Proudest gaming achievements

Alot of these arent really acheivements, i mean playing cs for 44 hours straight is not an acheivement, did you get anything afterwards, i doubt it. Just playing games for more than a day straight is stupid, NOT an acheivement.

Probably my only noteworthy acheivement is getting invincibility on Goldeneye on my 3rd try, after 4 years of not playing it. Not very impressive, but then again i like to spend my gaming love around, once its finished i move on.
I got good enough with bombers in BF1942 that sometimes I'd get more than 100 kills in one round. I also mastered the art of climbing on top of a moving enemy B-17 and expacking it from my chute after it takes off. It's the ultimate glory move in that game if you ask me. People would always type in the chat to give me props.

I was one of the original guys playing Doom modem-to-modem back in the day.

I used to regularly be accused of hacking in Quake 3. It's the best compliment you can pay a rival FPSer. I only played CTF4 using rail and shotgun. That map was the bomb.

I'm proud of how good I was as the predator in AVP2 multiplayer. Aside from the guys in my clan only the occasional freak could challenge me for top score.

I was 13-14 and very hardcore in the heyday of the NES. I didn't give a crap about Mario cereal or the cartoons. All I cared about was playing the games and reading as much as I could about games in magazines and books. First I was proud to have paid for my own NES out of my savings. My mom did kick in $40 at the Toys R Us so that I could upgrade to the action set with the light gun.

As for in-game achievements, I'm proud to have mastered or completed the following games on my first sitting: Bionic Commando (six hours), Defender of the Crown (ten games), Mega Man II (five hours)
After kicking ass in Tribes on a shifter mod server, I got muliple invites to clans. But clans aren't for me but they said all I had to do was just show up when I could. Anyway the clan leader sends me a link and says, "Dude you need to check this out man."

I clicked it and it was the rankings for the entire Shifter ctf server listing in the world. My name was at the top for total points accrued. Always interesting news to find you are number one in the world Which was ironic, because I wasn't the best, I just built far off bases by myself on the far corners of the map, or skybases, and nuked the rest of the team from afar....
Hyperblau said:
Alot of these arent really acheivements, i mean playing cs for 44 hours straight is not an acheivement, did you get anything afterwards, i doubt it. Just playing games for more than a day straight is stupid, NOT an acheivement.

Please excuse me while I go kill myself now.
beating daggerfall. No cheating, and only use of a walkthrough in one minor area. That game kicked ass. They just dont make game that massive anymore. random terrain, not matter how bad, is still frickin cool.
I had the top Hit point and geared Paladin on the Kane Bayle EQ server for a few months before i finally quit my 4 year gaming binge.

OverCharged EverLast
Celestial Rapture Guild

wow its been over 2 years since i quit.

was cool while it lasted
Having a city the size of the map in Sim City 2000 without any cheating. The crime and whatnot was pretty good too.
Playing MOHAA for a year straight, becoming so good on pubs that I used a pistol just to get some kind of competition. 50 kills in 5 minutes on a tdm server was my best. I had every aspect of that game memorized. :eek:
Probably when I was one of the best BGH players on StarCraft/Brood Wars on US West.
mmm. back when i was like 17 i was in a clan for unreal tournament and we where pretty good. Some group paid our way to germany and i was of of the clan memeber that went. We got there and the germans kick our asses.... But hey i got to go to germany for video games. Not many can say that

oh this is probly my favorite one. Playing in a clan tourney in ut and they won the frist map. Second map. Liaindri (fuck i can't spell) and it was the finaly seconds. Down by 1 point. The clock is counting down. there all hiding like bitches cuse they have the game in the bag. And i jump down from the top level with the sniper rifle and catch of of them at that LAST SECOND (not lying) BOOM HEADSHOT. The game goes into over time and somone on my team gets a kill and we win. then we go on to win the last and finaly map.
to turn off BF42 and go to sleep soon enough to get 5 or 6 hours of sleep. Keeping a job and wife while still being one bad Allied mofu.

And oh yeah... not buying anymore crappy Battlefield games. :eek:
beating Resident Evil 2 w/o saving.
also getting every cheat in GoldenEye.
PoweredBySoy said:
Please excuse me while I go kill myself now.


That wasn't even the point of my post, the OP was asking for acheivements, sitting on your arse is not an acheivement.
I learned how to make a flight from start to finish in fs2004 using the PMDG 737NG plane (with all the procedures minus the atc )

Edit: Almost forgot
Beating the monster arena in FFX (150hrs save)
Going through Espgaluda without any deaths.

Going through Imperial Glory without losing a single land battle.

Getting through the first level of Donpachi and Dangun Feveron without being hit the first time I ever played them.
Back in the PS days:
Knowing where every Alien, power up and life booster was in Area 51

My favortie for pcs are:
Beating 6 brutal opponets + a Human in RA2 and then upgrading to Deezire and doing it again. And then most recently with RA2 my friends calling me the blue blob, cause out from under shroud was nothing but a mass of blue. Needless to say, we stopped playing RA2 for fear of the blob returning. :(
Hyperblau said:
That wasn't even the point of my post, the OP was asking for acheivements, sitting on your arse is not an acheivement.

Well, then I must thank you for coming into this thread and blessing us with your dignified wisdom on the difference between 'noble' and 'worthless' video game achievements. Please, feel free to catagorize the others as we continue this serious debate.
-Beating Super Contra on Hard without one death

-Beating Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 without one death

-Getting a Quadruple Rail Kill on the final round of a CTFS Clan Match (Quake 3 Threewave). Not really an achievement, just one of those moments :)
JRPereira said:
The bathroom. Multitasking FTW.

