Quick Save - A key feature that devs keep forgetting

Quicksaves are nice but I don't really miss them if they are not there.

What does piss me off is when games do not allow me to replay a level I have already completed.
Quicksaves are nice but I don't really miss them if they are not there.

What does piss me off is when games do not allow me to replay a level I have already completed.

That can be easily circumvented with quicksaves or self-described full saves. Checkpoints/Autosaves don't really help this problem at all. Replay value goes down a lot when certain saving features are excluded & a person isn't able to get to a specific place in a game due to the lack of a save system. Even newer console games like inFamous & Dante's Inferno have multiple save slots; just like older games like Final Fantasy VII & so forth. It's extremely sad when a modern FPS totally lacks anything remotely close to the idea...
...most of them are in too much of a hurry to rake in the cash to take the time to put the in added features a PC version deserves.
Takes ten minutes to build in that kind of functionality for those games that write saves to a dedicated file. Bind a key to save the file. Optionally, add a UI element to indicate that the quicksave has been done (though usually it isn't difficult to tell without it).
The Witcher did it right... you can quicksave but you are still going to have to live with the consequences of your decisions a few hours later. The quicksaves lets you fix small mistakes but you still have to live with the big ones.
Quicksaves are nice but I don't really miss them if they are not there.

I agree. As long as checkpoints are close together and you have some indication of when you passed the last checkpoint (AC2 is vague as to when you hit a checkpoint). I really dont care if I have to replay a minute or two of game to get back to where I was, it both keeps you motivated to not die as well as gives some small, tiny, insignificant punishment for death.

Poorly positioned checkpoints, yeah, that's annoying, but really is having to replay a minutes worth of game such a big deal? It doesn't bother me at all. Someone knocks on my door and I have to quit the game? Oh no, now I have to replay a minute of game to get back to where I was :p

Not like the good old days when death = restart entire game from scratch.
Quicksaves stop badly placed difficulty spikes from ruining games.
I don't use quicksaves... Heck, if it weren't for checkpoints I think the only time I save is when I'm quitting to the desktop.

If a game is good, if a game really sucks me in, the last thing I'm thinking about is saving.

But that's me.
Does anyone else remember what game got them addicted to quicksaves?

For me it was the original Splinter Cell. I don't remember if it was that it was one of the first games I played that supported the feature, or that I HAD to rely on it because I'm not so great at sneaking around in games.


I think it was a huge setback when Ubisoft decided to omit quicksaves, and revert to poorly placed checkpoints in Conviction. I bet anyone who has played the beginning of the "3rd Echelon" level would agree with me.
I don't even want to imagine what these guys would do if the original Resident Evils had quick saves.

Ive played resident evil on a psx emulator that had save states.

Its no fun what so ever. But I have played resident evil to death on the saturn and playstation anyway.
I remember some games scaled the number of quicksaves you got per level depending on the difficulty, first one coming to mind being Soldier of Fortune.

On easy you got unlimited quicksaves, and it went from 5 to 3 to 1 to zero on the hardest difficulty. Come to think of it that game had a ton of difficulty options in general (the gameplay was completely different on impossible difficulty, you permanently had increased run speed to compensate for most enemies being able to 1 shot you.
*quick saves, fails to pickpocket, quick loads, fails to pickpocket, quick loads, fails to pickpocket, quick loads, pickpocket success!*

I love Oblivion. :D

Hahaha, I'm so guilty of this in Oblivion with picking locks. Auto attempt until it works, if I use too many quick load and do it again :D And it's also ruining the sneak aspect of the game for me. Why should I be cautious if I can just start again?

I should un-map the quicksave button.
That can be easily circumvented with quicksaves or self-described full saves. Checkpoints/Autosaves don't really help this problem at all. Replay value goes down a lot when certain saving features are excluded & a person isn't able to get to a specific place in a game due to the lack of a save system. Even newer console games like inFamous & Dante's Inferno have multiple save slots; just like older games like Final Fantasy VII & so forth. It's extremely sad when a modern FPS totally lacks anything remotely close to the idea...

I guess...I just don't care as much as you apparently do.
Quick save take repetative crap out of games, the stuff that drives me crazy.

You run around a level collecting items like health and ammo, get slaughtered by the what-ever enemies, then have to start all over doing the same lame crap until you can kill the what-ever and move on......

If you can quick save, you remove all the running around, get busy, and then are able to move on.

Sure sometimes it can screw you up........but most of the time you get to reduce your frustration.
Not having quicksaves is stupid. If you think it makes the game too easy, don't use it, simple as that.

