Project:: Black Lightning

looks wonderful. im trying to figure out if i should spend the money on one or not.
In my next project I am going to be using a graphic lcd, you can get much smaller pixels. But for this project a vfd was a must, as it will be behind a piece of tinted plexi. The end result will be very nice I am going for a look of the graphics looking like they are just on the case. We will see how that turns out :)

Damn why didn't I think of using Bondo? I have a @#!$ can right here in front of me!
I've been trying to think of what to do with my Antec case, I hate those finger trenches. Thanks!
Sounds like you got a few ideas from Macroman. :D

there you bastard :p . But I am not going to show the work i have done to the case for it since i screwed it up royaly. You will have to wait to see all that this weekend.

wow, i think you actually used more bondo on your rig than i did filling rust spots for my car. Great work so far. Im sure you've inspired many of us.

what were you using to cut the lexan and plexi?

I think I've tried most of the tools people have suggested, but have had little to no luck in making decent cuts.

tips/tricks please?
Ch1m3r4 said:

what were you using to cut the lexan and plexi?

I think I've tried most of the tools people have suggested, but have had little to no luck in making decent cuts.

tips/tricks please?

I just use a dremmel and electric palm sander. Are you cutting lexan or the cheap plexi? Lexan seems to cut great, it just powders instead of melting (like that crapy cheap plexi). I used the sander to round off the edges for that oval shape piece for the front. The only tips I can give you is take your time and make small slits, dont try to cut all the way through on the first cut. Another way you could do it is just score the lexan and then snap it off.

what bit on dremel?

thanks for info...I'm trying the cheapo plexi...good to know that lexan seems so much nicer

edit: can't just score and snap because of the shapes I'm going least in my opinion it wouldn't work
Ch1m3r4 said:
what bit on dremel?

thanks for info...I'm trying the cheapo plexi...good to know that lexan seems so much nicer

edit: can't just score and snap because of the shapes I'm going least in my opinion it wouldn't work

Just a normal cutting disk, just take your time. With the cheapo plexi it helps to cut alittle then let the melted crap harden and break it off, then cut some more. I found that prevents it from getting to bad. Also make sure you cut about an 1/8 of an inch away from the line and then sand/file it down to size. If you have a few extra dollars to spend then i would suggest getting some lexan, at home depot it was like 2 dollars more than the cheapo sheets.

Thats what I had to do, I cut about a 1/4" away from my finish line and then using a high grit sanding drum on slow speed I slowly sand it down. For sharp angles I use a graduated grinding bit instead of a sanding drum.
Hi Jeeves! I have a question.
I Bondoed up the finger holes like your case and have run into a little quirk. I can't get the drive to secure. Have you tried putting on in? If so how did you secure it? I'm thinking of just rigging up something to the chassis but still not too sure.
CrimandEvil said:
Hi Jeeves! I have a question.
I Bondoed up the finger holes like your case and have run into a little quirk. I can't get the drive to secure. Have you tried putting on in? If so how did you secure it? I'm thinking of just rigging up something to the chassis but still not too sure.

Not to take away from JEEVES project, you can take a look in my worklog thread and see my solution to the mounting problem. Not positive but I dont think JEEVES has come to his solution for mounting at this time.
yeah, I am using risers to go into the side of the drive and then to the cage. You can no longer use those crapy clips. You will have to wait till this weekend to see how the front of the drives are going to look but let me just tell you they will not be stealthed

Thanks your link Kckazdude, Jeeves I hope you take a few extra pics of the cage then :D
this looks like it will be very cool when you finish it.

<-- needs money for modding projects

i've already done most of the cheap mods i can/want to do. being broke AND saving for a new processor sucks.
I've got a question on the keyswitch power button: Did it require any soldering? Where'd you nab it? I'd like to get one for my computer to replace the button I have now, but I can't solder that well.
No the keyswitch doesnt realy require any souldering. The one I got uses screws to hold the wires into place. All you have to do is cut the two power switch wires and strip them, then hook them up to the switch. I picked mine up at fry's, but you can get them at radio shack (i think). if not radio shack then almost any electronic stores will have them, another way of getting them is by just getting an old AT case that has one.

come on!!! I'm dying to see this case!!! :p

BTW: I really like your top blowholes idea.
Me too :)

Good job so far. I like the top blow hole deally as well. Nice to see some fresh ideas.
steve216s said:
its been a while and no finished picture :rolleyes:

Give it time. His mod doesn't revolve around your schedule. I would prefer that he take his time and do a good job rather than rush it just to keep people like you happy.
if you havent noticed, we/he has been busy working on the Texas Tech Project... give him time, he does do other things besides work on projects all day... and this isnt a simple little window cutout or anything... sheesh :rolleyes:
ErrOnReq said:
Give it time. His mod doesn't revolve around your schedule. I would prefer that he take his time and do a good job rather than rush it just to keep people like you happy.

You got it.

I am sorry for no update recently but as Enigma said I/we have been working on project texas tech (it had a deadline sooner than Black Lightning). I did get some work done yesterday but have not uploaded the pics yet. I am hoping to get alot done this weekend, but I am waiting on some more parts to come in before I can start on other areas. This project as turned out to cost more money than I had origonaly planned :rolleyes: , but dont they all. I thank you all for the replies and am pleased to see everyone is eager to see the case finished.

Where did you buy your VFD? I can't turn up anything on google.
Any other places I should look around for VFDs?
I got that one off of ebay for around 70. I didnt want to spend 100 dollars for a non graphic one. You can order them direct from noritake (i think) but I am not sure of the prices. Just be care full when buying them as you need to make sure there is software for the kind you are getting.

Looks really good...I'll have to keep that idea in mind for my VFD...thanks! :D
Ok time for a long over due update. I was finaly able to get some work done. First I had decided to redo the top since i was not 100% satisfied with the orignal.
For some reason I cant seem to find my uploaded pics of the work to the top except for this one. I will try to upload them again tonight when i get home from work.

I also got some work done on the front of the case. Since i am going with an aqua tube in the front I decided to put it in the top two bays with an aqua bay (for suport).

And a Pic of the started work on fitting the aqua bay into place. The front of the bay is going to be semi bondoed in. basicly I just wanted as little of a line as posible where the case meets the aquabay.

And then after alittle more work with the filler putty.

I also did some work to the bottom of the front with the filler putty, now the bottom of the front is smooth as can be.

and after some light sanding.

Like I said I will try to upload those other pics tonight. And this weekend I should be getting the top and front finished so be prepared for more updates.
