Razer's warranty support is absolute garbage....


Sep 2, 2009
So I've had a Deathadder Black for just a little over a year now and the top finish has worn off in 3 different areas on the top of the mouse. It's left a grit-like texture, similar to the sides of the Logitech G500/G700, uncomfortable as hell and completely impractical to use now. My hands don't sweat a lot during gaming so I don't know what's caused the top-layer to completely wear off. Usually when something like this happens I just bite the bullet and go out and buy a new mouse, but in this case I wanted to see if I could get a replacement via Razer. Long story short, they won't swap out the mouse, they say it's "physical wear and tear", which is not covered by the warranty. I feel that this a manufacturing defect in layer of soft-touch coating they apply to the mouse and there's absolutely no way that I could have prevented this from happening. I take care of my equipment, borderline OCD at times, so manufacturers really burn my ass when they don't stand behind their product.

Has anyone else had a similar experience with Razer? If so, should I continue to try to get a replacement or I'm I just trying to ice skate uphill?


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Physical wear is a very accurate description for a year old mouse. I wouldn't replace it either. Plus its covered under their warranty disclaimer. So they have their bases covered.
That looks pretty typical to me. I'd say full on ocd, not borderline.
Physical wear is a very accurate description for a year old mouse. I wouldn't replace it either. Plus its covered under their warranty disclaimer. So they have their bases covered.

I "second" thesecond's opinion about this :D :p
Razer aren't really noted for their quality... more the opposite... What do you expect from a pricey mouse made of cheap materials? :p
That looks pretty typical to me. I'd say full on ocd, not borderline.

Aesthetics really isn't a concern at this point. It's the fact that the coating has worn off in 3 different areas. The shit underneath feels like 80 grit sandpaper. I'm not a heavy gamer, if I was on the computer 7-8 hrs, 5 days a week maybe, just maybe I could deal with this.
Any chance you can do some touch-up work on your own to relieve the problem, mtbush? Perhaps repaint it somehow, or put something over the rough spot? May be your only alternative if Razer won't replace the mouse, or if you don't want to buy a different mouse.
Any chance you can do some touch-up work on your own to relieve the problem, mtbush? Perhaps repaint it somehow, or put something over the rough spot? May be your only alternative if Razer won't replace the mouse, or if you don't want to buy a different mouse.

Maybe a thin coat of clear nail polish or something similar?
Razer aren't really noted for their quality... more the opposite... What do you expect from a pricey mouse made of cheap materials? :p

Yea, I've had a similar experience. Usually they work decently out of the box, but a lot of razer stuff doesnt seem to hold up for the long haul for many people. That, along with a reputation for bad support/cuts serv, has generally made me steer clear of them.
It's just wear and tear. Some brands just wear and tear better than others. I'm not a fan of razer because I have seen the same with their keyboards and mice. Logitech took back my g15 when the backlighting button went out. It was beat to all hell when I sent it to them. Even the silver coating on the bottom was completely gone. I sent them pictures before I sent it to them and commented on the condition asking if I could just get a replacement button instead. They said the condition wasnt an issue and gave me a return label in the same email.
It's just wear and tear. Some brands just wear and tear better than others. I'm not a fan of razer because I have seen the same with their keyboards and mice. Logitech took back my g15 when the backlighting button went out. It was beat to all hell when I sent it to them. Even the silver coating on the bottom was completely gone. I sent them pictures before I sent it to them and commented on the condition asking if I could just get a replacement button instead. They said the condition wasnt an issue and gave me a return label in the same email.

See, that's awesome, definitely the way it should be done. I left a Logitech G9 to go to the DA Black, I'll probably end up going back to a G9X.
I'm sorry you have to learn about their support this way.

The other manufacturers like logitech and corsair are a better option.
I'm sorry you have to learn about their support this way.

The other manufacturers like logitech and corsair are a better option.

Oh well, just chalk it up as a learning experience I guess. I really do like Corsair as a company, Redbeard is a tremendous asset to the PC gaming community and especially the [H] cases subforum.
I was burned by Razr support on their keyboards. Eventually I emailed the head of Razr or someone high up and it got resolved fast.

Went through 3 lycosa keyboards with them, all defective (and only after my ordeal did I find out the lycosa was a TERRIBLE keyboard that had these manufacturing defects from day 1).
Gotta love my Logitech G5 (the one with the crackly blue texture) - it's the only mouse I've ever owned that the finish hasn't worn off on. I've had it for three years and I hope it lasts at least three more...
Oh, has that what I've been feeling?

I guess I got (somewhat) lucky. If I grab my mouse a certain way, I get the "sand paper" feeling you described but don't usually notice it in use. I figured it was something that was always there and I never noticed before.
I have a Razer Mamba that I've had for over a year now...it's not wearing like this at all. Possibly the way you grip the mouse, is the cause? I wouldn't really consider it a defect...everything gets wear and tear when it's used. No matter how well you take care of it.
I was burned by Razr support on their keyboards. Eventually I emailed the head of Razr or someone high up and it got resolved fast.

Went through 3 lycosa keyboards with them, all defective (and only after my ordeal did I find out the lycosa was a TERRIBLE keyboard that had these manufacturing defects from day 1).
I actually had a Lycosa ruin an installation of Windows. I have no idea how, but I had to reformat because of it. Terrible quality. The hum in the headphones when plugged into it was a nice bonus. :rolleyes:
Warranty normally never covers wear and tear. I did have a Razer Naga where the left click would sometimes double click, called tech support and the RMA process was smooth.

