PS3 GTHD free download ingame screenshots...Wow! (Pics Inside...)

quadnad said:
lets not turn this into a wii v ps3 thing here guys...

it's not, like i said, stating the obvious, not slamming any one of them, the Wii should never have been brought up in this thread to begin with to be honest, the Wii has nothing to do with a PS3 and GT:HD content which is btw, badass!!
so are the ps2 wheels compatible with the ps3? or can you use PC wheels with the ps3?

as much as I enjoyed GT for the PS2, I always preferred hopping on my PC with a proper wheel and desk...that controller just cheats you a little.

nobody_here said:
it's not, like i said, stating the obvious, not slamming any one of them, the Wii should never have been brought up in this thread to begin with to be honest, the Wii has nothing to do with a PS3 and GT:HD content which is btw, badass!!

yeah, i just wanted to mention it because it seems that there is a lot of crazy wii v ps3 bashing going on.
quadnad said:
so are the ps2 wheels compatible with the ps3? or can you use PC wheels with the ps3?

as much as I enjoyed GT for the PS2, I always preferred hopping on my PC with a proper wheel and desk...that controller just cheats you a little.

yeah, i just wanted to mention it because it seems that there is a lot of crazy wii v ps3 bashing going on.

LOL agreed, yeah, but what makes it crazy as hell is there is nothing comparable between the two other than they are both gaming consoles....LOL

if the PS2 wheel was compatible that would be really cool for sure, although i think a PC USB model might have a better chance of working
nobody_here said:
a quick tiny bit of research on the hardware in the Wii, vs. 360, vs. PS3 will tell you right off that the Wii will never be capable of this level of detail in a playable game

for you
I know the specs but those don't mean anything. When the ps2 came out did you imagine gt4 being done? How about twilight princess on the cube? Ninja Gaiden on the xbox? All I'm saying is I don't know what programmers will be able to pull off.
Darakian said:
I know the specs but those don't mean anything. When the ps2 came out did you imagine gt4 being done? How about twilight princess on the cube? Ninja Gaiden on the xbox? All I'm saying is I don't know what programmers will be able to pull off.

GT4 just didnt impress me like it did some people....i dunno....but if the Wii is ever capable of doing GT:HD graphics at a playable framerate, the 360 and PS3 will be godly
quadnad said:
so are the ps2 wheels compatible with the ps3? or can you use PC wheels with the ps3?

as much as I enjoyed GT for the PS2, I always preferred hopping on my PC with a proper wheel and desk...that controller just cheats you a little.

I'm pretty sure they do. I read somewhere that the Logitech wheels for PS2 that had force feedback in GT4 work in the demo with full force feedback functionality as well. Sweet!

zero002021 said:
Does anybody else think the game has a weird look to it graphically? It looks really good, but theres also something that doesn't seem right at the same time. I can't really figure out what it is. Maybe it's the backgrounds? The backgrounds to me looks like a 2D photograph plastered behind a 3D world. I dunno. Comments?

What is that name they have for super realistic 3D models that look so realistic that they freak you out because they're so close to looking real but there are a few little things that are just "unnatural" enough that it throws off the realism? This is the most realistic video game of any type I have ever seen but it is clearly not perfect. I can see what you are saying but I am still in awe. :eek:
HOLY **** thats looks like the most realistic I've ever seen. Damn it and I just bought a 360.!
The footage that someone posted a couple of pages back has gotten me excited about gaming again. Lets just hope it plays as well as it looks.
2nd and 5th shots down (in the first post)...

Look at the mountains. Very 2D/cartoony, hence why I said "cel-shaded".
And as good as it looks, I must point out a few flaws... Why does it look like the paint is smudged???


Probably because of the digicam. Taking a picture of a game on a TV absolutely kills the quality.
hkhawk said:
I'm pretty sure they do. I read somewhere that the Logitech wheels for PS2 that had force feedback in GT4 work in the demo with full force feedback functionality as well. Sweet!

What is that name they have for super realistic 3D models that look so realistic that they freak you out because they're so close to looking real but there are a few little things that are just "unnatural" enough that it throws off the realism? This is the most realistic video game of any type I have ever seen but it is clearly not perfect. I can see what you are saying but I am still in awe. :eek:

Exactly what I thought, Ill definately pick it up. But somthing about the backgrounds and scenery, such as the mountains looks totaly fake. I cant put my finger on it but It might be a debth thing... for instance the mountains have no debth in relation to the onscreen action. Looks like if i took a photo and used it for a background in my game and kinda pasted it on or somthing... Not that i mean it looks that bad, just has that funny look...

