Quake Champions Closed Beta Needs You


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
The Quake Champions Closed Beta signup is now open! Go here to get an opportunity to join in the fun! I want to play the eyeball level and gib some players! 120Hz game play sounds awesome too! The release date is scheduled for 2017 on the PC.

20 years ago, Quake set new standards for multiplayer competition and pushed the boundaries for graphics and gameplay. The fast, skill-based arena-style competition that turned the original Quake games into multiplayer legends is making a triumphant return with Quake Champions.
Very interested.

Could've raised child to adulthood in that time but no, I fed my ego :D
No sign up unless you subscribe to Bethesda's newsletter. Keep that in mind. I really hate these guys. id deserved better :(
Gave them one of my general throw away email addresses I use for spam stuff... so yeah I clicked the "sign up for newsletter" don't care if they spam the hell out of me I'll never see it.
Didn't have a suitable computer back when but I played the hell out of this on the Dreamcast! Fun times on 56k!
Upon sign up, do you receive a confirmation email? Edit: I tried signing up with a different address and this time triple checked what I typed. Still, there is no confirmation for me.
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God, do we really need more rocket jumping arena play. Just give me a solid single player game with COOP and pvp abilities.
God, do we really need more rocket jumping arena play. Just give me a solid single player game with COOP and pvp abilities.

The world could definitely use more co-op games like Borderlands 2 & Splinter Cell Blacklist. But I have to imagine it's harder to do that kind of thing than it is to throw two teams of people into a confined space with overpowered weapons.
God, do we really need more rocket jumping arena play. Just give me a solid single player game with COOP and pvp abilities.
I totally agree with you. Cooperative play is largely ignored and in this case the entire single player campaign as well. I feel once again we are getting shafted on a true Quake 1 style game. If it weren't for the throwback player models, the videos that have been released look like an Unreal Tournament/Quake 3 game (my opinion). Shit, at this point just give me Quake 1 again and don't try to "fix" or "update" the gameplay.
Member the excessive mod rooms with automatic rocket launchers and rail guns in Q3? I miss those days.
I still play Q3 stand alone. My internet connection was never good enough to play online, I'd get fragged before I could even take a step.
20 years ago man does time fly like a Rocket Jump
Doom totally bombed for Multiplayer I hope this is decent.
20 years ago man does time fly like a Rocket Jump
Doom totally bombed for Multiplayer I hope this is decent.

The little bit of Doom MP I played the worst thing was how unbalanced teams were, and I never saw a scramble happen. Newest guys on one team, oldest high leveled guys on the other.
The little bit of Doom MP I played the worst thing was how unbalanced teams were, and I never saw a scramble happen. Newest guys on one team, oldest high leveled guys on the other.

Doom's Multiplayer it didn't take it'self seriously enough Gimmicky Armor maps and dance moves....it was just one bad Nostalgia trip.
Does this have a SP campaign?

I'd love something like Q3 Arena or UT with updated graphics!
Probably the only game that will get me to switch to a smaller screen for 4K 144Hz.
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I played a lot of Q3 Arena stock, insta gib rails, True Combat and then Urban Terror took the rest of my life lol. I really hope this is good. I am in.
I signed up but not sure if this pos(e6400, 4gb, 280x) im on will run it. I kinda doubt it but ill try anyways...
anybody seen the sys req's yet?
Can't wait , looks like old school one shot one kill style. Hate games now days that take 10 head shots to kill some one..

Exactly! I just played cod:aw online and shot a dude in the head several times and nothing. He got me with 3 stomach shots. This is the ps4 and afaik no hacks like that available.
Exactly! I just played cod:aw online and shot a dude in the head several times and nothing. He got me with 3 stomach shots. This is the ps4 and afaik no hacks like that available.

Get a nice router with some good firmware, and you can do similar stuff
The Best Arena shooter I played recently isn't even on the PC.

It's Destiny
Some of the maps look similar to the Q3A maps. I was always Sarge, doesn't look like he made the cut yet.
Please please please please don't be a Doom MP knockoff. I miss the old Quake3/UT 2004 style area shooters, really hoping for that same game play with some updated graphics.
Quake 1 & 3 are a couple of my all time favorites. Back in the good ol days of 56k dial up, fighting online with guys who just got 512k cable modem. Bought a 3dfx voodoo just for quake 1. Times have changed a little since then
If I had a machine that could handle it I'd be all over it but my gaming days are long since passed, sadly. I only cared about Quake, Quake II, and Quake III and was rather exceptional at each of 'em I have to say, those were some damned great times.