Refurbished HDD's?

May 4, 2008
I've bought quite a few refurbished things before, but never a pc component. seems to have quite a few refurbished drives for fairly cheap. Is there anything to look out for when purchasing a refurbished drive? Will I get about as much life as retail or OEM drive? Any info is appreciated.
Only my opinion, but...
I will not trust my data to a refurbished hard drive. Too much risk.
That's more towards where I was leaning, actually. I'm probably gonna go with a Retail/OEM WD off newegg. Thanks for your response.
The only time I use refurbished HDDs is from RMA replacements. I've RMA'd dozens of drives over the years, and only 2 instances in which the refurb replacements failed. I would not buy a refurbished HDD.
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I've bought many refurbished things with no problem.

If the refurb and the origional don't have the same warranty, I consider that a problem and look at the price difference to determine my purchasing decision.

That being said, there isn't a HD made that the price difference would make me find a refurb attractive.

You pay your money and take your choice but if you can only afford a refurb 750GB HD, get a new 500GB drive instead. :)

Leave the refurb HDs to those guys looking for bargain premade external storage.
Typically drives that are sold in retail as refurbished will not be warranted by the OEM, and I have seen warranties as short as 30 days on some refurbs. If the OEM does not trust their own equipment anymore, I certainly don't.

I've picked up a few of the seagate 750 GB 7200.11's off of woot before. I haven't run into any problems with them yet, then again I only use them as scratch drives for multimedia processing.
I wouldn't touch one with a ten foot pole...not only are they second-hand and recycled using used and possibly worn parts, but the warranties to cover such drives make it obvious what the manufacturer believes to be its useful life cycle: nil.

Don't trust your data for one just to save a few extra bucks'll regret it in the future.
I've bought quite a few refurbished things before, but never a pc component. seems to have quite a few refurbished drives for fairly cheap. Is there anything to look out for when purchasing a refurbished drive? Will I get about as much life as retail or OEM drive? Any info is appreciated.

I wouldn't worry about refurbished drives too much. Most people don't know this, but "refurbished" drives tend often simply be brand new hard drives that were in full systems but pulled as parts from systems that did not sell fast enough. I've had good luck with used/refurb drives.