I actually wrote a significant portion of the ARR32MVP Deluxe review for the [H] on the toilet. I was pretty sick that day and the deadline was looming, so I took my laptop into the crapper and worked on a lot of the article there.
I created a couple of Doom levels that were published on a PC Gamer (UK) mag coverdisc. The levels were good, even if I do say so myself!
PoweredBySoy said:
Well, then I must thank you for coming into this thread and blessing us with your dignified wisdom on the difference between 'noble' and 'worthless' video game achievements.
Dude... He's right. Playing 44 straight hours of CS isn't even a worthless achievement. It's simply not an achievement at all. It's no more an achievement than watching 44 straight hours of television.
Just about every first boss kill in WoW, but particularly C'thun.
killin 3 alliance at once .. same lvl as you just because your gear is a tad bit better and you own at your class :)
Made some maps for UT2004 assault mode which kick started the whole Trials series of maps, map was called TempleOfTrials and was essentailly tricking for UT2004 but with some added goodies.

It must have inspired about 50+ other similar maps, the popularity on release was greater than that of any official map.
LuminaryJanitor said:
Dude... He's right. Playing 44 straight hours of CS isn't even a worthless achievement. It's simply not an achievement at all. It's no more an achievement than watching 44 straight hours of television.

Actually it was only 43 hours. My debatable achievement was merely a reply to the other guy that did 44 hours of Everquest.

t3mp said:
-Beating Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 without one death

Whoa. Nice.
Winning 1 vs 6 in cs as a CT on office. I started out with only a .45 acp and armor because lack of funds, killed a t early on, stole his AK, which by then my entire team was massacred. I then hid under the tunnel and listened...2 T's jumped out of the window, and I picked them both off within a couple of seconds with carefully aimed headshots. I then snuck through the window, and snuck to the projector room. Only 25 seconds left, I decided all or nothing, and ran with the hostages. As I was running out of the room,I heard the footsteps of all 4 t's heading for the door because I was making noise. Instead of waiting for them to bust in, I decided to pop out unexpectedly with guns blazing. It took them by surprise. I killed the first 2 who were lined up together with the first shots, then ran through the other 2 with my gun going full auto, at extremly close range. A lot of angry players were screaming that they lost all their money to betting lol, it was a glorious moment :)
My proudest gaming achievements:

Getting all 120 stars in Super Mario 64
Beating Bowser in Super Mario Brothers 3
Getting all characters to Level 99 in Final Fantasy 3
Getting all characters to Level 99 in Earthbound
Beating Van Cleef in World of Warcraft for the first time.
Beating every "level" in Quake 3 Arena on Nightmare setting
Winning a LAN game of AOE2 against 10 of my buddies in a free for all using only Persian Elephants =)
Colt___45 said:
Beating Bowser in Super Mario Brothers 3
How about this!
When I was 9 I saved up one of the Hammer Suits from World 6, equipped it at Bowser's castle, got to Bowser and knocked him out with 3 hammers. :D

...he went out like any other enemy. generic turtle shell sound and upside down sprite falling offscreen.
This is my greatest gaming achievement.

During my freshman year of college I only had a first generation iMac (with upgraded memory) and an old Powerbook. The only FPS I could really play was Unreal Tourney (this was back in 2000)

Well I considered myself pretty good at it, and often told my friends some of the funny stuff I had done/seen. Well one of the guys, who we'll call Charlie, thought he was the greatest UT player ever and challenged me to a multiplayer game; even let me pick the level. Being a sniper, I naturally chose Facing Worlds :D

It was a CTF match and we were playing for points. I sent all my guys out and defended base alone from the tower, which was child's play for me. Well Charlie starts going after only me and lettin gthe bots do all the work. After he shot me off the tower the first time I spawned, grabbed a rifle from the ground, and picked him off from his spot at the top of the other tower. By the time I got to the top of my tower he had also just arrived. I was the faster draw and took him out again.

Every time I killed him, I would watch to see where he would spawn, since I could see all 4 spawn points from my vantage point.

Long story short, I memorized his spawn pattern and was good enough that I spawn-killed him for about 20 to 30 consecutive times before he finally smashed his mouse on hsi desk and conceeded the game :D

Me: 1 Charlie: 0 :cool:
Joining a clan in UT99 IG CTF and making it to number 1 on the ladder. Was a great group of guys to just BS with and have something credible as the outcome.

Then hackers took the game over :(

** waits for UT2K7 **
i guess being one of the highest ranked non-hackers in SOCOM1 on ps2...god, it seems so long ago that i played that game.
PoweredBySoy said:
Well, then I must thank you for coming into this thread and blessing us with your dignified wisdom on the difference between 'noble' and 'worthless' video game achievements. Please, feel free to catagorize the others as we continue this serious debate.

Notice how everyone is now posting actual acheivements, instead of lame crap like I can play a game for two days straight and instead of using the toilet i shit myself.

One of my best acheivements was getting over 1million points in tony hawks 3 without using cheats, not a huge score by any standards, but this is when i was like 14 so i was still n00b.
Hyperblau said:
Notice how everyone is now posting actual acheivements, instead of lame crap like I can play a game for two days straight and instead of using the toilet i shit myself.
Honestly, achievements can be anything anyone wants them to be. If you have a goal and you accomplish it (no matter how lame anyone else thinks it is), it's still fine if you feel good about it. We're all still gamers, and I didn't want this to turn into a pissing contest.

I would like the thread to stay open, so can everyone play nice? ;)
Making CAL-Main in Counter-Strike Source.
Getting all 120 Stars in Mario at 6 years old.