Removing quicksaving because it makes the game too easy is just as stupid as removing the "easy" or "very easy" mode games often offer because it makes the game too easy.

I don't like doing the same thing over and over again, and I hate getting bosses down to a sliver of health only to lose because I made one mistake. Or even worse, to barely defeat a boss that I've been working on for the past hour, but die a few minutes later because there is no save point. Having quicksave as an option would solve this issue for the people who have it, while not ruining it for people who don't like quicksave because nobody is forcing you to use it.

Its easier to adjust the difficulty by preset modes than by quicksaving which is possible in all modes......................

Come on now people is this [H] or what.. too much faggotry. Chuck Norris wouldnt quicksave. At the same time I must admit I used it too in all the old fps's... its very convenient, but you gotta admit it makes things too easy.

Edit: Maybe im relatively insane and take games too seriosly but the most fun I had in a singleplayer game was playing diablo II in hardcore mode where you couldnt save at all. To be honest i think they should have this option in all games. It really makes you get into the game like youre fighting for your own life when things get rough later on :)

Actually this discussion just made me realize how lame fps singleplayer really is. Play multiplayer nooblars
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Its easier to adjust the difficulty by preset modes than by quicksaving which is possible in all modes......................

Come on now people is this [H] or what.. too much faggotry. Chuck Norris wouldnt quicksave. At the same time I must admit I used it too in all the old fps's... its very convenient, but you gotta admit it makes things too easy.

Edit: Maybe im relatively insane and take games too seriosly but the most fun I had in a singleplayer game was playing diablo II in hardcore mode where you couldnt save at all. To be honest i think they should have this option in all games. It really makes you get into the game like youre fighting for your own life when things get rough later on :)

Actually this discussion just made me realize how lame fps singleplayer really is. Play multiplayer nooblars

Troll much?
PC gamers pride themselves on being better gamers than their console counterparts, yet can't bear to go without a Quicksave feature?

The problem isn't the absence of quicksaves, it's moronic developers who don't know where to sensibly place checkpoints and autosaves. Quicksave is not a neat feature that PC gamers should have, it's the easy way out for thoughtless autosave and checkpoint placings by the developer. Quicksaves definitely make bad game design more bearable, but it doesn't actually improve the game at all. Not to mention the console versions get royally screwed.

Look to the dreadful Army of Two games for cases that are in dire need of quicksaves, because their autosave placements are so terribly bad.

The only cases where quicksaves are warranted for reasons other than bad design are where the PC games are more challenging, games like Dragon Age, the STALKER games and more "hardcore"-type games like Arma 2, etc.
Its easier to adjust the difficulty by preset modes than by quicksaving which is possible in all modes....................
Most games dont allow you to change difficulty mid-game...

Come on now people is this [H] or what.. too much faggotry. Chuck Norris wouldnt quicksave. At the same time I must admit I used it too in all the old fps's... its very convenient, but you gotta admit it makes things too easy.
Chuck Norris? What is this, the Barrens? 4chan? Thats your argument?

Edit: Maybe im relatively insane and take games too seriosly but the most fun I had in a singleplayer game was playing diablo II in hardcore mode where you couldnt save at all. To be honest i think they should have this option in all games. It really makes you get into the game like youre fighting for your own life when things get rough later on :)
Good for you. Some people are mature enough to realize different people play games differently. I know, its tough to care about other people than yourself.

Actually this discussion just made me realize how lame fps singleplayer really is. Play multiplayer nooblars
Youre a typical 12yo douchebag who ruins the internet and the primary reason so many us dont do multiplayer anymore.
IMO, different save styles make sense in different games. In stealth games, I liked the challenge of making it accross an entire field of battle, or else I had to start over. It seemed like that was the point of the game. However, in FPS games, I have always liked quick save options.

If it was a choice to have them or not, I would want them in my games. To often has the wife needed me for soemthing, and I lost a lot of progress. It's not the end of the world, but it would be nice to save right where a left off, and not undo a good portion of progress.

Whatever save system games have, I'll still be buying and playing them.
I like quick save, however it can't be said enough that games need to be different from one another. If every single game out there had a quick save .. I would be sad and bored very quickly. Its nice when you run into a game with quick save, or it would be nice if some games had them (hard games), but sometimes there is great pleasure in getting through choke points in challenging games knowing you had to make it to break it, and you couldn't simply just save whenever like a 5 year old girl would.

Variety is what makes trying new games ... well, fun.
I think Mass Effect 1/2 have the best quick save feature. You can quick save pretty much wherever you want, but not if there are enemies in the area or if you are in a pre-determined fight sequence (as in, the next three halls have no quick save).