And I 2nd the fact that to get a true sence of speed you need to use the cockpit veiw. I never see car models other than the begining of the game LOL Mabye in my rearview.
nobody_here said:
why not, the Wii will never be able to do this....okay, it might be able to display a still screenshot, but never render this in real time, the Gamecube couldn't, the PS2 couldn't, the Xbox couldn't, and the Wii is no more powerful than those systems, well maybe the GC is less powerful, but still....

Uh, ps2 was a good bit less powerful than both the gc and xbox. The gc was quite close to the xbox from a horsepower perspective, and dev's say wii = xbox 1.5 in terms of power.

On another note, IMO, next gen (PS4 and next xbox) will be effectively photorealistic. Some of those ss's can pass for photorealistic right now. Look at the difference between ps2 -> ps3, now imagine ps3-> ps4. :D :cool:
post some actual driving images not just movie shots please. first person, third person, and whatever the road shot is.
jaguax said:
And as good as it looks, I must point out a few flaws... Why does it look like the paint is smudged???



frig, its a SS from a cam.. plus, stop nitpicking.. r u like that with women also?
nobody_here said:
, the Gamecube couldn't, the PS2 couldn't, the Xbox couldn't, and the Wii is no more powerful than those systems, well maybe the GC is less powerful, but the Wii is today it could never do this, not even close, i am not slamming the Wii here, i am stating the obvious
the wii is alot more powerful than the cube, which was about as powerful as the xbox, which both were more powerful than the ps2. i like how you degrade the cube to keep the wii at a lower place.

also, wikipedia would NOT be the place i go for a console comparison. wikipedia is great for many things, but a recent issue, which is also very controversial, which also gets the average internet nerd in a pissy mood, means a good bit of damage occurring to such articles until things cool down.
I'm pretty nitpicky on claims of realism when it comes to car games.

I'm an obsessive freak when it comes to the shine on my car, the hood pretty much reflects the sky in its shine along with the sides. Seeing those scenes in game kinda wrecks my sense of realism for the game, but I still like the game regardless, can't wait for the full thing.

Now that I've played quite a bit of it, I've noticed that this reminds me completely of a Quake based game engine.

A rendered sky box picture. The people and crowd look very simplistic and are very linear and repetitive in what they do. To up the ante on "realism" I'd recommend the following.

Increase texture quality outside the roadway, people and objects outside the roadway look like PC 3D gaming from the Quake 2 era.

Add "crowd reactions". If I screw up a turn and end up "bumping" the imaginary barrier I want to see the people react a little like a bit of panic and running away would be a nice touch.

Add skid marks! I like to see some input of my driving or lack of driving if I hear my tires roasting on the roadway.

The "sky box" is something I don't have a real solution for, it works yet it doesn't work for me because you can see a distinction from the 3d rendered and the skybox picture. If a few more things were created like wisps of clouds or such, not a distinct box, because there's a "cutoff" you can see.
well this game is generally just a remodeling of the cars in hd. most the engine and other bits stayed the same.

the gt5 should look a bit better
i just played it for roughly an hour.. f-r-e-a-k-i-n sweet. however there were no skid marks for some reason ><? not during the replay or game play. but it was just fuggin amazing~
Martyr said:
the wii is alot more powerful than the cube, which was about as powerful as the xbox, which both were more powerful than the ps2. i like how you degrade the cube to keep the wii at a lower place.

also, wikipedia would NOT be the place i go for a console comparison. wikipedia is great for many things, but a recent issue, which is also very controversial, which also gets the average internet nerd in a pissy mood, means a good bit of damage occurring to such articles until things cool down.

