Radeon 4890 Launching April 2nd?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The crew at VR-Zone says that AMD is moving the launch date of the Radeon HD 4890 up to April 2nd since retailers overseas have already begun selling them. I guess that beats launching a product on April Fool's Day.

Since Radeon HD 4890 cards have already started selling in Taiwan and Hong Kong and major etailers and distributors around the world have already gotten the cards, AMD has now decided to bring forward the launch date a week earlier to 2nd of April instead.
Am I sensing some role reversal between ATi and Nvidia now? Is ATi starting to become THE graphics card company again?
Launching the card on April 1st @ something like $100 would really ice the cake for April Fool's Day LOL.
today 09:58 PM
Funcoot Am I sensing some role reversal between ATi and Nvidia now? Is ATi starting to become THE graphics card company again?

ATI is THE graphics card company in japan.

and around where i live, many oldskool people here, and all experienced a hell time with nvidia, unless ati is giving us issues, we aint gonna stop buying ati.

Its like cars, if youve had 6 cars on row from GMC who broke down rather quickly, would you buy them once again, no matter how much you loved them, or try something new, like jap cars.

Well thats what we did, and became quite some fanboys, but I like to stay rather updated, and trying to keep as neutral when people ask tho, but its hard theese days, i say wait for RV740 mostly(not all wanna spend much) and 4870 + 4850 is chosen very very very much.

But when we start going into 48701gb and GTX260 and upwards, its really the famous pepsi challenge.

Rembember, prices overseas can be totally diffrent, and in fact, 4850 is the SAME price as 8800 GT, belive it or not.

Understand my ati passion now? :p
And god damn, cannot edit.

Either way back on topic, this puts ATI into the spotlight, and is something ati actually needs, they need their name more out, some people are probaly having a bad time with ATI, and will eventually fall back, so ati needs just a tad more market share to have the 50% graphics card share(not counting igp)

This might also press prices down aswell, all thank the asians, they push releases forth!

Wonder how GTX275 stacks up
Am I sensing some role reversal between ATi and Nvidia now? Is ATi starting to become THE graphics card company again?

Starting? It's been almost two years since there was any sane reason to purchase an nV card. The "nVidiots" are hanging on for dear life now and it's not looking good for the future either. It wouldn't surprise me if nV folds soon.
The most important thing here is that ATI is actually launching. Nvidia's pulling off a paper-launch with the 275 (unless something has changed since yesterdays releases).
Starting? It's been almost two years since there was any sane reason to purchase an nV card. The "nVidiots" are hanging on for dear life now and it's not looking good for the future either. It wouldn't surprise me if nV folds soon.

The last Nvidia card I purchased was an 6800 Ultra AGP, and it was used. When it died I got a 3850 AGP and then built my new rig with a 4870. Now, I'm already looking to upgrade to a 4890x2
Starting? It's been almost two years since there was any sane reason to purchase an nV card. The "nVidiots" are hanging on for dear life now and it's not looking good for the future either. It wouldn't surprise me if nV folds soon.

You're kidding right?

nVidia hanging on for dear life? What evidence you've came across that indicate so?:confused:

nVidia has been in worse situation with their FX line of cards, they didn't exactly fold because of that back then. And just because you don't think there's any reason for you to purchase nVidia cards (pretty obvious from your name calling:p ) it doesn't meant the rest of the world out there sees thing the same way you do

just my 2cent

On a different note, right now there's hardly any reason for anyone to actually rush out and get the latest and greatest card. With new games going cross platform, graphic requirement has been somewhat saturated
I'm curious why [H] isn't having a tantrum about benchmarks showing up early here, when they clearly had hissy fit issues when numbers from Phenom II appeared ahead of their, "ahem", 'review'. What's up with that? Come on Kyle, where's your front page rant, you're slipping.
Since when was ATi the "top" graphics card company?

The title for fastest single-chip card still belongs to nVidia. Not really an even comparison putting the GTX 285 against a 4870x2, is it?

I've used both ATi and nVidia pretty evenly over the years, and I've always liked nVidia drivers way, way better. More frequent updates, as well.
You're kidding right?

nVidia hanging on for dear life? What evidence you've came across that indicate so?:confused:

nVidia has been in worse situation with their FX line of cards, they didn't exactly fold because of that back then. And just because you don't think there's any reason for you to purchase nVidia cards (pretty obvious from your name calling:p ) it doesn't meant the rest of the world out there sees thing the same way you do

just my 2cent

On a different note, right now there's hardly any reason for anyone to actually rush out and get the latest and greatest card. With new games going cross platform, graphic requirement has been somewhat saturated

LOL +1 for truth
These card releases are only minor refreshes. Too bad to have to wait for the next gen at least to Q3, probably Q4.. ;)
It's been almost two years since there was any sane reason to purchase an nV card.
Really? When I got my GTX 260 it was on sale about $40 cheaper than a 4870 512 (1gb wasn't out yet) -- the 260 was obviously the superior value. I think price/performance is a pretty sane reason for purchasing. Just as it was when I went with ATI for 2 of the 3 cards before that.
Since when was ATi the "top" graphics card company?

The title for fastest single-chip card still belongs to nVidia. Not really an even comparison putting the GTX 285 against a 4870x2, is it?

I've used both ATi and nVidia pretty evenly over the years, and I've always liked nVidia drivers way, way better. More frequent updates, as well.

^ damn the no edit button.