Yes, quick save opens the game up to abuse (after every corner or re-doing an action that has a 20% success rate), but sometime I have to get up and leave the game "right now" and a quick save is very nice.
No, but I play MW2 with voice chat enabled and it's not a problem at all. Sure, people talk trash sometimes, but during a match you can only hear your teammates and the rest of the time it doesn't bother me. If it's ever a problem I can just mute voice chat but I rarely do that. Aside from that there's just text which is pretty easy to ignore, but I just find it somewhat amusing when people are complaining/trashtalking. It doesn't bother me at all. The only thing that bothers me is people hacking, but that is a separate issue.
Maybe the games that you think are so hard that include quicksaves were made more difficult by the devs to combat the quicksave syndrome. I'm fine with checkpoints as long as you can reload from several past ones. There are times when a story should take precedent and not be quicksave spammed. How can you get immersed into a game if every 30 seconds you're thinking in the back of your mind, "I should save here just incase."

There is a much greater sense of accomplishment when you complete a longer stretch of a game. Maybe there are certain skills you're developing for use later in game and quicksaves eliminate the need to fully understand them. I know it's frustrating when you lose a chunk of gameplay but it has never deterred me from playing again. I guess it's all in the mentality of the person playing. I'd rather have a game with a great story and get involved in it rather than worry if I'm getting %100 of the bonus ultra hidden accomplishments, or worry about losing my progress. If the story is good enough i'll be back.
Just as an example. I have finished all of FF VII, including vincent and yuffie in my party, killed all of the weapons, collected all materia and bred those hard to aquire chocobos and loved every second of it. Because the story was so put together I went back and replayed a lot of segments. to each there own though. Maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment, or maybe I just prefer a challenge.
Does anyone else remember what game got them addicted to quicksaves?

For me it was the original Splinter Cell. I don't remember if it was that it was one of the first games I played that supported the feature, or that I HAD to rely on it because I'm not so great at sneaking around in games.

For me it was Thief: The Dark Project, and for essentially the same reasons :).

Quicksaving encourages the player to explore and try different/risky things without having to worry about re-doing large sections of the game if they screw up. All first person games should have it.
It is rather irksome when I need to save a game (for any reason, not just because I'm unsure of the game area I'm about to enter) and I cannot because I'm not at a 'checkpoint'. Sometimes I get a phone call, or someone swings by the house and rather than canceling all accomplishments I've made because I need to end the game, I'd prefer to simply hit quicksave and be done.


This mirrors my own thoughts as well

i am ITA with this aswell. give us the option to quicksave. not giving us the option at all is tantamount to a slap in the face.
quick save should be a tick box when you start a new game, if you want to enable it later on you need to do it from the load menu and only if its in the menu, no game in the background

everybody wins
For me it was Thief: The Dark Project, and for essentially the same reasons :).

Quicksaving encourages the player to explore and try different/risky things without having to worry about re-doing large sections of the game if they screw up. All first person games should have it.

I agree.

I'm playing Metro 2033, and there is some great sections where you fight bandits/raiders in dark tunnels, you can stealth entire sections if you please, as you have the ability to put outlights, and take people down with silenced pistols and throwing knives, which is very cool by the way.

However the lack of quicksave is really starting to bug me now, some of the sections are quite hard to entirely stealth, even on easy. Maybe it's not meant to be entirely stealthable but I like that style of gameplay and love to try, however without quicksave to save at sensible point, I find myself repeating the same stuff over and over again.

It's the difference between a really awesome game that I can have fun playing, and something that is just going to repeatedly piss me off until I either stop playing out of frustration or switch tactics to blaze through with guns and feel ultimately unsatisfied.
This is a tough one. I know in some games it's annoying to not have a quicksave, but in others it simply trivializes any sense of difficulty since you can instantly replay the same 5 second span over and over until you get it perfect.

But having the option there is nice. Depending on the game it could be worked out as a difficulty setting and give achievements/points/whatever is appropriate for the game if you don't use it.
This is a tough one. I know in some games it's annoying to not have a quicksave, but in others it simply trivializes any sense of difficulty since you can instantly replay the same 5 second span over and over until you get it perfect.

No matter how lame that may seem, if someone wants to save every 5 seconds, let them.
I remember a time where games used to be fun, that if you found it more fun to quicksave every 5 seconds because it improved the game, you weren't judged because of it.

Now all we have is checkpoints. I remember playing mass effect and there was a checkpoint before a lengthy cutscene, which was before a boss that could more or less kill you in a few hits, or 1 charge or something.

I'm im just sitting there on my 5th attempt watching the same fucking unskippable cutscene AGAIN, just boiling with rage :mad: