Psst! Hey Buddy, Want to Buy a 13,750 Sq.Ft. Sign?

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
A gigantic Apple iPod Touch billboard measuring 13,750 square feet was taken down in Boston without any notification and no one seems to know where it went. There’s a sea life mural underneath the scaffolding framework for the billboard that looks better anyway. Go Orca go!

No one seems to know why the ad so suddenly disappeared, but it might be related to the fact that the state's Outdoor Advertising Board has been calling it illegal for a while. You see, rules for giant wall ads like this require that the building owner sell the product being advertised. Planet Self-Storage sells iTunes gift cards (why?) but not iPods or any other iProducts.
No one seriously knows where this thing went? Buuuuuuuuuuuu-(let that go on for a few pages)-llllllll shit.
I already bought one, (well, an iphone) so I like the mural underneath more. :D
I'm a PC, and stealing that Apple Billboard was MY idea.
Say, is that a 13,750-sq-ft sign in your pocket, or are you just glad to see the whales?
i live here & drive by it frequently. it was a stupid as in the 1st place, the mural is the better choice.
No shit! i haven't driven up that way in a little bit.. i didn't realize that the mural was uncovered again... not if only that mural was filled with marine life NATIVE to this area. =P
I dont like Apple, but I was in boston over the summer and I saw that sign and thought it was pretty cool.
I love how they can spen $$$$ on a 13750sq.ft billboard, but can hire a $50 landscaper to pull the weeds under the billboard.
so does the self-storage place sell whales??? :confused:
Where Penn and Teller in Boston recently?

This looks more like something that hack Chriss Angel would do.

P&T would have made the building disappear but leave the sign with a new picture on the iPhone screen that was funny yet thought provoking.
I think Im going to make a post on Bostons craigslist trying to sell this thing. See how that turns out lol.