Pulling My Hair Out...


Mar 6, 2009
Severe system instability issues...
| Intel Q6600 | eVGA nForce780i | 8GB OCZ DDR2 1066 | X-Fi XtremeGamer Pro | 4x RaptorX Raid 0(currently using 1 wd 320) | Corsair 1000HX | 2x 8800GT SLI | Vista64 |

I get bsod's related to memory, raid/sata controller, and video. CoD5 runs from 20-45mins before it starts to freeze sporadically then the game completely dies. Sometimes it'll bsod at that point, sometimes not.

I've tried all versions of the bios that are available. Tried different timings/voltages/clocks (all within safe params). Swapped HDD, Video, Ram, Mobo, PSU. Tried with/without PCI X-Fi installed. Tried with 2, 4, 6 & 8GB of both ddr2 800 & 1066. Added xtra cooling to north/south bridges, video, ram, hdd, and cpu. All system temps are low to average. Tried XP & Vista - Multiple times under practically all variations mentioned. System was rock solid until I moved it into a new case. None of the raptors operate properly any longer in the system. When they are used, I get even more frequent hdd related bsods. They work perfectly fine in other systems.

Obviously, by process of elimination, the processor is the likely cause....but is it really? Any ideas? Is the 780i series really just a line of crap? Is the Q6600 a buggy proc? Does OCZ just suck? Am I missing something? Is it the damned enermax caesar keyboard?

Yes, I've tried loosening the mobo screws...
Did you bench test the system? As in removed the PC outside of the case and tested it on top of a mobo box?

- Did you run Prime95, OCCT or Orthos to stress test the CPU? Perferably with the CPU in another system?
- Did you run Furmark or ATI Tool to stress test both GPUs? Make sure that the other card is physically removed while you stress test the GPU.
- Did you run WD Data Lifeguard tools or Hitach Drive Fitness Test to test the hard drive?
Okay... sounds like you've got a good run of troubleshooting done already...

Though it sounds like it might be a combination of things rather than a single problem. I would try...

Do you still have your old case? Maybe reinstall it in your old case and test. It's possible the case has nothing to do with it, and you damaged something via static discharge when you were swapping components.

Flash motherboard to latest bios, enter bios and select "load defaults", then make adjustments. Sometimes a register gets left in the wrong state when a bios flashes and it can cause wierd issues.

Try running with a single GT, and a single stick of ram, remove the X-FI, make it as simple as possible, then run IntelBurn Test for 10 cycles at least. That should let you know if your ram or processor is causing issues.
Heres a quick question, does the problem show up with other games or programs? You have tried everything else (Im impressed by the way) and there isnt too many more things to try. It leads me to think that it might be the game...

I cant help but think that its something related to software, as the hardware seems sound. it doesnt sound like a hardware problem because you would end up having other problems in addition to the shut downs.
Boost your voltage in your bios, i personally do not like evga mobos, but check for everything set to auto, and put it to manual setting it to a relevant value.