Upgraded to a Logitech G700 during the RMA process and couldn't be happier, the anti sweat barrier does exactly what it's supposed to and the texture isn't rubbing off.
I really wish companies would stop using these stupid coatings on mice. What is wrong with a decent textured plastic? I used a wheel mouse optical for like ten years, not a bit of wear on it. Never slipped out of my hand either.

If your plastic shelled mouse with no coating slips from your hand, the problem is with your hand or environment. Now we have to put up with these coatings that wear off in sometimes as short as three months. Not personally, as I have never owned a coated mouse. Seen more than a few pic of the wear. Which leaves me hesitant to purchase one, plus I really don't like the way that they feel.

I am in the market for something new as the sidewinder x3's sensor is a little wonky to me. But so many of the current mice have these damn coatings. :mad: Or if it's not coated, its glossy. :mad::mad: Cmon mouse companies, repeat after me.....textured plastic
Logitech MX518 and never look back. Thing is a veritable tank and feels great

Which would be great if it wasn't so damn huge. Personally I have a very limited space for my mouse, due to having my synthesizer behind the keyboard and mouse. My mouse space would make the CS players have a heart attack.

I know that I am veering off topic, so I will shut up now.
If you use your computer a lot, your input devices will often look like shit or at least show some signs of wear after a years time. I've had my G700 for a few months and there are already spots in the finish where I click all the damn time. My Das Keyboard started showing signs of key cap "shining" after only a couple months of use. Still feels like new, but the key caps are all glossy. Still got the lettering though so it could still be worse.
Im still waiting for the day Logitech contacts the same oem that make cmstorm quickfire rapids, and filcos and finally brands their own mechanical keyboard. There are very few companies that I would consider myself a fanboy of, logitech is the top on that list.
I don't buy razer products due to the cheap materials used. Your situation is unfortunately one of quality, not warranty.
Tires are not covered under a cars warranty. A year of your hand's sweat and oil and contact is going to wear down the finish a little. The mouse still functions right? I have a death adder that must be 3 years old or more and still works great.
Im still waiting for the day Logitech contacts the same oem that make cmstorm quickfire rapids, and filcos and finally brands their own mechanical keyboard. There are very few companies that I would consider myself a fanboy of, logitech is the top on that list.

Forever and always with logitech. Their shit lasts forever, and my brother always manages to spill something on the keyboards.

I've been through a G15v1, G110, and just recently, and this is my first time ruining them myself, spilled pepsi on the bottom left corner of my G510.

A little sticky, but getting better.

Built phenomenally well.

ANNNND my G9X is holding up incredibly well. I had 3 razer mice before it, and they all died the same way. Left button began to double/triple click constantly and couldn't be held down. Yay. (Just after a year on all of them. )
While I don't think you're complaint is valid, Razer's customer support (and come to think of it, almost all of their products) are fucking completely useless. Even if you have a serious problem with your hardware they are completely useless.
Logitech is a dream compared to razer's customer service.
I had to fix the naga left click issue after about 5 months. The left click plastic piece had a notch worn in it from the (on the inside)contact point. Razer refused to fix it,I will never buy a razer product again.

tldr; razer sucks, i had to fix my own naga with a glue stick and razor blade.
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If you want to claim "manufacturing defect" to ANY mfgr about ANY product, you betta have your ducks in a row beforehand.... meaning explicitly detailed information that will prove beyond a doubt that their product is and/or manufacturing process is defective. Otherwise you are S.O.L. on that front...

Having said that however, I will tell you that I made the awful mistake of buying some of razor's products years ago and had issues with every single one of them from a quality standpoint. NEVER again !

Although I am NOT a fan of spending gobs of money on everything just to justify the belief that stuff thats more expensive is always better. Yes that is true in some cases, but not every one..........

I will spend more $$ to get better stuff, but not until I see proof with my own eyes that it is justified and worth it :)
Wtf, I can't believe people are suggesting you should patch up the worn-down areas with nail polish and plasti-dip. That's awfully ghetto and really missing the point.

I would just stay away from Razer in general. I've never heard anything positive from anyone who owns one long term. It's too bad as they build in so many neat features and they look great, but as a gaming peripheral, the number one priority should be reliability and solid design.
If you want to claim "manufacturing defect" to ANY mfgr about ANY product, you betta have your ducks in a row beforehand.... meaning explicitly detailed information that will prove beyond a doubt that their product is and/or manufacturing process is defective. Otherwise you are S.O.L. on that front...

Nope. Not Logitech. If you have a problem, they take care of you, no questions asked.

They can afford to do this because their stuff almost never breaks. You would be hard pressed to ever find a problem with anything they make. Even after 5 years of use.
Nope. Not Logitech. If you have a problem, they take care of you, no questions asked.

They can afford to do this because their stuff almost never breaks. You would be hard pressed to ever find a problem with anything they make. Even after 5 years of use.

Logitech gave me a replacement mouse with no proof of purchase.
There is a reason I own a logitech keyboard, speakers, two mice and a headset. Their customer service is incredible and their products seemingly last forever.
yep. i ran into trouble with my mouse and they absolutely will not talk to be until i showed them a recept even when it's their own product.
Logitech's cables break all the time for me. I've had a headset and two mice from them. All had intermittent connection problems within two years (the headset probably less than one year), but Logitech sent me new ones with no trouble at all.

Interestingly enough, I haven't broken any of my non-Logitech mice or headsets. My current MX518 is three years old. I'm hoping they'll make a wireless MX518 before this one dies. Probably won't happen, and the G7 doesn't count.
Logitech MX518 and never look back. Thing is a veritable tank and feels great

Using this mouse 6 hours a day on average since 2005 and it's still going strong. Only had to replace the mouse feet once. Thats a tough mouse.
bought a G9x over the weekend, the Deathadder is going to make for a great target for my G21 while hanging from a tree :)