Reason 8800GT looks so good because no 9800GTX out yet

Everyone is freaking out what a great super deal the new 8800GT is, oh my god the best geek card ever made, it is cool, fast, and cheap :rolleyes:

One reason for that = no 9800GTX out yet. If the 9800GTX was here on sale for $500.00 or so, and twice the performance of the 8800GTX, the 8800GT wouldn't look as good as it does today because it is being compared to the $500 8800GTX.

Otherwise the 8800GT would look average, in SLI it would just maybe be a little above half performance of the 9800GTX most likely. Maybe that is why nVidia has not released a 9800 series yet ??

Also my point is the 9800GTX was supposed to be here around now, one year after the 8800GTX release

yep and the only reason I like my zippy mazda is because flying cars havent been released yet... I mean werent we promised those back in the 60-70's?
yep and the only reason I like my zippy mazda is because flying cars havent been released yet... I mean werent we promised those back in the 60-70's?

unlike flying cars, nvidia already has that card finished, just waiting for something to compete with it.
who wants to spent 220 bucks on a card that will force you into medium or high detail - still leaving out the best?
Those who want the best performance ~$220 can buy. As it stands today, the 8800 GT offers the best all-around performance at its price point.

$220 has never been the domain of the bleeding edge, not since the days of the original 3Dfx Voodoo and the Riva TNT. The only issue here is that there is not a significantly more powerful card available, which is something that will certainly be resolved within the next three to four months.
Those who want the best performance ~$220 can buy. As it stands today, the 8800 GT offers the best all-around performance at its price point.

$220 has never been the domain of the bleeding edge, not since the days of the original 3Dfx Voodoo and the Riva TNT. The only issue here is that there is not a significantly more powerful card available, which is something that will certainly be resolved within the next three to four months.

That's assuming you believe it is bleeding edge. Here is what you need to focus on, and it's the point that several poster and myself has been making: That $220 card won't be $220 in a month or so when the new nvidia card is released. I don't feel this card is bleeding edge, I honestly feel it's insufficient. I also feel my OC'ed 8800 Ultra is insufficient as well. At the current moment this card is a fantastic deal, but even so I don't feel it's up to the task of games currently released - this situation is different from my previous experiences, when the best card on the market played every game at full detail, never can I remember a time where money couldn't get you what you wanted.
you assume

Exactly. No one knows what Nvidia has.

I'd really rather them take their time and get the next gen as perfect as possible instead of rushing it to meet a demand that isn't even there.

The last thing we need is a repeat of the 5 series where they just rush to meet some phantom specs.
The moment hardforum starts paying us to research previous posted material is the day people who post give a shit about that.

I wasn't aware that looking down the page to the other threads on the same topic is considered "research"

If so I should write a few hypothesi?(sp) etc!!!
I wasn't aware that looking down the page to the other threads on the same topic is considered "research"

If so I should write a few hypothesi?(sp) etc!!!

Basically, I'm saying the repost police need to give it up, people don't care.
haha.. man if you own a 22" LCD and you're trying to play Crysis - that is hilarious. The GTX can't even run it at full detail whatsoever... It also can't run World in Conflict for shit at full detail either... that's definitely not accurate.

My GTS can play WIC at absolutely full detail with no noticeable slow-downs. :confused:
My GTS can play WIC at absolutely full detail with no noticeable slow-downs. :confused:

at what resolution? Let's see your benchmark... I'm interested to see this because my 4.4GHz E6850 and OC'ed 8800 Ultra don't in DX10.
"acceptable" is a subjective term. For many people 36fps is perfectly fine. For you obviously it isn't. Stop whining that you can't spend $600 and get 10 more fps yet. Your chance will come in due time.

It's not even been a year since the 8 series was launched.
It's not even been a year since the 8 series was launched.

Exactly my point, it hasn't even been a year since the 8 series launched and they are already behind. There's no whining at all in this thread, what I'm saying is you shouldn't be so content with what you consider bleeding edge - the proof is in the performance, not in the hierarchy comparisons. I'm stating that I'm dropping into the teens during heavy battles in WiC with an OC'ed 8800 Ultra and a very OC'ed E6850... if you think a stock c2d and a 8800GT will be acceptable when that isn't, you're in for a rude awakening. I would really hate to see a bunch of forum members go out and get an 8800GT and then get steam rolled with the latest games and be disappointed. I think the best strategy is to wait at least another month and see what ATi does with their next card, and then see how nvidia responds... they you can choose between their latest gen, or the cheaper than now 8800GT. 'Ya feel me?
How are they 'behind'? This generation is like every other. Halfway through games come out that you can't run at mega resolutions with every thing on ultra detail. This is no different than any other product life cycle.

They aren't behind, you are just impatient.
How are they 'behind'? This generation is like every other. Halfway through games come out that you can't run at mega resolutions with every thing on ultra detail. This is no different than any other product life cycle.

They aren't behind, you are just impatient.

That's absurd, read my post again.
Maybe you're right, and I'm wrong. I'm drawing from my experience purchasing cards since the mid 90's - and I just feel this recent generation is impotent in comparison to previous. Yes, they have MASSIVE increases in power consumption and computational power, BUT the games have increased at a MUCH more massive amount in comparison. As an example, my Geforce2 GTS cut through Quake2, and every other game for 2+ years like butter. My 8800 Ultra couldn't run several games at full detail that were currently released... However you explain it, I'm not happy with that. And I really think we should be expecting more than what we have.
who wants to spent 220 bucks on a card that will force you into medium or high detail - still leaving out the best?

