Rate my PC Build

Sep 29, 2006
Hi guys, I'm looking for a mid-range pc build capable of playing bioshock/crysis at decent levels with a $1000 budget. Here is my build so far.

Moniter: 300 - Soyo 24"
PC Case: 40 - Coolmaster RC 690
PSU: 72 - Corsair VX550
CD Drive: 18 - Sony NEC Optiarc Black IDE DVD-ROM Drive
Harddrive: 120 - Seagate 500 GB
RAM: 45 - Crucial Ballistix 800
GPU: 250 - 8800 GT

This gives me about $150 left for mobo/cpu combo and cooling. I'm just looking for a dirt cheap combo and then OC'ing it to repectable levels with the good cooling and RAM. Any suggestions? Thanks.
IP35-E + E2140 should come close but still probably be above $150.

With AMD you can get that Biostar T560+ and whatever the cheapest x2 is, should be close to $150.
There is no possible reason in the world to buy AMD. I used to be an AMD-man, had nothing but AMD (and 1 cyrix) up until last year. Even the $80 e3210 proc overclocks like crazy and outperforms comparable AMDs. A 2mb L2 cache would be nice, but processor power is overrated for gaming.
I'm kinda torn between x2 4200+ Brisbane and e2140 Allendale right now. The e2140 has better OC potential but requires a better mobo, while the 4200+ is hassle free and should be cheaper overall with the mobo. Is the extra performance worth the OC hassle with the e2140?
Do you really need 500GB? If not, I'd go for a 320GB now for $80 and put that $40 towards your CPU/Mobo instead. Then, I'd grab another HDD somewhere down the road if and when you need more space -- or when you find a good deal (like 320GB for $50 when reg. price is $80). Or you can just wait for a great deal to come along, and snag something for like $0.15/GB.

So, with $190, I'd suggest an E4500 for $120 and an Abit IP35-E for $66AR. Ahh crap, the rebate on the IP35-E is gone? Then theres no point in recommending it... ever, lol, over the DS3L.

Anyhow, now I'd suggest dropping the 24" monitor down to 22", and using that saved money instead (for a better cpu/mobo/cooler). The 8800GT wouldn't be as good with 1920x1200 as a GTX or Ultra anyhow. But with 1680x1050, that 8800GT will scream.
I'm kinda torn between x2 4200+ Brisbane and e2140 Allendale right now. The e2140 has better OC potential but requires a better mobo, while the 4200+ is hassle free and should be cheaper overall with the mobo. Is the extra performance worth the OC hassle with the e2140?

For nothing but games, the CPU doesn't really make much difference anyway. However, if you're like me, and you run a couple internet windows, have your email open, play some tunes once in a while, etc etc, the processor makes or breaks your non-gaming usage. That said, I think overclocking is ridulously pointless. I overclocked my e6600 and RAM by 33%, and got a 2% framerate increase. Just not worthwhile. However, the Intel architecture is very good, and will future-proof your machine to some extent. If possible within your budget, get something in the Core 2 Duo line. They are just enough better than the Core 2 Pentium procs (1.6 and 1.8, 1mb L2) that they'll probably keep performing adequately for a year or so more than the lower end units.
So this is what I have right now.. it'll cost 1000-1100 and should handle crysis on medium settings or high with some gpu upgrades.

Moniter: 300 - Soyo 24"
PC Case: 40 - Coolmaster RC 690
PSU: 72 - Corsair VX550
CD Drive: 18 - Sony NEC Optiarc Black IDE DVD-ROM Drive
Harddrive: 120 - Seagate 500 GB
RAM: 45 - Crucial Ballistix 800
Mobo: 90 - DS3L
CPU: 110 - e4500
GPU: 250 - 8800 GT

Now I'm not sure if I want to drop an additional 200 for vista ultimate 64..
For nothing but games, the CPU doesn't really make much difference anyway. ... That said, I think overclocking is ridulously pointless. I overclocked my e6600 and RAM by 33%, and got a 2% framerate increase

You just answered your own point - If the processor isn't that influential in terms of gaming performance then no wonder you didn't see much increase.
Try running something CPU/RAM intensive like video/audio/compression work and you'll probably see a bigger boost.
Now I'm not sure if I want to drop an additional 200 for vista ultimate 64..

Do you need any features of Vista Business? If not, then just get Home Premium. If you do, then look at the features of Home Premium and decide if you need those. If not, then just get business, lol. If you need both, then Ultimate is the way to go. What features do you need from the different versions?
Actually I'm debating whether to try and get a cracked version, but home premium, or stick with xp :p 100-200 seems alot to pay over xp which i already have.
Actually I'm debating whether to try and get a cracked version, but home premium, or stick with xp :p 100-200 seems alot to pay over xp which i already have.

Is your copy of XP retail or OEM? If it's OEM then you can't use it again if its already been installed. Also, don't be an ass and get a cracked OS. In fact you can't mention that here on the forums. If you can afford a new PC, then you can afford a new OS. Vista Home Premium is only $105:
Windows Vista Home Premium OEM - $105

If you go to college, see if they offer a discount on Vista or XP for you. I can get Vista Home Premium Upgrade for $80 or XP for $28 via MSDNAA
Hmm.. this is gonna be a bit over, but at least i'm getting a good system at a good deal right? final revision.

Moniter: 300 - Soyo 24"
-i think the +$80 is worth it considering this moniter is so cheap and should be good quality. screen size is important to me

PC Case: 40 - Coolmaster RC 690
-highly recommended and on sale

PSU: 72 - Corsair VX550
-rock solid and good for up to 8800gtx or even more

CD Drive: 18 - Sony NEC Optiarc Black IDE DVD-ROM Drive
-barebone cd drive is good enough

Harddrive: 120 - Seagate 500 GB
-yeah i need the space because i'm a media junkie.. 120gb of music and 350gb of videos on my external alone

RAM: 45 - Crucial Ballistix 800
-cheap ram and highly overclockable (i hear it can do 1000mhz stock?)

Mobo: 90 - DS3L
-p31 is cheap and solid, good for oc

CPU: 110 - e4500
-should go to 3.2 ghz on stock easily, which is enough

GPU: 250 - 8800 GT
-best gpu pick for now

OS: 100 - vista home premium
-because micro$oft needs the $$

total: $1100 - 1200

not bad i think.. any further comments before i proceed to break the bank? thanks for all the helpful advice btw, this forum is awesome. :)
Change the optical drive to a SATA version, and you'll be all set. Go with SATA because wire management will be easier, and the smaller cable will help provide better airflow.