Price gouging for the x1950 pro AGP!! ROFL!!

This thread is degenerating into an insult-fest... needs to be closed.
I didn't think I was being insulting. I was just wondering and got a candid answer from Aelfgeft. At least I wasn't trying to be insulting :)...I can't say what the rest of them were after.
I wasn't insulting anyone. I was pointing out what trolling or being an ass was(they're fairly synonymous), and the motivations behind those who still like AGP.
My question is why do PCI-E folks even bother posting in AGP posts? and vice versa?

Seems to me alot of people have too much time on their hands!
Sunin said:
My question is why do PCI-E folks even bother posting in AGP posts? and vice versa?

Seems to me alot of people have too much time on their hands!

Because touting the superiority of technology they use makes them feel better about their computer and strokes their e-penis for them.

It’s really sad how much advice people give based on them trying to pimp tech that they have instead of just thinking in terms of what is best for the person involved.

My reasons for not going with a full PCI-E setup is that I’d have to spend too much money replacing stuff I already have that is still good.

I have 2 PCI soundcards that would have to be replaced by at the very minimum a $$$ X-Fi Elite-Pro to get what I get from the two cards combined. The X-Fi would still take a PCI slot on the new board.

I have a PCI SCSI card for my 15k RPM SCSI boot drive. I’d have to replace it with at least a new raptor to get similar performance, but I’d rather just keep the scsi drive.

I have a PCI PhysX card that I either wouldn’t be able to use in a new rig or I’d have to buy a PCI-E version when they come out. I want to keep using this at least until I can see what it can do in ut2007.

I’d have to guy 2 gigs of DDR2 even though my 2 gigs of DDR still work fine

I’d probably have to buy a new PSU, as even though my powersupply is 24+8 pin (EPS12V spec for the xeons which seems to have evolved into the current 24+8 spec), It only has 2 12v rails.

That’s a lot of money into stuff I’d have to replace and that’s not even talking about the big $$$ items like CPU, GPU, and ideally something better than a $50 bargain motherboard. I guess if I was still stuck with a single core/processor box I might be in a bit more of a hurry to do a full upgrade.
Aelfgeft said:
I wasn't insulting anyone. I was pointing out what trolling or being an ass was(they're fairly synonymous), and the motivations behind those who still like AGP.

Lol at Aelfgeft, seriously. Please take a course in reading comprehension if you couldn't see at the time that he was only making a point about the fact that that card cost $900. Everyone but you and Crosshairs could see exactly what was going on but you just had to fly the AGP flag high and proud, because AGP is your friend :rolleyes:
Aelfgeft said:
I wasn't insulting anyone. I was pointing out what trolling or being an ass was(they're fairly synonymous), and the motivations behind those who still like AGP.
Just to be clear, I still like AGP. I still use it. I see no point to using PCIe right now, as my 6800GT is still fast enough for me. However, its kinda hard to take the things said in this thread out of context and you calling him a troll was a streach, to say the least.

I'm out of this thread.
Demon_of_The_Fall said:
Lol at Aelfgeft, seriously. Please take a course in reading comprehension if you couldn't see at the time that he was only making a point about the fact that that card cost $900. Everyone but you and Crosshairs could see exactly what was going on but you just had to fly the AGP flag high and proud, because AGP is your friend :rolleyes:

I don't know why you felt the need to mention my name, but please leave me out of this ban fest in the making.....

I posted a link to the card that was available..thats all.
perhaps your reading comprehension is not all that great

I see all to well whats going on here
Demon_of_The_Fall said:
Lol at Aelfgeft, seriously. Please take a course in reading comprehension if you couldn't see at the time that he was only making a point about the fact that that card cost $900.

Agreed. Aelf, you took it out of context. Who CARES if he was arguing over that pricey card, and not the retail value. He said


For that price = price of the 900$ card, the retail value could be 10$ and a kick in the pants, and it still wouldn't matter. He wasn't talking about retail value, ever, anywhere.
I repeat:

GPUCommando said:
I don't get the adherence to AGP

Reading is fundamental, and you're a troll, and so is anyone who denies that he got right into it.

Demon_of_The_Fall said:
blah blah blah...but you just had to fly the AGP flag high and proud, because AGP is your friend...

I dare you to take that same "frustration" for those "flying the AGP flag" and redirect it towards those who fly the PCI-E flag in every fucking AGP thread in this forum. Oh, wait, you won't. :rolleyes:
FFS drop it... jesus... a bunch of friggin 15yr olds that are whipping out their e-penis's ...
Well just for the record one of my systems is an AGP system, witha 3000+ and a 6800GT, and it'll stay that way until either the best available AGP card is too slow, or a opteron 165 clocked at whatever I can get it to is too slow. I think it's great that new cards are coming out on AGP, because PCI-Express was an industry forced upgrade if there ever was one.

I've no problem with AGP, I just found it hilarious that everyone descended on someone who made a joke about it being cheaper to buy a new system than to buy a new card from *that particular e-tailer*.

Anyway, sorry for the flames. /thread
Aelfgeft said:
I repeat:

Reading is fundamental, and you're a troll, and so is anyone who denies that he got right into it.

I dare you to take that same "frustration" for those "flying the AGP flag" and redirect it towards those who fly the PCI-E flag in every fucking AGP thread in this forum. Oh, wait, you won't. :rolleyes:

I'm really not a troll, and I gave a clear argument.
Aelfgeft said:
I'd say when memory prices fall back to normal, and above all, when they stop making AGP cards that have all the power of the PCI-E versions. Plus, a lot of us, whether we're in the s754 or s939 crowd, or even the SktA crowd, want to see how much we can pull out of the technology that has been superceded by new innovations. How long were some of us hanging onto our Voodoo cards and pointing out that Glide is, and by today's standards still is, a highly competitive rendering technology? How many here can soup up a 66 Mustang and make it easily beat out the ricers down at the track? I guess it comes down to a certain malaise of "newer doesn't mean all-around better"...and the pride felt when you produce the results. ;)

It's not just Team AMD. There's also the Intel crowd (especially those of us with 875P or 86xPE chipsets and a Prescott or even Northwood-C CPU; completely changing out not just CPU and GPU but motherboard, RAM, and possibly having to give up one or more PCI cards because the new motherboard has *one* usable PCI slot gives some of us the hives). In the case of the system below, I'd have to change out everything *except* drives, sound card, and case (even my Antec TruePower isn't safe) which is going to cost north of $1K USD for decent quality parts, vs. $315 USD (that includes the five percent Maryland sales tax, by the by) for the VT X1950 Pro (in AGP, no less) that has *much* better performance than the card it replaces, and actually gets me a year's worth of breathing room (because it's currently the only AGP part that supports SM 3.0) and lets me dial up the detail on *all* my games.

Pretty safe investment, it sounds like to me.