regardless, the Wii as far as ability goes is inline with the Xbox, GC, and PS2 and nowhere near the 360 or PS3, that was the point, and while you may not like me citing Wikipedia on the topic, i didnt link to any controversial or opinionated material, it was a side by side spec and feature comparison between the three and it is true no matter how much you dont like the source

i specifically said i wasnt slamming the Wii in my post, which you conveniently ignored and accuse me of "degrading the Wii", i dont have to degrade the Wii, it is what it is, and it's nowhere near a 360 or PS3

again, not "degrading" the Wii here, but i was simply providing facts to show those unaware that the Wii is nowhere nearly as capable as the PS3 and the idea of a Wii producing these kind of graphics at anything resembling a playable framerate is laughable at best

i am glad to see a racing game with graphics getting so good, now if they can rework the surroundings, it would be nice, very excited about Forza 2 being released as well...
having the PS3 side by side and messing around with the features of both systems, I find I've logged more hours into the Wii, but Sony's interface is growing on me in some respects but the thoughts of some things bother me...
Guys, please stay on topic. This thread isn't a Wii graphics vs everything else's graphics thread.
Slade said:
having the PS3 side by side and messing around with the features of both systems, I find I've logged more hours into the Wii, but Sony's interface is growing on me in some respects but the thoughts of some things bother me...

*deleted (not even worth it)*
I have the game and the shadows ARE low res. Hence the zig-zag effect on the edges of shadows.

Whatever, it still looks phenomenal. Considering this is still a first-gen game, the visual quality is incredible.
lesman said:
Guys, please stay on topic. This thread isn't a Wii graphics vs everything else's graphics thread.

agreed, this thread is to talk about GT:HD and how it is definitely the best looking racing game to date ;)

i just hope Forza 2 is worth the wait, and i think it will be :D

if not i may find myself getting a PS3 just for Grand Turismo again.....thats the only reason i bought the original Playstation to being with
Damn damn damn damn damn, I returned my previous 360 and was gonna pick up another one from Microcenter tomorrow because of the deal, but being a huge car enthusiast this is tempting me to get a PS3, damn damn ..................................

But my TV only does 1080i, so I probably shouldn't?
what do you get when you take Gran Turismo 4, do not change anything, run it through the PS3, and charge people buy their own cars? A new exclusive Gran Turismo game. That is cool the cars look all real and shiny, but the lack of damage, misinformation on cars, no online mode etc. I mean Forza does have its shortcomings but only 1 game released under the Forza name it managed to do more than what the GT series has done in 4 games.

I will wait till Forza 2 to pass a final judgement, but since GT2 not much has changed with the GT series. Rinse and repeat.
sakurakana1003 said:
Damn damn damn damn damn, I returned my previous 360 and was gonna pick up another one from Microcenter tomorrow because of the deal, but being a huge car enthusiast this is tempting me to get a PS3, damn damn ..................................

But my TV only does 1080i, so I probably shouldn't?

Rash's original shots in the first post were taken running in 1080i.
roaf85 said:
what do you get when you take Gran Turismo 4, do not change anything, run it through the PS3, and charge people buy their own cars? A new exclusive Gran Turismo game. That is cool the cars look all real and shiny, but the lack of damage, misinformation on cars, no online mode etc. I mean Forza does have its shortcomings but only 1 game released under the Forza name it managed to do more than what the GT series has done in 4 games.

I will wait till Forza 2 to pass a final judgement, but since GT2 not much has changed with the GT series. Rinse and repeat.
Are you kidding? lol. You obviously need to look up the connection between GTHD and GT5. This is just a sample of whats to come. A demo. GT5 will have way way way more stuff than this.
roaf85 said:
what do you get when you take Gran Turismo 4, do not change anything, run it through the PS3, and charge people buy their own cars? A new exclusive Gran Turismo game. That is cool the cars look all real and shiny, but the lack of damage, misinformation on cars, no online mode etc.

Go away.
That does look pretty good...I judge car graphics by how realistic the wheel/tires look and it seems they nailed it. On that note..I'm a 360 owner who is waiting impatiently for Forza2 which I expect to be killer. :cool:
joemama said:
That does look pretty good...I judge car graphics by how realistic the wheel/tires look and it seems they nailed it. On that note..I'm a 360 owner who is waiting impatiently for Forza2 which I expect to be killer. :cool:

Does anyone know if there is a chance in hell that Microsoft will also release that for the PC someday?
Wait, what? No damage?

........oooooookkkkkkkkkk...... :rolleyes:

Its 2007 damage? C'mon.
Timbowens said:
Wait, what? No damage?

........oooooookkkkkkkkkk...... :rolleyes:

Its 2007 damage? C'mon.
omg a demo!! of a game build on the GT4 engine!!! no damage roflcopterownedlolz!!11 .....right.....