Question on power supply


Dec 5, 2006
Getting ready to upgrade my video card and I have an Antec True power 380 right now with the following hardware:

E8400 CPU
Radeon 4850
4 gb ram
pioneer cd burner/dvd rom combo
creative platinum with the daugher board and external i/o panel
1tb storage drive sata
40gb SSD intel X25M
logitech g15 keyboard
logitech g9 mouse

I am going to either a GTX 460 or a Radeon 6850 with a possible move in a few months to SLI or Crossfire but I am not 100% decided on that. If I do that obviously my power requirements will change, but if everything else remained the same, would my Antec 380 cut it for the single video card upgrade alone? I think I will be underpowered but not totally sure because the 6850 TDP is supposedly around 127, while the 4850 is 114. The GTX 460 shows as either 150 or 160, for that card I think I am asking for trouble but could I squeak by with what I have? To be honest I feel like I am underpowered already but this system has been rock solid for over a year.

I would get probably this Antec:

Or this Corsair:
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The original Truepower and Truepower 2.0 PSUs had a design flaw which resulted in capacitors overheating and being damaged over time. Considering how old that PSU must be, I would say that it isn't safe to use with a modern PC. As for the two PSUs you linked to, I would recommend the Antec, unless you really need more power. If you do need more power, I'd go with this:
Antec's are Bada$$. I have picked up 2 on specials and they are perfect. Lots of power at a decent price (on sale :p)
Another option could be Seasonic S12II 520W

And with that system 400W is plenty. My system in sig is running on a 430W Enermax without any problems. So it is unlikly that you are underpowered.