Red Alert 3

OH SNAP!! I've been waiting a long time for this. I can't even begin to count how many hundreds of hours I spent playing RA2. Now I've got something to look forward to. :D
Sequel to the best RTS game ever. After seeing what EA did with the C&C franchise, I have high hopes for this one :D.

RA2 was fun w/the blimps & stuff, but the 1st Red Alert was one of my all time favorites

Teslas (w/10 advanced powerplants) Mammoth tanks..V2s..."Repeerting ... Affirmitive!"
Proper Zoom Out.

Simple as that. Lets hope the developers play SupCom otherwise it will be a claustrophobic experience must like C&C3 currently is.
Fuck yes, I can't wait to get my hands on this bad boy. RA is what brought me into gaming!
I love Red Alerts way more than C&Cs, man RA2 was fun. Cant wait for this.
Red Alert 1 was twice the game of Red Alert 2.

That being said Red Alert 2 was still good.
dammit! I was just coming here to post this lol.

But ya, Red Alert was awsome and I cant wait to go by my copy of the expansion for C&C3 and gte my beta slot for RA3 lol

I always enjoyed the units and story lines alot more in RA than I did in C&C for some reason.
im going to get the april pcgamer mag just because it'll have ra3 EXCLUSIVES! probably not much, but oh well.
im going to get the april pcgamer mag just because it'll have ra3 EXCLUSIVES! probably not much, but oh well.

Comes out the first week of march. Can't wait. And it seems ANYONE who buys the new CNC3 expansion gets a beta invite for RA3. Hell ya...
"In Red Alert 3, the desperate leadership of a doomed Soviet Union travels back in time to change history and restore the glory of Mother Russia. The time travel mission goes awry, creating an alternate timeline where technology has followed an entirely different evolution, a new superpower has been thrust on to the world stage, and World War III is raging. The Empire of the Rising Sun has risen in the East, making World War III a three-way struggle between the Soviets, the Allies, and the Empire with armies fielding wacky and wonderful weapons and technologies like Tesla coils, heavily armed War Blimps, teleportation, armored bears, intelligent dolphins, floating island fortresses, and transforming tanks."

I thought this was supposed to be red alert, not yellow alert. And you know the game will be gimped thanks to 360/ps3 development. Ill pass. Thanks ea, for butchering another one of my childhood memories for a quick buck.
Proper Zoom Out.

Simple as that. Lets hope the developers play SupCom otherwise it will be a claustrophobic experience must like C&C3 currently is.

I'm with you, after playing a ton of SupCom I have a hard time going back to any RTS, I feel wayyyy to close to the ground.
I thought this was supposed to be red alert, not yellow alert. And you know the game will be gimped thanks to 360/ps3 development. Ill pass. Thanks ea, for butchering another one of my childhood memories for a quick buck.

C&C3 was developed simultaneously for 360 and PC, and the game turned out awesome. This is being done by the same team, so I'm sure they'll be able to manage without gimping the PC version(plus they know what will happen to their reputation if they fuck this up). Hopefully they'll zoom the view out more, but even if they don't as long as the gameplay is there I'll be getting this game.
C&C3 was developed simultaneously for 360 and PC, and the game turned out awesome. This is being done by the same team, so I'm sure they'll be able to manage without gimping the PC version(plus they know what will happen to their reputation if they fuck this up). Hopefully they'll zoom the view out more, but even if they don't as long as the gameplay is there I'll be getting this game.

I didn't like CNC3 either. It was a mediocre RTS, but it wasn't a proper command and conquer game, not by a long shot. I've posted on this before, if you do a quick search for my posts if you would like an elaboration on the subject. And its not like EA has anything close to a positive reputation anyways....
they have made it clear in the past that all they are concerned about is their bottom line.
Sounds more like Generals to me now that they are throwing in the Chinese Empire as a major faction.
Yea, that is weird, wonder what EA's obsession is with always having three races playable.
i always thought red alert was command & conquer, i've been out of pc gaming for a long time, can someone clue me in what the difference is?
Red alert is just part of the Command and Conquer franchise.

I have a soft spot for C&C, it was the first RTS I ever played and I really liked it, but then kind of grew away from RTS gaming, primarily because I was so bad at the more complex ones like TA.

But the "welcome back commander" style lines from the new C&C kind of fired up some good memories and really got me in the mood for the C&C3 singleplayer.
i always thought red alert was command & conquer, i've been out of pc gaming for a long time, can someone clue me in what the difference is?

There are basically two series in the Command & Conquer universe. You got Tiberium series and the Red Alert series. The Tiberium series deals with the NOD and GDI factions while the Red Alert series deals with the US and Russian factions. Red Alert has a cold war theme going for it while Tiberium is more futuristic. But Red Alert two combined futuristic weapons and squads with todays weapons and squads. There was the General series but we dont talk about that series cause it blew hardcore.
There are basically two series in the Command & Conquer universe. You got Tiberium series and the Red Alert series. The Tiberium series deals with the NOD and GDI factions while the Red Alert series deals with the US and Russian factions. Red Alert has a cold war theme going for it while Tiberium is more futuristic. But Red Alert two combined futuristic weapons and squads with todays weapons and squads. There was the General series but we dont talk about that series cause it blew hardcore.

ahhhhh ok, now i remember - it's been years for me but now it's all coming back. yes i too loved the red alert far more than the tiberium series. i'll have to pick this up when it comes out in march!
My one complaint is that they are sticking with the comical aspect start with RA:2. I enjoyed the "seriousness" of the original Red Alert. Hopefully we'll find out more about Kane!
To be fair, we actually don't know what style they're going with since all we've seen are a few screenshots. I actually liked the comical style of RA2 though, it really fit the wacky "what if" atmosphere of the series. Plus, some of the Soviet FMVs were pure comedic gold :D.
Didn't mind the comical style of RA2. In fact, I liked it significantly better than RA1's seriousness. It was different. Too many RTS games nowadays are a bit too "serious".
Keep in mind the screenshots we see now are in no way the final product. All the team did was slap some images/models on there to start testing multilayer and will continue to update the graphics as development goes.
Keep in mind the screenshots we see now are in no way the final product. All the team did was slap some images/models on there to start testing multilayer and will continue to update the graphics as development goes.

Very true. In fact, from what I've read, all the pics shown so far are at low res.
I also cut my teeth on this(and MOHAA) and it was the best. I still play Yuri's Rev.C&C Generals is my fav though. :cool::D
I have no faith in EA to do any justice to Red Alert. I'll just stick with my C&C95, tyvm. If only Westwood Chat still worked :(
Ugh, stop adding races. I feel it takes more away than it adds. I didn't really like having the Scrin pop up in CnC3.
Fuck yes, I can't wait to get my hands on this bad boy. RA is what brought me into gaming!

Yeah, me too. I convinced my parents to let me put a 10Mbps hub and cables through my house just so I could play RA with my brothers. Then came Starcraft, NFS3, and Half-Life, that that was it for me.

IMHO, RA2 sucked pretty bad. So bad that I haven't gone back to the C&C series since. Knowing what EA has done to the Need for Speed series, and now that I'm heavily into SupCom:FA, I don't really have high hopes. Just waiting on Starcraft 2 now.