Red Alert 3

I'll pick this up as long as it's not a rehash effort ala C&C3. Too many new features have hit in RTS games since that should be a standard feature now. (Cover system ala Company of Heroes, Dual monitor support ala Supreme Commander, etc.)
Just thinking about how much RA1 rocked. When did RA become so ridiculous? Bear cavalry? Dolphins? Did RA1 have any of these borderline fantasy units?
There were attack squids and dolphins in RA2, RA1 had attack dogs. Been waaaay to long since ive played the first RA, but ill fire up RA2 every now and then, awesome full montion cut-scenes.
Watched the trailer many times in a row...that song combined with the sneak peaks is damned addicting.
it was shitty on its inital release but with the latest patches the game is awesome and a very good rts !!
Sweet! I loved me crazy but I liked Yuri's Revenge too.

Yuris Revenge was sweet. I loved the mind control powers of Yuri. Used to just for fun, used Yuri to mind control a whole army of enemies units and have them attack there own base. This wasnt the normal take over this unit and send him back. No, I took it up a step and would take over 50-75 units before sending them back. The memories I had in that game. I hope RA3 brings back some of these good moments.
I never really got into RTS until around Yuri's Revenge but I am looking forward to this a lot.

Yea, that is weird, wonder what EA's obsession is with always having three races playable.

I think its because Starcraft had three races.

you guys didn't like C&C3?

I loved it.

. Knowing what EA has done to the Need for Speed series, and now that I'm heavily into SupCom:FA, I don't really have high hopes.

EA always had their hands in the NFS pie from the begining. However every good NFS release was done by EA Canada (Vancouver I think), every crappy title was EA Seattle.
Kirov's will fuck your shit up, srsly. I was always in love with these thing and the tesla defence coils....ahhhh man the memories. Heres hoping EA doesn't drop the ball on this one (hoping a lot....)
Just thinking about how much RA1 rocked. When did RA become so ridiculous? Bear cavalry? Dolphins? Did RA1 have any of these borderline fantasy units?

RA2 had some pretty crazy units. Trained dolphins, attack squids, tesla, mirage, and prism tanks, Yuris, chrono legionnaires, etc. The entire game was pretty over the top, so it's actually pretty reassuring that EA is continuing that style.

Kirov's will fuck your shit up, srsly. I was always in love with these thing and the tesla defence coils....ahhhh man the memories. Heres hoping EA doesn't drop the ball on this one (hoping a lot....)

Considering how awesome C&C3 is and how good the game looks based on the previews so far, I'm pretty confident that this game is going to kick some major ass. Plus, they'll have time to fix up the gameplay during the beta, so hopefully the game will be well-balanced on release, which was the main flaw with C&C3.
I look forward to it, but if they clean up Starcraft 2 well enough (look on youtube, there is a good video on what is wrong with the beta that we HOPE will get fixed) that should be fun as well. RA2 wasnt the best, but it was one of the best... but nothing has beat Dawn of War IMO... DoW2 should rock my world. RA3 has potential though... I too liked the Yuri expansion... I thought it was pretty cool. As for 3 races... well... I think its the whole 'rock, paper, scissors mentality. If you dont like this, try DoW, there are 9 races to feud with which makes 'random select' games very fun... you really dont know what you are going to get, and the units are far from being graphic-swapped clones of each other like some other games (Warcraft3 = lame).
Warcraft 3 doesn't have any models reused for different units. Have you played it?

I'm not saying the rts aspect of the game was all that great, but the custom maps made it survive.
Warcraft 3 doesn't have any models reused for different units. Have you played it?
He's not saying the models were reused, have you read his comment? He says the units are the same except for their appearance. Pretty much the opposite of what you're reading into it. While I don't necessarily agree with this in the case of Warcraft 3, Warcraft 1 and 2 were most certainly guilty of this.
Its been a while, so Im a little fuzzy, but every faction had a similar 'dragon' unit, or calvary unit, or ground soldier unit, etc. which all served the same role in each army with minimal variation.

Its not like DoW where sure, you have some nearly identical units, but they behave in totally different ways for each team. One of the most underestimated RTS games ever that threw all that out the window was Impossible Creatures.
I think you mean underrated :). And yeah, Impossible Creatures was awesome.

Nah, I like my 'Bush-isms'. Ginormous, misunderestimated, strategery,

I miss IC, wish it got more play because then they could make a second one... the whole concept of designing your army before you play is something I have yet to see in another game.
I don't have high hopes for this RA3, because of how, shall I say, seperated it is. It is an alternate storyline (RA3, last I heard, is about an alternate timeline from 2), of an alternate storyline (the Allies win storyline from the RA1), of an alternate storyline (the original C&C storyline, which happens if the Soviets win RA1). That, and I think EA somewhat mishandled C&C3.
Well, RA2 was all about multiple timelines in the first place... people jumping back and forth for various reasons and messing up the timeline every time they do so... so the whole idea of ANOTHER ALTERNATE TIMELINE for RA3 is exactly what one might expect.
I don't have high hopes for this RA3, because of how, shall I say, seperated it is. It is an alternate storyline (RA3, last I heard, is about an alternate timeline from 2), of an alternate storyline (the Allies win storyline from the RA1), of an alternate storyline (the original C&C storyline, which happens if the Soviets win RA1). That, and I think EA somewhat mishandled C&C3.

Yuri's Revenge was also an alternate timeline and that turned out really well, so I don't see how that aspect of the storyline would really make a difference to the gameplay.
One of the most underestimated RTS games ever that threw all that out the window was Impossible Creatures.

i loved that game :p in my book, "Wages of War" was one of the most underrated strategy games, too. i loved it, and i'd love to see something similar being released, but i doubt it will ever happen. at least i have my Commandos to fill in that gap.

anyway, can't wait for this one to come out. seems like we have some great times ahead. RA3, SC2, D3, Stalker... and people say PC gaming is dying :D
Well, the RA2 games were ok, but I never really got into them. I never really liked the whole "cutesy funny campy" thing that happened with C&C after RA2. The original C&C, Red Alert, and Tiberian Sun were all serious in tone. They had a few outrageous units, but they were, overall, not intentionally campy. The game took itself seriously. After RA2, it all became almost a joke. And that affected the gameplay. The whole joke was shoved in your face. Generals, and C&C3, too (although C&C3 to a lesser extent).

My issue with the fact that they keep pulling alternate stoylines out of RA is that they apparently can't keep it going without doing so. They have to keep pulling alternate storylines out of their rears so that they can keep coming out with something more and more outrageous. It just gets tiring.

However, I must admit I have fun when playing all the C&C games that have been released (ignoring the abortion that is Sole Survivor). I enjoyed having purple Hulks and UFOs swarming someones base. And I will probably have fun playing RA3. But, I know that the entire thing is not going to take itself seriously, and is, invariably, going to feel like a farce. Which, to me, doesn't feel like C&C.