PS3 Commercials. Sony?

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Why is the "PS3 stalks you" commercial linked there? It isn't even real. lol

As for the rest, they're pretty good. The Blu-Ray & Cell Processor ones particularly stand out in explaining the PS3's capabilities and advantages over the competition.
I believe the Blu-ray and Cell ones are supposed to be shown in theaters, or already are. I think they're a bit too long as most teens will tune them out right away. The baby one would be much more effective, but I'm not sure where they would use that one.
I like how the "smarter than humans" one shows an amazing display of raindrops hitting the water, making you think that the PS3 is actually capable of rendering that in real time during a game, and then it goes on to show the MEDIOCRE graphics of Warhawk, which look like absolute crap compared to the raindrop display. Way to go!
I think the point of the doll one is the PS3 is so powerful that it can make non-living objects feel emotion or perhaps they plan to turn people into dolls that sit in front of their PS3 all day.
I've seen the baby one at least 5 times... So far every message board I post on (none are game/electronics related) has had a thread about "What's up with the PS3 commercial?"

Genius advertising right there.

As an advertising major I have studied a bit of Sony's ads and they are by far the best compared to MS or Nintendo. Anyone remember the "PS9" ad for the PS2?

Sony has created an excellent product image with the PS consoles. A product image is way more important than the actual product as far as success. This image isn't going to be shaken because of laptop batteries, lik-sang, low launch numbers, or root-kit. I guarantee that besides the laptop batteries the average consumer hasn't even heard of the rest of these things, and even then most just figured it was Dell's fault when they had to turn their laptop into their IT guy.

Being in the field I'm in, a little birdie told me there are more "strange" commercials coming from the Sony camp. ;)
baby . freaky . but it's got people talkin about it . so that was the point of it

BTW look at the reflection of the baby, it's an Alien ... yea . PS3 ... alien ... yeah ... ok thanks SONY
VoodooChi|d said:
As an advertising major I have studied a bit of Sony's ads and they are by far the best compared to MS or Nintendo. Anyone remember the "PS9" ad for the PS2?
The PS9 ad was very good. Of course... they have to deliver it in another 35 years or so. :D
After all this talk about the "PS9 ad', I had to go look it up. That was freaking awesome for an ad. I'd never heard of nor seen it before.

As far as these new commercials go, the Blu-ray one and the Cell one were good, although somewhat misleading, which has already been pointed out.

Personally I don't care what a company does as long as they have a kick-ass product and stand behind it. I'll probably get a PS3 xmas 2k8. But this winter I'll be getting the Wii.
The funny thing is that when the PS9 ads were released, everyone I knew who had seen it was curious why Sony would do something like that to themselves. It was basically negative advertising. Why would anyone want a PS2 when they just saw what the PS9 will be able to do? It made the PS2 look lame next to it.

Still, I think it at least reached its target market far better than these boring-voice-narrated PS3 commercials which are to technical for the non-technical and nowhere near technical enough for the technical.
I despise Sony for several reasons. 1) Their audio equipment is junk, plain and simple. Speakers, headunits; you name it, it's crap.2) Atrac, Duo sticks and all their proprietary stuff means I have to purchase all Sony CRAP when I get a PSP, Clie or any other overrated Sony item and it isn't cheap a 1gig stick of SD memory was at one time half the price of a 1gig Duo Stik. WHY!? Cause you only bought a Duo Stik if you had no other options. 3) The PS2. Slow. AGONIZING load times. I could have read an entire Russian novel by the time a level in Gran Turismo 3 loaded. Many will talk about their large library of games but there were very, very few quality games. Stop by Gamestop and have a look at all the half-assed PS2 games on the wall.
Dunno if this was posted before, but reminds me of the episode of Futurama where the 80s Guy show them his ad for Planet Express. :)

Saaaaaafety Daaaaaance!
1) Their audio equipment is junk, plain and simple. Speakers, headunits; you name it, it's crap.

So how come my MP3 discman that I got many years ago is still working, plays any MP3 thrown at it (VBR etc), and is one of the few I've seen that will display CD Text?

I've got plenty of problems with Sony, but never had a problem with their simple audio equipment (CDs not included :) )
Empyrean said:
So how come my MP3 discman that I got many years ago is still working, plays any MP3 thrown at it (VBR etc), and is one of the few I've seen that will display CD Text?
Because that's old Sony. Everyone knows that old Sony rocked the house! I never rated their sound systems (car / home) but their portable players were good and everyone knows their displays were excellent too. Oddly (and in my opinion) they still make some of the best in ear headphones available.

The problem is that they no longer hold the quality dominance they once did. I own plenty of Sony gear... it's just that none of it was made in the last 3 years.
PikachuMan said:
The Laptop battery recall has absolutely nothing to do with games or gamers. You people have a personal vendetta against Sony, and you are trying to hijack the gamer community in order to enact some sort of vigilante justice against Sony.

We are Gamers, not activists. Let us focus on games, not on your stupid rants against Sony.

Do everyone here a favor and learn to comprehend what you read. Please point out where I EVER said that the laptop recall had anything to do with gamers. If you can't do better than "OMG YOU HATE SONY!", then please, find the nearest exit that will get you away from this discussion.

I provided examples of their idiociy in the gaming industry. I then proved that their idiocy isn't limited to their gaming division. The entire company has lost the quality that once made them special, regardless of whether or not you're too much of a loyalist to see it. Their financials are absolutely dismal.

Every gamer is an activist. Every consumer is an activist, for that matter. Words aren't the only weapons that can be used and you'd be wise to learn that.
Empyrean said:
So how come my MP3 discman that I got many years ago is still working, plays any MP3 thrown at it (VBR etc), and is one of the few I've seen that will display CD Text?

I've got plenty of problems with Sony, but never had a problem with their simple audio equipment (CDs not included :) )

I have a Sony walkman too with Atrac = more proprietary bs. Though I was never suckered into purchasnig Xplod speakers I've had bad experiences with them and feel sorry for those that have bought them. That touch screen univeral remote that came out a couple years ago. JUNK!. Even with all my uncles equipment being brand new Sony it didn't work properly. Sony's tech line told us they had no fix for it turning the 5.1 unit on and off for every one touch of the power button. Like Psychotext said, they've gone to hell.
g9s7x said:
I despise Sony for several reasons. 1) Their audio equipment is junk, plain and simple. Speakers, headunits; you name it, it's crap.2) Atrac, Duo sticks and all their proprietary stuff means I have to purchase all Sony CRAP when I get a PSP, Clie or any other overrated Sony item and it isn't cheap a 1gig stick of SD memory was at one time half the price of a 1gig Duo Stik. WHY!? Cause you only bought a Duo Stik if you had no other options. 3) The PS2. Slow. AGONIZING load times. I could have read an entire Russian novel by the time a level in Gran Turismo 3 loaded. Many will talk about their large library of games but there were very, very few quality games. Stop by Gamestop and have a look at all the half-assed PS2 games on the wall.

No company is best in field in every product category. Sony has always been a bit behind when it comes to certain areas in audio. Their car-audio line (the Xplod series) was never great, nor worth the price, and their home speakers (at least over the past 10 or so years) haven't been up to par either. Their receivers are OK, not great, but not trash, and the ES line does perform rather well, just not up to the level of HK, Onkyo, or Denon. However, on the plus side for audio they have always made the best MiniDisc players (yes, I have one and still use it, beats an MP3 player for what I use it for, ATRAC, while proprietary, sounds better than the best MP3s, and you can record live audio with a minidisc player as well), Sony also made the best DAT recorders (which before straight to HD recorders became practical was the defacto standard for any recording studio or live event), and if you are into SACD, Sony and Philips always made the best units (Philips just licensed Sony chipsets).

