Read it and weep

Working on another contest ATM we will get back to you guys....don't worry :D
Thank you for the gracious replies.

Our mutual competition along with overclockers keeps this vital project alive with interest.

Yours in folding.
Congratulations guys... well earned. :D

We're sooo gonna smoke you to 150m though. :p
Damn, I knew we should have cut that large diameter optical cable running thru the ocean to that damn isle lol.

:D j/k I'd neverrr do something like that ;)
eh they started out as a prison colony, so i feel better.

then again, we did have a Civil War less than 100 years after our founding...
rayman2k2 said:
eh they started out as a prison colony, so i feel better.

then again, we did have a Civil War less than 100 years after our founding...

The South will rise again! The war of southern oppression will not end until the south is free..................errrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....................I have been here way to long help me!
ezee said:
Wonder about the last two posts.

Small men small cock syndrome?

Nope, its the Sarcastic Bastard syndrome. Doctors tell me its not curable. :p

But really, congrats guys. We'll beat you to 1,000,000,000. ;)
Carnival Forces said:
the Dark Side wins again...the Sith Lords grow stronger! :eek:
There *are* always two... but which is the master and which the apprentice?
Spectre said:
The South will rise again! The war of southern oppression will not end until the south is free..................errrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....................I have been here way to long help me!

Save your Dixie Cups.

Seriously, though, this thread is all about the South rising. and we're certainly more South than you lot.

The South has risen to the top.

eh they started out as a prison colony, so i feel better.

Prior to 1776 the Brits sent their prisoners to the American Colonies as 'indentured servents" for a term of 7 years before manumission. They were one step above slaves.

After the Glorious War of Independence (bloody well done too!!!) the Poms were screwed, had nowhere to dispose of the dross til Cook stumbled onto Van Dieman's Land, latterly the land of OZ.

But like the inscription on your Statue of Independence (great gift from the Frogs) "Send Me your tired, your hungry , your poor and I will build a Great Nation."

Personally I was going to start a thread over on your side "Cograts from the [H]" but your thread title here was a little shitty in my opinion.

Oh well, guess I would have picked a worse one than your if we had made the mark.
ezee said:
Save your Dixie Cups.

Seriously, though, this thread is all about the South rising. and we're certainly more South than you lot.

The South has risen to the top.

Prior to 1776 the Brits sent their prisoners to the American Colonies as 'indentured servents" for a term of 7 years before manumission. They were one step above slaves.

After the Glorious War of Independence (bloody well done too!!!) the Poms were screwed, had nowhere to dispose of the dross til Cook stumbled onto Van Dieman's Land, latterly the land of OZ.

But like the inscription on your Statue of Independence (great gift from the Frogs) "Send Me your tired, your hungry , your poor and I will build a Great Nation."

Isn't it cool that the Ozzies know more about our own history than most of us do? :rolleyes:

No offense, ezee. A sad commentary on the state of American education.

Either way, congratulations and the heat is on, friends. 150M it is. Hope you have good A/C.
Man, all these b0xen we b0rg are going to speed up global warming soon lol

To 150 mega points, LET'S GET IT ON!!!
ezee said:
Save your Dixie Cups.

Seriously, though, this thread is all about the South rising. and we're certainly more South than you lot.

The South has risen to the top.

Prior to 1776 the Brits sent their prisoners to the American Colonies as 'indentured servents" for a term of 7 years before manumission. They were one step above slaves.

My state was a debtors prison refuge. I wonder why people in the states always forget that? They did put us here as a buffer againsty the Spanish in i guess they didn't really want the cream of the crop getting whacked ifn the SPanish ever came North.
ezee said:
Save your Dixie Cups.

Seriously, though, this thread is all about the South rising. and we're certainly more South than you lot.

The South has risen to the top.

Prior to 1776 the Brits sent their prisoners to the American Colonies as 'indentured servents" for a term of 7 years before manumission. They were one step above slaves.

After the Glorious War of Independence (bloody well done too!!!) the Poms were screwed, had nowhere to dispose of the dross til Cook stumbled onto Van Dieman's Land, latterly the land of OZ.

But like the inscription on your Statue of Independence (great gift from the Frogs) "Send Me your tired, your hungry , your poor and I will build a Great Nation."

false, many indentured servants came on their own accord. it was a way for farmers to get help, and to have more settlers come.

regardless though, good job.

but dont expect us to be so easy on the way to 150 mil :)
Somebody had to win... and in the end we all win anyway. I'm just glad it's their electric bill :D

contratulations guys... really, good job.
Commence secret plan to recruit bill gates for team 33 immediately.
xENo said:
Commence secret plan to recruit bill gates for team 33 immediately.
There we go... anyone here in a position to b0rg the entire Microsoft campus for 33?

Na, just slip it into the XP install cd's from the plant.

Borg the world!
marty9876 said:
Na, just slip it into the XP install cd's from the plant.

Borg the world!
Now that would be the borg of a lifetime. :eek:

rayman2k2 said:
false, many indentured servants came on their own accord. it was a way for farmers to get help, and to have more settlers come.

Perish or Prosper: The Law and Convict Transportation in the British Empire said:
For over 150 years from the early eighteenth century, convict transportation was a primary method of punishing serious crime in Britain and Ireland.1 Convicts were first sent to the colonies in North America and the Caribbean and then to three newly established Australian colonies on the other side of the world. Conditions were very different between the two locations, yet the fundamental law of transportation remained the same for decades after the process began in Australia. 1
Before the American Revolution, about 50, 000 convicts were transported from Britain and Ireland to the American colonies.2 After the revolutionary war put a rude end to that, the British government eventually found a new location for its unwanted criminals: the colonies that eventually united to become Australia in 1901. Between 1788 and 1868, another 160, 000 British and Irish criminals were forced to take a much longer voyage to New South Wales, Van Diemen's Land, and Western Australia.3 2
Today, there is much more interest in Australia about convict transportation than there is in America. Dozens of books have been published about Australian convicts, but few about their transportation to America.4 The same difference in focus is evident in legal history, as can be seen by two general legal histories published in the 1980s. Alex Castles's An Australian Legal History5 had one chapter and dozens of other references on convicts and the law, while the second edition of Lawrence Friedman's A History of American Law6 had only one sentence specifically on convict transportation. Castles apparently believed that it was not possible to provide a comprehensive legal history of Australia without extensive reference to convicts, but Friedman thought very differently about America.7

America has always been quite adept at rewriting the umpleasant portions of its history. Put it in the hands of the "spin doctors."

The full text of this article is here:
unhappy_mage said:
There *are* always two... but which is the master and which the apprentice?
i'd say we're the master and they're the apprentice. we've been around longer, but they have a lot of power.

congrats on the 100000000.
ezee said:
America has always been quite adept at rewriting the umpleasant portions of its history. Put it in the hands of the "spin doctors."
I'm sure that no Aussie has ever rewritten history, right? Just substitute the words "People In Power" or "The current ruling party" etc... is more akin to the truth...

We all have our dirty laundry and let's not forget that when poking folks in the eye in pretended fun. ;)