Random sporadic disk access in XP?


Limp Gawd
Jul 15, 2000
Hi. I have a small problem with XP.
A couple of times every minute (5-10 times) there's a tiny burst of disk access. The HDD light comes on *very* briefly and the drive goes *click* once or twice. This isn't usually a problem and doesn't affect performance (that I can notice). However, when I'm trying to sleep in the same room with the comp on, those irregular clicks wake me up. Also I don't like it when my system does thigns that I can't control or understand, it's like it's possessed :eek:

So how do I *completely* stop all disk access in XP when the system is idle? I have tried shutting down all the typical suspects that I can think of like the anti-virus program (norman), the task scheduler (though nothing is scheduled), the OO defrag process, MSN, System Restore, Firefox and Thunderbird..but something is still accessing the disk a few times a minute, but only reading/writing extremely little data judging by the extremely short bursts of activity.Any ideas? Is there like some monitor program I can use to see which .exe is doing it? It's driving me crazy. :confused:
Hmm that program doesn't seem to actually show which program is accessing the disk. It did however show that it's a write operation, not a read that's occurring.
I'm gonna guess you've got indexing turned on or maybe your AV is writing to its own log file as it scans memory
Actually the indexing service is disabled and I also completely disabled Norman anti-virus.. :confused: