PSA: Always run memtest after you build your server

Feb 8, 2005
My WHS kept dropping connections to the clients. I discovered that it was throwing NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL BSOD's at random intervals after I hooked it up to a monitor. After a few more reboots and checking the Event Log I gave up on finding a cause. Come today I get the ASUS recovery BIOS message and no POST at all.

I'm on pass #5 of Memtest now and it's looking like I have to RMA the memory.

Just a PSA kids, make sure you do your testing right after you build.
... and ECC memory isn't such a bad idea, either. Sometimes the problems aren't so blatant as this.
Those BSODs are pretty common when memory's the issue, testing your memory (even when it's brand spanking new) is always a good practice... It's probably one of the most common parts to be defective out of the box these days, if not the most common. Close race between 'em and GPUs I guess, heh.