Recording streaming music...illegal?


Limp Gawd
Jun 29, 2004
I like to listen to streaming music via winamp (through shoutcast), and I saw an application on sourceforge that captures the streaming songs and saves them as MP3's. Is such a thing legal to do? I mean the content is free, so I can't really say I'd be stealing it. Would gathering a cache of MP3's in this manner be legal, then? Or is it no different than using a P2P client?
I don't see how it would be any different than recording to tape from the radio. So if that's legal, then so's this.
Churnd said:
I don't see how it would be any different than recording to tape from the radio. So if that's legal, then so's this.

Heh, is that legal? I asked me roommate a similar question and he referred to VCR's. I mean I won't be sharing the music online or selling it or anything. I'm just making it replayable whenever I want (and I suppose I'd burn a few CDs too).

Thanks, Churnd. Anyone else know anything?
i dont know if its legal or not, but i know its frickin awesome to get things that are made for internet radio

err i mean why would anyone do this.... especially me.... i will look down on you if you do this! :rolleyes:

Seems to me it's no different than recording off TV using VCR or PVR, or radio using tape. As long as you don't sell/distribute, that is
Now that streaming stations have to pay the RIAA per song, per listener, I would assume that their broadcast falls under fair use meaning that you can record it for personal use but can not distribute it. I use stream ripper to record radio paradise, but send them $20 or so whenever I have spare cash in my paypal. I say go for it, but dont toss out your directory on p2p networks.
Austin said:
Now that streaming stations have to pay the RIAA per song, per listener, I would assume that their broadcast falls under fair use meaning that you can record it for personal use but can not distribute it. I use stream ripper to record radio paradise, but send them $20 or so whenever I have spare cash in my paypal. I say go for it, but dont toss out your directory on p2p networks.

Thanks, Austin and everyone else who responded :)
cyberslag5k said:
Heh, is that legal?

Depends what country you live in. In Germany you may make a recording of any radio broadcast you wish, you cannot sell or give away that recording though.