PS3 or 8800GTX?


Oct 24, 2005
PS3 announce Nov 17 release for $600
G80 comming out around the same time for $550->$650

If you could only choose one....
:D id love to see Oblivion in 1600x1200 with 4xAA and 16xAF with every thing on
Grab the PS3 ....sell it on Ebay...make over double your profit and have both. I know that is wrong but if some moron will pay double,more or close to double for the system then I'll sure sell it to them.

If you don't go that route then just buy the PS3, wait for the next series of cards to come out that are Directx10, as well as smaller nm (65 I'm assumming), gddr 4, Vista, matured drivers/vista and more games for DX10. I'd also wait for the price to drop some as it always does on the video card, where the PS3 price won't drop for a yr or so and in 3-4months the vid-card will be half the price or close.

Either way you'll have a great holiday to look forward to gaming wise.

Best of luck
AOM said:
Grab the PS3 ....sell it on Ebay...make over double your profit and have both. I know that is wrong but if some moron will pay double,more or close to double for the system then I'll sure sell it to them.

If you don't go that route then just buy the PS3, wait for the next series of cards to come out that are Directx10, as well as smaller nm (65 I'm assumming), gddr 4, Vista, matured drivers/vista and more games for DX10. I'd also wait for the price to drop some as it always does on the video card, where the PS3 price won't drop for a yr or so and in 3-4months the vid-card will be half the price or close.

Either way you'll have a great holiday to look forward to gaming wise.

Best of luck

thats IF you can even get a PS3 befor may next year
8800GTX hands down. At least I know it wont go to waste, with the PS3 nothing has grabbed my attention this time around. That and I had to buy 3 PS2s because they kept breaking on my throught the lifetime. My 360 is already on its 2nd one but MS replaced the first one :rolleyes: . but, the funny thing is my first gen gamecube is still running. Back on topic... Im looking foward to too many PC games to not push them to the max. Allen Wake, Crysis, Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, and comon who dosent want to play Bob Ross: The Joy of Painting on max settings xD
v0idm33h said:
8800GTX hands down. At least I know it wont go to waste, with the PS3 nothing has grabbed my attention this time around. That and I had to buy 3 PS2s because they kept breaking on my throught the lifetime. My 360 is already on its 2nd one but MS replaced the first one :rolleyes: . but, the funny thing is my first gen gamecube is still running. Back on topic... Im looking foward to too many PC games to not push them to the max. Allen Wake, Crysis, Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, and comon who dosent want to play Bob Ross: The Joy of Painting on max settings xD

How are these consoles breaking?
The 360 died while playing perfect dark zero, I got the 3 red lights of death -_-

the ps2's, 1 just wouldnt turn on anymore the other 2 wouldnt read any disc or would load them for a while then give me a disc read error. I was going to get a slim but I got tired of dealing with it. I do miss playing Parasite Eve, I know it was a ps1 game but now I dont have anything to play it at all.
Elios said:
doesnt mean youll get one
just means you have place in line the day its out
GL lol :rolleyes:

Actually it does. My local EB is supposed to get 6 of them at least, 8 possibly and I'm number 3, Gf's # 4 and 2 of my friends are 1 & 2 respectively. The guy who is number one on the list spends a small fortune with my local EB every year and I mean a fortune when I say it.

My sound sad to some but he just loves getting new systems game etc, anyway, we're guaranteed a system when they come in. If they only get 1 or 2, then yes I'll be waiting but I'll be the first one to grab one when the next shipment comes in.

Honestly, I'm not worried one way or another, I'll get it when I get it, but having one pre-ordered is better than not having a pre-order at all since they took a limited amount of pre-orders period. :p
larkin said:
PS3 announce Nov 17 release for $600
G80 comming out around the same time for $550->$650

If you could only choose one....

I'm a little biased while answering this, because I was never really into the console thing. I actually own a NES, which was the only console I ever owned and it's awesome, but for the games out there today, I prefer a computer with a mid/high-end graphics card in it, to play them.
I appreciate all the tech involved in the PS3 (at least on paper, because I still need to know how good it really is), but I would choose the 8800 GTX/GTS. It will rule DX9 and DX10 performance, at least until R600 is out.
This generation of GPUs will surely be a revolution in the graphics market. I have no doubt about that, so you won't regret buying one.
Elios said:
doesnt mean youll get one
just means you have place in line the day its out
GL lol :rolleyes:

The 360 I preordered didn't make it in till sometime after the first of the year (when I canceled it). I doubt the PS3 preorders are going to go any better.
v0idm33h said:
The 360 died while playing perfect dark zero, I got the 3 red lights of death -_-

the ps2's, 1 just wouldnt turn on anymore the other 2 wouldnt read any disc or would load them for a while then give me a disc read error. I was going to get a slim but I got tired of dealing with it. I do miss playing Parasite Eve, I know it was a ps1 game but now I dont have anything to play it at all.

