Quantum Conundrum $3, Activates on Steam

I paid full price when it came out (I got all of the future DLC as well) and am happy with the purchase. Its a physics puzzle game similar to Portal in a lot of ways, but different enough to make it worthwhile. Well worth $3 if you enjoy physics puzzle games. You will want a controller as keyboard/ mouse isn't suited well for this game.
Thanks, I really wanted to try this game out and at $3 I can't resist even if I don't play this for a few weeks.

[e]Also for any other first time GameFly users the coupon code is entered after you enter your CC info.
Isn't this the game that's narrated by 'Q'? (John De'Lance)

I haven't played it yet but my little brother (20 year old) enjoyed it immensely.
Had trouble finding the Steam key after purchase, it seemed to want me to install the Gamefly Client (not happening) but finally found it in Purchase History.
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