Question about B3 RMA


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 12, 2003
Anyone know how this is gonna play out? Do we get the new B3 board before we have to send this one back, or do we gotta put ourselves out of a computer for 1+ days to get the new one by sending this one back first?
In most cases you send the board in first, prior to getting a new one sent to you. However almost every company out there will do an advanced RMA, they will require you to secure the board on a credit card. In which case they send you a new one, and you have 30 days to send back the other, or your charged. I have done advanced RMA everytime I have needed to RMA stuff.
As far as I know (and if I remember it correctly), on Asus' higher end boards (P8P67 Pro, Deluxe, Sabertooth and Maximus IV Extreme) you can have Asus send you the board first with a valid credit card as a security, then you ship your flawed board back to them on the prepaid shipping label they send with your new board. Top customer service, I tell ya. No cost to you. Not for higher board owners anyway. For the lower end boards, unfortunately, you will have to pay to ship the board back to Asus.
As far as I know (and if I remember it correctly), on Asus' higher end boards (P8P67 Pro, Deluxe, Sabertooth and Maximus IV Extreme) you can have Asus send you the board first with a valid credit card as a security, then you ship your flawed board back to them on the prepaid shipping label they send with your new board. Top customer service, I tell ya. No cost to you. Not for higher board owners anyway. For the lower end boards, unfortunately, you will have to pay to ship the board back to Asus.

Is that only for the deluxe and up what about the pro version?
It depends on where you bought it from and if you choose to go through the retailer or the manufacturer. I have a Gigabyte board purchased through MicroCenter, so when my replacement is ready in store, I'll take mine in, and walk out with the replacement.

Since you know where you purchased it from, you should be aware, or can quickly find out what your options should be.
Well I bought it from NewEgg, hence why I asked about shipping it off. I mean it's working great, stable at 5 ghz right now on B2 revision, but the idea that I need that B3 means I have to swap them.
I think that ASUS is doing the advanced RMA for all motherboards (not just the upper end) for this recall.
Q: What action should I take if I have already purchased a GIGABYTE 6 series motherboard?

A: Firstly, please determine your computer setup. No action will be needed if you only use the SATA 3 ports. If you are using the SATA2 ports, then there are possibilities that the device’s performance will decrease after a period of usage. To ensure the highest standard of customer support & services, GIGABYTE recommends that all customers who purchased GIGABYTE 6 series motherboards contact their local dealer (retail store where you purchased the motherboard) at the end of April for a motherboard exchange. GIGABYTE will provide an equivalent new motherboard replacement.

Q: What is the GIGABYTE swap policy for GIGABYTE 6series motherboards?

A: GIGABYTE will provide a replacement motherboard with the new 6 series chipset onboard at the end of April in order to reduce any inconvenience to our customers who are affected by this issue.

Q: What is the SOP for GIGABYTE 6 series motherboard exchange?

A: At the end of April please take your 6 series motherboard to the same store where you originally purchased it. If the product is not available at that time, please leave the series number and your personal contact details with the store and wait for further notice.

Q: When will the replacement be available?

A: According to Intel’s production plan, the 6 series B3 stepping chipset will be available by April, 2011. GIGABYTE will produce and ship replacement motherboards according to Intel’s chipset shipping schedule.


Newegg has said they are offering refunds until around the same time for the boards. Too lazy to get a source, if this affects you check eggxpert.
As far as I know (and if I remember it correctly), on Asus' higher end boards (P8P67 Pro, Deluxe, Sabertooth and Maximus IV Extreme) you can have Asus send you the board first with a valid credit card as a security, then you ship your flawed board back to them on the prepaid shipping label they send with your new board. Top customer service, I tell ya. No cost to you. Not for higher board owners anyway. For the lower end boards, unfortunately, you will have to pay to ship the board back to Asus.
for this recall they are doing advanced with all mobos
It depends entirely on where you bought it and who you're doing the RMA with bro. I bought my MSI P67A-GD55 from Newegg, both Newegg and MSI are offering to do advanced RMAs where they send you the new board first (while taking your CC info just in case) and then you have 30 days to send the old one back with a pre-paid shipping label that they provide. I went w/Newegg simply because they contacted me first, I'm not sure if MSI's US offices have the replacement boards in yet but Newegg definitely does.

MSI even added a USB 3.0 bracket for two extra ports on the GD55 (GD65 always came with it), so I'm happy I'm getting a little something extra for my trouble.

Newegg's already sent out e-mails to some customers asking them what option they'd like to do btw (advanced, regular, or no RMA), you just reply with your choice and phone number and they call you back. They've got an entirely different department set up for it (than the regular returns dpt.), if you haven't received the e-mail just call the regular CS number and ask them to forward your contact info to the people handling the SB stuff.