I do, and I did. I'm sure there's many others who follow as well.

I apologize if the mid-range/ (low) high-end users get to experience comparable gaming performance for half the price of the GTX/Ultra owners.
/mumbles to himself...

reason 8800GT looks so good is that it is atm the hand down, no arguments accepted, best buy for the money in a video card on the planet and Nvidia will sell boatloads and boatloads of them to the bezillion people that dont need or will not pay $400 for a video card and make several metric steaming tons of money in the process which is "The Game" Nvidia plays, not Cryris or whatever the heck its name is . Dell and HP must be at one anothers throats to get enough product to slap together some Christmas gaming machine specials.

/huh ? what ? wth am I doing in here, yuck ~ !
yo yo yo, my titles to my threads sound like rap lyrics.

The only reason I would even care for a fancy high-end card is that most of the times theres a nice waterfall effect down to the mid and low range in performance. (Only card range I'll ever buy)
I do, and I did. I'm sure there's many others who follow as well.

I apologize if the mid-range/ (low) high-end users get to experience comparable gaming performance for half the price of the GTX/Ultra owners.

Well I guess my comment was kind of stupid. My intention was to say in a month or so that $220 bucks will be considerably cheaper, or it will purchase a considerably more potent card.
Even then, most all of the "nex gen" titles released this year do not play acceptable at full detail - Dirt, WIC, Crysis, etc.. Bioshock runs well, but that's the exception, not the rule. I honestly will go as far to say that I've never spent so much money on a previous system in the past, and had such lackluster results in current games of the time. I think the 8800GT is a great bang for the buck, I just think the bang is extremely underpowered for even today's titles. Everyone wants to compare the 8800GT to the GTX.. oh wow what a bargain, blah blah blah.. people.. focus on the purpose... for video cards.... the 8800GT doesn't run current title's at full detail at any respectible frame rates... who wants to spent 220 bucks on a card that will force you into medium or high detail - still leaving out the best?

It not as fast as past systems because you kids want to run games at absurd resolutions.

People need to stop crying, seriously. The 8800gt can run games acceptable at what used to be the defacto high def resolution (1600x1200) with ease. Now you kids are crying because it struggles somewhat at 2560? Give me a break.
It not as fast as past systems because you kids want to run games at absurd resolutions.

People need to stop crying, seriously. The 8800gt can run games acceptable at what used to be the defacto high def resolution (1600x1200) with ease. Now you kids are crying because it struggles somewhat at 2560? Give me a break.

Dude, I'm no kid. Don't be a dick. Furthermore - take the time to read through the progression of the conversation.
Basically, I'm saying the repost police need to give it up, people don't care.
man im not talkin about reposting >_> the OP has already made a thread "release high end nv gpus already" with the same topic :p and another I think in the NV forum

its not reposting, its spamming. and its makes it hard to look around and actually read other threads about different subjects
man im not talkin about reposting >_> the OP has already made a thread "release high end nv gpus already" with the same topic :p and another I think in the NV forum

its not reposting, its spamming. and its makes it hard to look around and actually read other threads about different subjects

Alright well that's different, I displayed the same ignorance as the subject of the post then. I was assuming you were saying he didnt browse through the recent posts to see if someone else had had a similiar topic, not that he had a similiar topic.
Alright well that's different, I displayed the same ignorance as the subject of the post then. I was assuming you were saying he didnt browse through the recent posts to see if someone else had had a similiar topic, not that he had a similiar topic.

nah if it was a repost, I'd just link the original thread.

but spamming a few new threads to get attention is really annoying imo
The heatsink and fan on my 8800GT are a joke. The fan as default is on 27%, at this speed it is quiet. On anything higher is sounds like a hair dryer. I wish I stuck with my GTS :mad: Really disappointed. Must get a 3rd party cooler. Where's that thread. Bloody hassle.
btw, regardless of the 9800gtx or w/e it may be
the 8800GT looks amazing because it brings 8800GTS640 / 2900XT and higher levels of performance for less then the price of a 320mGTS and just a bit more then an 8600GTS
The heatsink and fan on my 8800GT are a joke. The fan as default is on 27%, at this speed it is quiet. On anything higher is sounds like a hair dryer. I wish I stuck with my GTS :mad: Really disappointed. Must get a 3rd party cooler. Where's that thread. Bloody hassle.

Here's the thread you're looking for. I would suggest looking into water cooling that hoss if you value your peace like I do. Now that I've watercooled everything I idle at 24c and load to 38c and it's quiet enough in my room to notice my ceiling fan needs a little grease.
btw, regardless of the 9800gtx or w/e it may be
the 8800GT looks amazing because it brings 8800GTS640 / 2900XT and higher levels of performance for less then the price of a 320mGTS and just a bit more then an 8600GTS

Quite true, I've never stated that wasn't the case. My only point is with ATi's next card I highly suggest prospective customers to hold off for at least a month. Then they can choose between the 8800GT and the next gen card... and if they choose the 8800GT after all, it will be cheaper. win win.
Quite true, I've never stated that wasn't the case. My only point is with ATi's next card I highly suggest prospective customers to hold off for at least a month. Then they can choose between the 8800GT and the next gen card... and if they choose the 8800GT after all, it will be cheaper. win win.

Yup, even if the 3870 underwhelms, the 8800GT will be more readily available and cheaper then