Recommend free image editing program


Limp Gawd
Apr 16, 2003
In the past, my favorite is MS photo editor, bundled with MS Office. It's small, simple, and does the job. Now, I'm not using MS Office anymore. MS Paint is not enough. Example, when I do a screen capture (alt+print screen), with MS photo editor, when I paste the image, the program will automatically adjust the picture size to fit the image. Not the case with MSpaint.

any recommendation?
In mspaint you just set the size to 1x1 then paste in your screen capture. That will enlarge the size of the box to whatever is needed. Also if you need to resize images ms has a powertool for xp that does it that is free.

Other then that yea GIMP is good.
General Crespin said:
As far as I know, irfanview is just an image viewer. I used to like it a lot, but now I'll take picassa anytime.

I'll try GIMP. I've heard about it many times for linux, but didn't realize it is available for windows too.
GIMP is good. :) It has the exact feature I wanted (pasting form a print-screen scrrenshot). However, the fonts on the app itself looks weird in my system, like some letters being cut off. Any ideas?
pika2000 said:
GIMP is good. :) It has the exact feature I wanted (pasting form a print-screen scrrenshot). However, the fonts on the app itself looks weird in my system, like some letters being cut off. Any ideas?

Not sure. Looks good for me on WinXP and Kubuntu.
pika2000 said:
As far as I know, irfanview is just an image viewer.
Actually, you can do quite a bit in IrfanView. Crop, re-size, rotate/flip, etc.

I often use it for "quick & dirty" stuff, because I can get the job done in the time it takes Photoshop to launch. :p
Yes, infranview is amazing for any batch resizing, renaming, anything along the lines of that.
Another vote for GIMP. Once you get used to the interface, it's very powerful. I'm going to give a workshop on cleaning photos this coming friday, using GIMP because it's free and effective.
I like a little free program called Photofiltre
It does almost everything Gimp, Photoshop or Paint dot net can do, plus some, it really rocks, and I use instead of photoshop, even though I do have Photoshop CS2 :D