Quick question regarding CPU


Limp Gawd
Sep 17, 2010
My backup server got waay behind as I first revamped my home network. But things are looking up. So I'm about to get my CPU, PSU, RAM and OS hard drive.

But what kind of AMD CPU (not Intel, I've already bought my motherboard) would I require? I'll mostly be doing file serving to my home network and perhaps some virtual machines, some day.

Do I go with a 2,3 or 4 core cpu? And what OS HD is recommended?

Thanks, I'll be updating my build thread in the near future:))
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You should be fine with the Athlon II X2 250 CPU.
OS drive wise, just go for the Samsung F3 1TB.
i have ~18 drives via SAS expander and RAID card, and Atom 330 (dual core) with 2 gigs of memory is handling them pretty well!
Just ordered a X2 250e (green power right). Apparently, I need a 2,5" OS drive to fit in the Norco. Is that even a good idea, such a drive will be considerably slower than a 3,5" one.