When it comes to TVs, Sony has always been a major player. From Trinitron to Wega and XBR their CRT based direct view televisions were always the best in the field, and are still used in most production studios that need top quality reference monitors. Speaking of monitors, they also made some of the best CRT displays for computers, only competing with Mitsubishi and perhaps Princeton Graphics and Viewsonic at certain times at the very top end. Also, with SXRD they have the best looking big-screens on the market, and their ultra-high end Qualia line beats the hell out of anything you can get without hiring an ISF technician and wiring two 9" CRT front projectors together through a professional level video processor.

As for memory stick, yes, it is proprietary, but Sony does make great digital cameras, camcorders, and the Clie was one of the best Palm based units on the market. I have no problem buying memory sticks (I do wish they had just stuck to the original format and not had to go with the small pro-duo things, but at least they are backwards compatible with all of the things I have that use regular sized memory sticks), and other companies have had their proprietary formats as well (Olympus and a couple others are responsible for the completely unnecessary xD cards).

As for whoever was talking about remotes, I have a Sony RM-AV3000 (an LCD remote from a few years back) and I personally love it. The macro functions make it simple to set the reciever, TV, DVD player, cable box, or whatever, to all go to the right setting for whatever you are planning to do with the touch of one button, and the programmable display and learning functions are top notch.
PikachuMan said:
The rootkit was on 1 CD. Sony apologized. Sony posted removal instructions. Sony never ever did it again. And SCEA wasn't at all involved in the whole incident. What more do they have to do for you people to quit your hating?

How many sony-bashers even know what a rootkit does? How many actively protest against DRM measures being put into other (non-sony) CDs?
educate yourself, fool
I dont think that stalker video is a SONY commercial it looks like a shitty brit video, their shit always looks like shit... Perfect example is that lame ass movie 28 Days Later
That last one was especially offensive. From the eight core misinformation to the "smarter than you" remark.
WicKeDcHilD said:
I dont think that stalker video is a SONY commercial it looks like a shitty brit video, their shit always looks like shit... Perfect example is that lame ass movie 28 Days Later

Oi! It's called art! :p
K600 said:
Do everyone here a favor and learn to comprehend what you read. Please point out where I EVER said that the laptop recall had anything to do with gamers. If you can't do better than "OMG YOU HATE SONY!", then please, find the nearest exit that will get you away from this discussion.

I provided examples of their idiociy in the gaming industry. I then proved that their idiocy isn't limited to their gaming division. The entire company has lost the quality that once made them special, regardless of whether or not you're too much of a loyalist to see it. Their financials are absolutely dismal.

Every gamer is an activist. Every consumer is an activist, for that matter. Words aren't the only weapons that can be used and you'd be wise to learn that.

Oh please, you brought it up; for some reason, you feel laptop batteries and financial information are relevant to a thread about PS3 commercials. You're only purpose here is to smear Sony-- that isn't at all helpful or relevant to a gaming discussion.
PikachuMan said:
Oh please, you brought it up; for some reason, you feel laptop batteries and financial information are relevant to a thread about PS3 commercials. You're only purpose here is to smear Sony-- that isn't at all helpful or relevant to a gaming discussion.

I'll repeat this again for you; I commented on their downfalls in the gaming industry, then went on to show that their ignorance wasn't limited to their moves within it. We'll recap their foolish moves within the gaming industry once more.

1. They consistantly lied about meeting a deadline that they knew they wouldn't meet; they were still insisting on a Spring 2006 launch in March.

2. They delayed to November.

3. They've allowed their engineers (Mostly Kutaragi) to make them look like complete asses to gaming media.

4. They had one of the most pathetic E3 showings that any hardware developer has ever had before a launch.

5. Their pricepoint is in question.

6. They're shoe-horning yet another unwanted media format into the market.

7. When they delayed the launch, they promised 2 million for a worldwide launch.

8. Now the launch isn't even a worldwide launch and they've cut the total number of consoles to 500K.

Is that relevant enough to the gaming industry for you?

