Project:: Black Lightning

Originally posted by arkaine
Keep us up to date on this one, the projects seems sweet..

I'll check up on your work later.. good work so far :)

thanks I will try to make an update tomorow after i work on my case (hopefuly i can work on it). I have a ton of things to do tomorow. if not tomorow then defanitly sun.

Hmm, i'm going to do some filling in on my project too. Originally, i was going to use artist's putty, but it seems bondo would be better. The problem is it comes in so many varieties, which one do i get??
It realy depends on what you want to use it for. For larger areas I would recomend the Fiberglass reinforced bondo. For small areas the regular bondo would work. You just have to be carefull about not bending the parts that are bondo'd. If you move them they will crack away from the plastic/metal. And word of advice dont buy bondo at home depote, they charge 15 dollars for a little ass can that cost 7 at autozone.

They sell it at home depot? And i was just starting to wonder where to buy it...
They don't sell it in the Home Depot in Ottawa, Ontario at least... :(

I need some for a mod I'm working on... (I'll start a thread on it when I get around to it... ;) )
Ok sorry for no update last weekend but once again i had no time to work on it. I had to build a friends case sat and was busy all day sunday. but tomorow i will be working on it and i figured i would let you guys know that i have ordered alot of stuff for it yesterday/today. The best thing i got was this


:D :D :D
Looking good so far. Never did like those cases becuse of the door/front panel and I never could get it right in my head how to mod them to my liking. This is giving me some really good ideas. Keep the pics coming.
yes, me and jeeves have our logs on both bit tech and [H] but i prefer [H] because people actually reply here

Damn you. Now I'm not gonna bid on that VFD. I just had a strange feeling someone from here was bidding on it.
first let me say that i didnt post that pic until i had won it, becuase i was afraid someone from here might try to bid against me. Those damn displays are hard to find! Ended up paying 71 dollars for it (my max bid was 75, so i am happy).

Now time for a long over due update.

Did some more work on the top and front today. Unfortunatly I am going to have to wait for all the stuff i ordered to arive before i can get on to the truely hard stuff (electrical work). But here are the pics of the top
I sanded all the nasty blue paint off down to the beutiful aluminum.

Then I covered it up with filler primer.

Unsatisfied with the way it turned out, I pulled the bondo back out(god i hate that stuff now) and did some touch up. and sanded, and sanded, and sanded (my finger tips are raw)

After that i added another coat of primer to see how it turned out. Alittle better, but still needs some work before i paint it. (nothing big tho so it will prob wait till right before i paint).

Now on to the front. I Put the door in a much better place. I used some plastic epoxy. Stuff worked great it melted the plastic together beutifuly. Altho I am still going to be adding braces on the back side to give it some extra strength.

And here it is all put together (well for the most part). Now you guys can start to get an idea of how it is going to look. I still dont have the front lexan on (it is going to attach to the frame) Infact I might go work on that now.

Well that is all for now. Since 1 of my packages will be getting here fri, I will be able to work on that this weekend. You guys are going to love what it is, I just hope it works as i plan. I hate ordering things online, you are never positive of what you are getting.

Until then

Why the VFD? IMO they are too expensive, and need an EL invertor, which is another thing you have to pay for and another power drain. I like my lil 2x16 I just got wired up and running, nice, bright and big :D
WTF are you talking about an EL invertor? What?

VFD's require NO invertors, draw extremely small amoutns of power (about the same as your power and HD LEDs) and aren't expensive.

Every single thing you've said in your comment is false.

Yeah, the 800 and 800A are expensive, and nearly impossible to find, but the 2X20 and 4X20's are a dime a dozen!
Originally posted by SarverSystems
WTF are you talking about an EL invertor? What?

VFD's require NO invertors, draw extremely small amoutns of power (about the same as your power and HD LEDs) and aren't expensive.

Every single thing you've said in your comment is false.

Yeah, the 800 and 800A are expensive, and nearly impossible to find, but the 2X20 and 4X20's are a dime a dozen!

Thank you SarverSystems, I have a 4x20 that i hooked up easier than an lcd. And lcds are not nice and bright, and the contrast on them suck ass hard core. Have you ever looked at a vfd next to an lcd. Plus what I got is a GRAPHIC vfd, that means that I can draw pictures with it, or have it say anything i want in any font. Can your lcd do that. Right now I have a 16x2 lcd in my case right now (custom el backlit, yes i have a converter) but a graphic vfd looks 10000000x better and I can do so much more with it. Just look at these pics of some of the stuff you can do.



and Tanis143 I can make this vfd display scales if you like.;)

yeah, I hear you about those noritake VFDs.. seksiness indeed. they are so damn expensive tho, I wish I would have acted on those $16.50 ones on ebay a year or so ago... now people want insane prices like 70.. if I find one for like under 35, I'd jump on that shizzle.
Ok, I admit, I was wrong about the VFD needing an invertor. But, for the price you paid for a VFD, I would have gotten a PSX off ebay and used it as a second video screen. Cheaper for one, does streaming video in full color, and I could use coolbits in that display to replace a LCD or VFD.

And one more thing:


LCD's can be nice, big, and bright :)
But will it work as a 2nd display if you are already running dual monitor? Not being a smartass, I really wanna know, cause I am running dual monitors.
It should. It would run off the rca video output. If you vid card as the dual heads out plus a video rca jack and your running windows XP, three monitors should not be a problem. And if it is, a very simple way to fix that is put in a cheap pci card with video out. For reference, MaximumPc did an article this month on doing that exact same thing, though they were gearing it towards three full size monitors that either mimicked each other, or as you asked, dual full size displays with a third smaller one.
Originally posted by SarverSystems
But will it work as a 2nd display if you are already running dual monitor? Not being a smartass, I really wanna know, cause I am running dual monitors.

You could always put in another video card - then it would be a 3rd monitor :)

[edit] Wow.. I read really well. Sorry for duplicating that info Tanis :)
Originally posted by ra-odin
You could always put in another video card - then it would be a 3rd monitor :)

[edit] Wow.. I read really well. Sorry for duplicating that info Tanis :)

Lmao, tis ok, with the posting times I think I hit submit just a tad sooner than you, but not by much :)
I thought about going with a 5in lcd, but i did not want another monitor. I wanted something that could stand alone and display stats and other info. And the way I am mounting this display I could not use an LCD. For what i wanted and what i am using it for, a vfd works perfectly (and simply).


ps I hope you didnt take my post earlier as hostile, i was realize i very animated in proving my point. sorry if I offended anyone.
Nah, no offense taken. Everyone gets touchy when thier own opinion is questioned. Especially when the question is based of wrong info (which I had). It will be interesting to see how you mount it and how it works.

Oh, and a little tip, if you do something cool like adding a lcd/vfd to your case, and your wife likes it, be prepared to be asked to build her one *my wife likes my lcd, now wants one, but askes that I find a purple backlit one:p *
That is a thought, or just use a purple tinted led. How hard is it to replace the led back light?
Originally posted by Tanis143
That is a thought, or just use a purple tinted led. How hard is it to replace the led back light?

real simple. you just desouder the old leds and then resouder the new ones in. you might have to sand down the tip of the led to get an even distribution of light. I did this with my digidoc, it had nasty orange backlighting. So I replaced them with blue ones.

just an little teaser, i recieved 2 of my packages today. one of them is my vfd:) and the other is some stuff i needed (switches and what nots). I will post update sun of my vfd on and the work i get done tomorow. until then

All I have to say ITS ABOUT TIME!!!!! :mad: . Well time for a long over due update. Must get you guys back up to speed.

Ok time for another update. sorry its been awhile but yeah someone had to work on the site (J/k :p )

I got my vfd last weekend (noritake 128x64 800A graphic vfd) and got it wired up and running so here are a few shots of me just playing around with it, trying to find a screen I like. Right now I am using lcd studio and liquid mp3, but I am not 100% happy with either right now. So if anyone knows of a better program for this model please let me know(preferably free versions).




Ok I also got to work on my fanbus, I ordered a simple 6 fan 3 position controler.

It orignaly came with blue/red leds, ugly, so I got some of these to replace them.

Pulled out my trusty radio shack desouldering iron and went to work. First thing I had to do was remove the back pcb as it was in my way.

Then I was able to get to soulder on the back. Removed the leds from the board.

Next the switches had to go. the whole thing wouldnt fit where i need it to.

Next I had to soulder wires onto each one of the leads, 18 for the switches and 18 for the leds. here are the switches all wired up.

Now I dont have all the leds wired up as I wanted to make sure everything would fit in first. So I took out the case front and drilled the holes for led holders and switches. dont worry they are all on there straight, the picture just looks like ****. And the switches are all in diffrent positions.

They all fit (had to cut down the back of 4 of the led holders but the leds still fit in). here is a close up of the back.

And another pic of the back, you can see all the wires for the switches (they will be sleeved dont worry). the pc board will be up in the false top where all the fans will connect to it.

This weekend I will be finishing the fanbus and mounting the vfd and if my package gets here i will be mounting the power button, dvd button and led, dvd burner button and led(the leds will be more blue/white).

Going to be just pasting from other sites so yeah some things might sound kinda funny.

Ok sorry for no update, but i was busy building a computer for a client as well as being uber sick all weekend long. I did get a few things in the mail this weekend as well as picked up some stuff at frys.
I got this camera for 30 bucks off of ebay, everything works I just need to pick up a charger and a sd card.


And becuase it didnt come with a usb cable, I decided it would be cheaper just to get one of these ($4.95) and build it into the new case :rock: still not sure where to put it tho i might stick it on the side of the case or on the front between the 5in optical and the 3.5 bays. I AM OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS ON WHERE TO PUT THIS. ( :idea: mabey on top front so you have to stick down in)

And I got a 160gig hdd for 90 dollars no rebate :rock: :rock:. I also got this case from the people i was building the pc for, they wanted me to just upgrade this one. but i saw way to much potential for this case to let it go to a family that would not appreciate its true beauty. So as soon as me and enigma are done with our cases we will start on this beast (we are thinking a warhammer 40k theme, imperial guard).

I was just going to take a pic of what used to be in that case but alas the batteries are dead. It was an intel 486 dx2 :eeek: and they wanted me to just upgrade that thing :hehe: . They just got a brand new pc for 400, not a bad price for a new pc......i am rambaling about nothing (too much Hydro DP Syrup, robiteson on steroids) anyways yeah my stuff from futurlec came today so wen i will be doing quite alot so expect an update wen night. until then PLEASE GIVE ME SOME IDEAS ON WHERE TO MOUNT THE CARD READER.

Alright got some work done today, wasnt as much as i wanted but it was some. First I ran up to Michales to get some of this, cost under 5 dollars due to 40% off coupon the cashier gave me :rock:

You ask, what do you need that for. Well I saw on that someone used this to tint thier VFD so I said HELL YEAH i am going to do that.So first I masked off everywhere but the screen

And just to be on the safe side I went ahead and masked off the back too.

Then it was outside to spray on my filter.

After the first coat it looked alright, but I didnt think that would filter it good enough so i put on a second coat.

Let that dry for about 2 hours or so (went and got my car inspected, yay for more money out of my pocket just to prove my car is driveable).

Drum roll please




I think It looks damn good, well it looks much better in person (and after a second glance at the pictures it looks like the top right is filtered more than the bottom left. But it is not I just sat here staring at it to see if it was and its not. Now i just have to find a use for the rest of the can :worried: . And for all of you who are wondering you can remove the gel like film it with a razor blade, so it is not permanent.

Next I moved on to the switch area. Kinda layed all the switches and buttons where i wanted them. Then i measured everything off (twice).

Then i drilled out all the holes (dont worry about them not being perfect i will be putting a transperency, where all of it will be blacked out and have each switch and button labeled)

Next i installed them all just to see how it will look. starting at the top left to right they are dvdrom button, dvdrom led, dvdburner button, dvd burner led, on/off keyswitch, inside cathodes switch, lightning tube switch.

Then I went ahead and cut out the hole for the card reader. I decided I was going to put it in between The 3.5 and 5.25 bays, it just seemed like the perfect place. With all the "busy"stuff in the same place it keeps the center of the case the focus point.

Then I cut the plexi that will be tinted and in front of the VFD in the 3.5 bay.

Sanded it down a bit just to make sure it fit snugly into place.

And a shot from the back

That is all I was able to get done today as I have to install win and all the drivers/programs on this computer i just built for a customer :sigh:. I hate this part of the job. Anyways I will have another update this weekend, as I am starting to feel the end is near :clap: (well there is at least another month or so of work to do) But at least it is starting to come together. THanks for all the replys

Ok here is a smal update, I have been extremely busy the past couple of weeks. Only time i get to work on my case is late at night, and i am usualy asleep (damn work). well all I realy have done is the fanbus, so here are the pics.

well I finaly got the leds all souldered up, so i souldered them into the pcb as well as the switches

here is a shot of the back

then i made sure they all turned on. here is the blue side (12volt)

and with the flash off

and the white (5volt)

and with the flash off

unfortuantly that is about all i have gotten done, but i will be recieving my aqua tube mon. So next week i will be finishing up the front of the case :clap: . So untill then

I will post my latest update tomorow from work, altho i havent done much this weekend as i had to put black lightning on pause while I work on a case for my sister at texas tech, will post a link to its project log tomorow ;)