Maybe if you stopped throwing your controller at the console every time you died in a game, they would last longer? :D I've had my PS2 since 2001 (or was it 2000?), and it's still kicking--never a problem. Xbox for almost 2 years now, and also problem-free.

Back on topic. With what we know now about the 8800s, which isn't much, I'd get a PS3. Early signs point to the 8800s being not that much of an improvement over current high-end cards, and the dual PCI-E power connectors suggest that they'll be power hungry too. The PS3 OTOH will allow you to watch HD movies in 1080p (if your display device supports that res), as well as game in that res, and you won't have to worry whether or not a particular PS3 game will run at good framerates. But since you'll be hard pressed to get a PS3 at launch anyway, by the time they are widely available we'll probably be looking at 8800 refreshes already, at which point the balance might swing toward getting the 8800.
Buy a PS3 sell it on ebay, then get a wii and a 8800gtx with the cash you rake in, or a 360 and a gts.
PS my 360 hasn't had any problems since launch ;)
Anyone who doesn't go for the PS3 is an idiot. Even if you dont want the PS3, its street value will be 1500-3000$ after launch. For that kind of change you could get yourself SLI 8800GTX and the 1kW PSU you need to power it :) :cool:
AOM said:
Pre-Ordered FTW ;)

Tell that to the thousands that had PS2's pre-ordered at its launch and waited up to a year for one :D Not to mention my brother pre-ordered an Xbox 360 and it was 5 months before they actually had one for him.
Erasmus354 said:
Anyone who doesn't go for the PS3 is an idiot. Even if you dont want the PS3, its street value will be 1500-3000$ after launch. For that kind of change you could get yourself SLI 8800GTX and the 1kW PSU you need to power it :) :cool:

Ooh! Ooh! And you could pay your power bill for about a year!
hahaha i would go for the PS3 because i dont think that the games that will really use DX10 will come out until the next card refresh

btw -- i preodered ps3 :D
lol or do like this guy.. if anyone actually pays him they deserve for the pre-orders not to come in..

the best part is the

Payment will be due immediately but I am will to show proof of preorder

this person actually wants the money now, before the PS3 is even out. but i guess there is a sucker born every minute..

keep in mind though, the preorder projections are just estimates..

even if you are 1st in line for pre-order, if the store gets zero PS3's you'd still have to wait :)
pfunkman said:
Tell that to the thousands that had PS2's pre-ordered at its launch and waited up to a year for one :D Not to mention my brother pre-ordered an Xbox 360 and it was 5 months before they actually had one for him.

I pre-ordered one and got it as I got in on the pre-orders at the very beginning as far as PS2's are concerned. The 360 I didn't pre-buy but everyone I knew got there's on the first day that pre-ordered. I only pre-buy from EB that usually get's the systems that they pre-sell at minimum.

I also live in a small town of 200,000 people and lot's don't pre-order here so it's pretty easy to pick one up on a pre-buy or hit up the local Circuit City/Walmart/etc. if they have any and grab one from them.

Like I said before, not the end of the world if I don't get it the 1st day,but I still think it's better than grabbin the first G80's as they'll be price gauged and no DX10 games for a while anyway. Personally I'd wait for the refresh of cards but that's just me.
graphically 8800gtx is way better, as the rsx chip in the ps3 is the G71 chip (same as used in 7950gx2, but only one chip)
freddiepm61 said:
graphically 8800gtx is way better, as the rsx chip in the ps3 is the G71 chip (same as used in 7950gx2, but only one chip)

And when will we see these graphically better games? Oh that's right....when DX10 coded games are out and that isn't gonna be for a while.

Most ppl shouting 8800! FTW already have high end systems......why blow your cash on a card that really isn't gonna be that much of a difference over your current SLi rigs and have no other benefit until DX10 games are out?