Convenient how you also simply ignored the fact that you were completely wrong about the rootkit being "only on one CD". When a company makes foolish decisions on all fronts, it shows poor management. If the upper-tier of Sony executives has lost touch with their business sense, the entire company will suffer. That's exactly what has happened.
I agree with the person that said the commercials were too technical for the average and not technical enough for the technical comsumer. The baby ad was just disturbing. Gotta love the cool raindrop transition into Warhawk LOLz.
oVerCaffeinated said:
I think the point of the doll one is the PS3 is so powerful that it can make non-living objects feel emotion or perhaps they plan to turn people into dolls that sit in front of their PS3 all day.

Yeah, probably the second one.
K600 said:
6. They're shoe-horning yet another unwanted media format into the market.

I'm sure there are many people who will disagree with that statement.
Isaacav2 said:
I agree with the person that said the commercials were too technical for the average and not technical enough for the technical comsumer. The baby ad was just disturbing. Gotta love the cool raindrop transition into Warhawk LOLz.

Well, the technical consumer probably already knows about the specs, from websites and/or magazines. The TV ads aren't terribly relevant to this audience.

The non-technical consumer --I can't tell really. My guess is the PS3 still has a vague, mythological image to them. These ads play to that, by including some technical jargon thrown in with alot of abstract images (the baby doll and levitating PS3.)

On an unrelated note, I'm not going to respond to K600's post. I've made my point, and I'm not interested in taking this thread too off-topic.
Michael.R said:
I'm sure there are many people who will disagree with that statement.

I'm sure there were a "lot" of people who would've disagreed about BetaMax, UMD, and minidisks as well. Those technologies didn't do so hot in the consumer market either.
Minidisc was not a failure... I've already explained that K600 but you continue your ignorance and bashing of Sony. Honestly, just stay out of threads with "Sony", "PS3", or anything to do with Sony or the PS3 in their title. You add nothing of value to the conversation.
K600 said:
I'm sure there were a "lot" of people who would've disagreed about BetaMax, UMD, and minidisks as well. Those technologies didn't do so hot in the consumer market either.

Yes and that is the past. Blu Ray is a new technology and is much more promising then UMD. BetaMax, I'm not sure, I wasn't old enough to witness the VHS / BetaMax war.

K600, I have sat by and watched you post crap against sony for a couple weeks now, and I feel its time to say if you all you are going to do is bash and bitch about sony then maybe you should just ignore the PS3 and Sony. Criticism is great especially when its constructive but you do a lot more criticizing then you do listening.

No I'm not defending Sony against you, because I feel Sony has done their share of stupid things (just like other game companies, developers and publishers) but I don't feel the need to focus on those negatives all the time, and more especially I try not to post comments that are going to ignite threads into flame wars and crys of fan boys everywhere.
VoodooChi|d said:
Minidisc was not a failure... I've already explained that K600 but you continue your ignorance and bashing of Sony. Honestly, just stay out of threads with "Sony", "PS3", or anything to do with Sony or the PS3 in their title. You add nothing of value to the conversation.

Who the Hell are you to tell me what to do? You have absolutely no authority here and nothing I've said was untrue. I haven't broken any rules (Last time I checked, it isn't against the rules to criticize Sony). If you don't like it, feel free to go somewhere else. You're the one who should really be avoiding PS3/Sony threads since you seem to take personal offense to any and all criticism of Sony. I specifically stayed out of several threads such as those to see if you'd still follow your status-quo and do nothing but damage control and you certainly exceeded the expectations.

Minidisc was a failure. Japan was the only place where it held any real significance.

Michael, I'm not willing to sit buy and watch people defend Sony just because they're Sony; I did it for years and it's gotten to the point of lunacy. With the Playstation, Sony did a lot of good for the industry. Since then, they've done nothing but take steps back.
VoodooChi|d said:
Minidisc was not a failure... I've already explained that K600 but you continue your ignorance and bashing of Sony. Honestly, just stay out of threads with "Sony", "PS3", or anything to do with Sony or the PS3 in their title. You add nothing of value to the conversation.

If MiniDisc wasn't a failure, then neither was Atari Jaguar rofl! In your make-believe world I assume everyone plays Atari jaguar all day while only hardcore underground uber-nerds have the Playstation thingamabob, right?
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