn85 (i think) the northbridge southbridge, would get extremely hot putting a small fan over it relieved some instability
done. re-thermal'd, checked many times, good temps, fan goes on low or normal never high. nothing seems outta the ordinary there. but good tip
Casca said:
Maybe not as clean as you think. Get some of this STUFF or similar and spray the hell out of the cpu and mobo, while holding it upside down or in a way to allow it to drain out. I used trich in the past and that stuff is just great for cleaning electronics, not so good for the environment. Now we use some crap that changes from time to time, but we just call it tweet-in-a-can or powerwash.
a 2nd CPU is doing the same thing so I've ruled out the cpu
Bbq said:
what I like to do, is the use of fishing line. The ultra thin kind, just warm up your processor if possible (hairdryer), then slide the fishing line through it, then unlatch. Works every time.
the cpu seat posts wont allow this but nifty idea =) ...its now become an issue I'll tinker with when it suits. will try another psu, fully remove everything and scutinize more. I've yet to see it crash with 512 ram but wtf can play source, DOW with 512 ram? not me.

I'd like to see more people try removing this hsf without the cpu. its a buggar. altho I did do it once through all this =)
Have you mem tested each 512 stick to see if one of them is bad? That would be my next step.
Blow dryer until the 'sink is a bit warm, then gently twist back and forth. Be patient. :)