PS3 gets my vote. And not to sell either. Have a blu-ray dvd player then too :D

As to the guy that's had several faulty PS2' can hardly call your situation the norm. I'm another that has had a PS2 since launch and iy is still going strong. The fact you have had multiple faulty consoles over different brands means one common demononator and it ain't the consoles.......
Tigerblade said:
And when will we see these graphically better games? Oh that's right....when DX10 coded games are out and that isn't gonna be for a while.

Most ppl shouting 8800! FTW already have high end systems......why blow your cash on a card that really isn't gonna be that much of a difference over your current SLi rigs and have no other benefit until DX10 games are out?

PS3 gets my vote. And not to sell either. Have a blu-ray dvd player then too :D

As to the guy that's had several faulty PS2' can hardly call your situation the norm. I'm another that has had a PS2 since launch and iy is still going strong. The fact you have had multiple faulty consoles over different brands means one common demononator and it ain't the consoles.......

It doesn't matter if Vista/DX10 are not out yet. G80 will out perform anything in DX9 and it also supports DX10, which Crysis for example, uses. Crysis should debut at the end of this year.
Silus said:
It doesn't matter if Vista/DX10 are not out yet. G80 will out perform anything in DX9 and it also supports DX10, which Crysis for example, uses. Crysis should debut at the end of this year.

So for at least 2 months you will get sweet fuck all use of all that new tech from your $600 'investment', but hey, who am I to stand in ppl's way if they wanna piss their money against the wall ;)

But the question is 8800 or PS3.....

$600 to get a few more frames per second in a handful of games you play/elongate e-penis *cough* 3dmark score, or....

$600 for a PS3, a whole new games system with exclusive games to it coupled with a blu-ray dvd player.....

Hmmmmm that would take me all of 3 seconds to decide if I had to make a choice between, and the choice wouldn't be to upgrade my rig.

Personnaly I'd buy neither at launch, prices will be way too unrealistic. Well, unless Tekken 6 isn't as disappointing as what I've sen so far anyway. Altho there is always MGS......
Tigerblade said:
Personnaly I'd buy neither at launch, prices will be way too unrealistic. Well, unless Tekken 6 isn't as disappointing as what I've sen so far anyway. Altho there is always MGS......
Depends on what games you want to play. Its not necessarily all about platform. What's the most important to you... (Crysis @ 70 fps or MGS4 i.e..) I personally will get both, though not on launch.

GT5 HD FTW!!! Best racing similator series to hit the consoles and my reason to purchase the PS3 (also because it can play BlueRay movies).
Don't you mean GT HD?

It's just a redone version of GT4 with HD quality...nothing more...

And while you're writhing in pain from that last statement, go google their plan for shipping it. Yep...that's right! You'll have to physically buy cars and tracks with your money. The CD comes with like 10 tracks and 1 car.

pfunkman said:
Tell that to the thousands that had PS2's pre-ordered at its launch and waited up to a year for one :D Not to mention my brother pre-ordered an Xbox 360 and it was 5 months before they actually had one for him.

I had the PS2 the day it came out, and regret that wasted money even today. Should have spent the money on a geforce 2 GTS. Instead, I kept my TNT2 ultra- and by the time I bought the GF4-4400 a few years later, I missed a WHOLE lot of good game experiences because of that. Deux ex, Jedi knight, etc. all played on a tnt2 ultra.

I say screw the consoles! screw them all!
PCgaming FTW!!11!!
8800GTX easily. I will get the PS3 way later on, when theres something actually intresting to play on it. Either next gen GPU (ATI or Nvidia) will put the smackdown on it either way =).

Grab a Xbox 360 Crack it open and Flash the Bios on the DVD Drive and play backups, that will hold you over for awhile to not buy the PS3, then grab the new Video card and roxxers your boxxers off playing PC games in thier full glory
PS3, even if you don't use it for games, its a cheaper version of a blu ray player
Seongmin said:
GT5 HD FTW!!! Best racing similator series to hit the consoles and my reason to purchase the PS3 (also because it can play BlueRay movies).

errm GT5 isnt due for 4 years and its GT4 HD and enjoy your nickel and dimeing to death

if you havent heard GT4 HD will only come with 1 car and 1 track you have buy the rest online

Sure, PS3 looks like its pack with some madness, but i'll get it later after launch,
PC>Consoles. Its just the way it is. :eek: