Problems with 600 pointers.


Dec 31, 2001
I'm running a dually box so many times I'll have 2x 600 pts running. Each takes up 104 mb of ram and I only have 1 gig. The problem is that when I try opening a video file while these 2 packets are working, my computer stutters big time (i'll lose control and sound will loopback for like up to 40-50 secs while nothing on the screen will move) and will continue until manage to close the video. Then everything will be back to normal. Has anyone else encountered this problem? It's really annoying and I was wonderin if anyone had a possible fix for this.
Im not sure for the technical side of it al, but maybe if you tuned your cpu% down
on one / both it would make a difference? using the -configonly flag
If you are running the graphical client, I would suggest trying the console instead. The graphical client seems to cause a few problems here and there although I really haven't heard of it doing that.

You may also want to take one of the clients off the bigpackets option and have it fold the smaller WUs. This would allow you to free up some RAM for other things.

If your system is doing a lot of page file swapping I would say it's a problem with folding taking up too much RAM. Other than that, I can't think of anything.

I am using 2 versions of console. Yea, I think it may be the page file swapping, with firefox + other progs, 2 instances of folding, I use up about 500mb of ram.
My suggestion would be to start by turnin big packets off on one of the processes, and then the other if that still dosent fix the problem.

Those big units chew a ton of memory, and not having enough causes big problems, alot of like what you are describing.

I vote ya buy more ram!

Just kidding, try the ideas above. I know folding messes BF1942 for me, have to stop it when I play.
Buy another computer for video stuff ;)
Heck. if its doing 2x 600 pointers i wouldnt want to
mess with that
GOD DAMMIT. I just had really bad one and I had to manually restart the computer. Of course, the son of a bitch decides to throw away 83 frames on a 600 pointer. OMFG...
pduan87 said:
GOD DAMMIT. I just had really bad one and I had to manually restart the computer. Of course, the son of a bitch decides to throw away 83 frames on a 600 pointer. OMFG...
And that sucks. I know the feeling. I watched ~150 frames of a 600 pointer dissolve into thin air on my 233MHz laptop... about three weeks of CPU time... :(
pduan87 said:
I'm running a dually box so many times I'll have 2x 600 pts running. Each takes up 104 mb of ram and I only have 1 gig. The problem is that when I try opening a video file while these 2 packets are working, my computer stutters big time (i'll lose control and sound will loopback for like up to 40-50 secs while nothing on the screen will move) and will continue until manage to close the video. Then everything will be back to normal. Has anyone else encountered this problem? It's really annoying and I was wonderin if anyone had a possible fix for this.

You have plenty of ram. If you are using firefox while opening a video you might get the problem you describe, particularly if using tabbed browsing. Tabbed browsing really chewa cpu cycles.

The f@h cores will do this only if configured to a high priority. Always set to lowest priority with 100% usage.

Hope this helps.

ps: roos are better grilled than roasted.
I agree, I stopped using FireFox because of the CPU time it ate.
ezee said:
You have plenty of ram. If you are using firefox while opening a video you might get the problem you describe, particularly if using tabbed browsing. Tabbed browsing really chewa cpu cycles.

The f@h cores will do this only if configured to a high priority. Always set to lowest priority with 100% usage.

Hope this helps.

ps: roos are better grilled than roasted.

Oh thanks a lot man. I do use firefox with tabbed browsing so that is definently the problem. Will setting FAH at lowest priority work and by priority, do you mean, process priority? Is there any way I can do it so it starts up automatically at lowest or do i have to go to task manager everytime and do it manually? Thanks for the help :)

PS: grilled eh... :cool: I think we are the ones getting roasted right now ;)
BillR said:
I agree, I stopped using FireFox because of the CPU time it ate.

I find that FireFox uses a lot less CPU than IE, especially with the way I usually have pages open. I'll have up to 20 tabs open at a time and if I had 20 IE browsers open, talk about CPU and RAM usage. My only choices here at work are FireFox and IE due to the network. Hell, I'm not even supposed to have FireFox installed but I just can't stand IE.

SmokeRngs said:
I find that FireFox uses a lot less CPU than IE, especially with the way I usually have pages open. I'll have up to 20 tabs open at a time and if I had 20 IE browsers open, talk about CPU and RAM usage. My only choices here at work are FireFox and IE due to the network. Hell, I'm not even supposed to have FireFox installed but I just can't stand IE.

What do they have against Netscape?

Keep on Folding!!
