ps3 or 360 again.

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Although it is good to finally know where some people like stereophile, bigdogwhatever and bogie stand on the issues, they've never given a clue before now where their allegiance lay, forcing us all to guess.

:p I've noticed your schtick before.
You remind me of this guy technoob, a dyed in the wool 360 fanboy, who always tried to act like he was above the fray.

However your neogaf history betrays you. Almost half your posts there are in the console war threads, either playing defense or usually attacking perceived slights to the MS platform. Strange obsession for someone who claims not to have a bias ?
Go ahead and deny you're a single console owner, 360 boy :)
Two years ago I would have said 360, now I say PS3. The absolute best action game of the last few years and my GOTY, Uncharted 2, is exclusive to the system. Amazing story and the most fun I've had since Half Life 2 and its Episodes. The PS3 has great PSN exclusives as well.

Oh, and you get a great Blu Ray player, and Blu Rays are badass.

Everything else worth playing is crossplatform, so unless you really want Gears or Halo, get a PS3.
You mean GT5, FFXIV online, Heavy Rain, MAG, The Agent, Modnation Racers, Twisted Metal and God of War 3 to name a few for PS3!!?? I think all ps3 users mouths will be watering with the exclusives for ps3 next year, much better line up than the 360 imo

Wow...that line up sounds like a huge borefest. Big yawn. Holy cow that is a billion times worse than the 360 line up. :rolleyes:

I don't have a 360, and yet I can play them. That's not exclusive.

You can't play Fable 3, Halo: Reach, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2, Ninety Nine Nights 2, Metro 2033, Tropico 3, Mech Warrior, The Secret World on PC. Sorry. Nice try.
i dont care for ny of those up and coming xbox games. most of them ar garbage anyways in my eyes. i will play sports games,cod mw2, and lbp.
i like the look of uncharted 2 the graphics seem really good
from my personal experience, when titles come out on xbox and ps3..seems to me that the Xbox counterpart is the better version.

So far ive seen this on 2 titles.
Borderlands and Rainbow Six vegas 2.
Cant say the same for madden, EA did a good job on both version's
You know... it seems so obvious why you created the thread now. Good job Bman123, you're a shining example of what this forum shouldn't be.
Wow...that line up sounds like a huge borefest. Big yawn. Holy cow that is a billion times worse than the 360 line up. :rolleyes:

You can't play Fable 3, Halo: Reach, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2, Ninety Nine Nights 2, Metro 2033, Tropico 3, Mech Warrior, The Secret World on PC. Sorry. Nice try.

MechWarrior, Metro 2033, Tropico 3, and The Secret World have all been announced for PC. Sorry. Nice try. :rolleyes:
Wow...we can tell why this guy started this thread. Intention and agenda was obvious. (btw, I never saw those announcements. Interesting news).
XBOX live is far better than playstation online, especially if you like to play and talk to your friends. But since they gibbed buddy chat in MW2 any ways, I say get the PS3.

P.S.- Wait until black Friday for the console purchase, there is sure to be a deal somewhere.
One game (MW2) eliminates party chat in some (not all) of the playlists on the Xbox 360, so now they should buy a PS3 for that reason (which has ZERO party chat)?

Interesting people out there.
:p I've noticed your schtick before.
You remind me of this guy technoob, a dyed in the wool 360 fanboy, who always tried to act like he was above the fray.

However your neogaf history betrays you. Almost half your posts there are in the console war threads, either playing defense or usually attacking perceived slights to the MS platform. Strange obsession for someone who claims not to have a bias ?
Go ahead and deny you're a single console owner, 360 boy :)

Atta boy, atta boy. If you're stalking me on neogaf enough, I'm sure you've seen my massive amounts of posts say, in the 3d dot heroes thread, which looks like the game of the decade for me. But yeah, I'm a single console owner. I'll be playing that on the 360 amirite?

It's nice to have stalkers though, do stop by!

honestly though, I'm the idiot here...I'm having a discussion with a sony quote generator. what was i thinking.
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I have both. I like the PS3 better, if for nothing else the controller. .

I got myself a PS3 for Christmas and I HATE the feels like its made for 10 year olds hands...its too small for my big paws I guess.

I got it mostly as a Bluray player and whatever PS3 exclusive games are out there....I'll do everything else on the Xbox360
Lol at fanboys who are attacking the OP for choosing another console. Btw if you have 50" screen, you should also watch Blu-ray on it and you will get a free Blu-ray player with the PS3.
i did not come here to start anything i came to hear owners opinions and why they feel that way. i love the xbox controller and hate the ps3 controller. i am sure i can get use to the ps3 controller tho it may take awhile. neither system impresses me with the releases coming up. i have said what games i play and they are on both systems. i am sure i would be happy with either system game wise. its the features that will seal the deal for me. thats why i asked about netflix on the ps3
i am not worried about games lol. i think halo and gears are garbage. forza is sweet so is the GT series. i only buy games for MP i dont care for single player at all. i do think it is funny to hear the fanboys on here that sound like sales people. the ps3 is looking like the winner
get the platform your friends are playing with or get the platform that will best suit your needs
are there any must own ps3 games??
my daughter played LBP with me at my friends house and it was a fun game.
the levels are well designed and i actually enjoyed playing it
are there any must own ps3 games??
my daughter played LBP with me at my friends house and it was a fun game.
the levels are well designed and i actually enjoyed playing it

Depending on how old she is you might wanna check out Eyepet, my 4 year old loves it.....

For you it all depends on what games you like and if you're playing online predominantly you'll most likely wanna get what your friends are playing.
Because we get hundreds of these threads and each one turns out just like this, full of fanboys using it to further their agenda and snipe at each other. The search function is there for a reason.
wow i forgot that people start the same kind of thread every six months asking about what video card to get. i cant stand it if u cant answer the question without being a smart ass then maybe u shouldnt chime in
Or maybe... just like the site tells you to, you should use the search function before creating a thread.
I have only had XBox products, so take mine with a grain of salt.....

Pro: XBox Live
Good titles
Features: netflix,facebook(if you are into that sort of thing)

Cons: RROD.......I'm on my 5th XBox 360:eek::eek:

Sort of Pro: you can get a pretty good deal on refurbished XBox 360s on eBay......but with the latest ban-hammer, you will really need to keep a sharp eye out for people trying to dump consoles that have been banned from XBox Live.

Big decision maker: your friends have PS3s and if you want to hang out on line, that would make the decision for me, that and a built in Blu-ray drive.;)
to those of you that chimed in with good info i do appreciate it thankyou
hay guyz, nvidia or ati? Intel or amd?
That would be funny if there were no differences.
Wow...that line up sounds like a huge borefest. Big yawn. Holy cow that is a billion times worse than the 360 line up. :rolleyes:

You can't play Fable 3,
Halo: Reach,
Alan Wake,
Crackdown 2,
Ninety Nine Nights 2,
Metro 2033,
Tropico 3,
Mech Warrior
The Secret World
on PC. Sorry. Nice try.
Nice try.
both systems are good.Like i said I prefer the 360 controller but the ps3 is looking alot better to me now.I just priced a new pc build and it is alot so I am getting the ps3 for sure now.At least this way I can use the browser instead of going to the library or trying to read the small text on my cell phone.Shit im at the library now lol.

The only exclusives that I like are uncharted and LBP nothing on the xbox really comes to my liking but heck I only play cod and sports games really anyways.I dont want to have to worry a whole lot about console failure either as that is a problem with the 360
If the xbox had a web browser on it like the ps3 does then I would be all over the 360. so PS3 is the winner in this battle. I just wish the controllers were cheaper
i have both

PS3 is a great blu-ray player and Ratchet and Clank make it worth while purchase

Xbox 360: Arcade games are hands down better on this system and has the better controller overal but I got to give Sony credit, their controller has a built in battery and that alone makes it worth the cost premium over the 360.

If you have a 360 and are into High def movies then the HD-DVD drive for $40 and titles at $2 a pop make that a worth while investment
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