President Warns Grads of iPad Perils

And yeah, there is a ton of underlying racism in this country right now.


Even after we (though not I) elected a black president, people are still pulling the race card. Shit, no wonder we never progress.

Even after we (though not I) elected a black president, people are still pulling the race card. Shit, no wonder we never progress.

You can deny it all you want, but it's the truth. There is a lot of senseless Obama hatred that can't be attributed to anything but racism. (i.e. those who hate Obama but don't know shit about what he does or anything about politics in general)
You can deny it all you want, but it's the truth. There is a lot of senseless Obama hatred that can't be attributed to anything but racism. (i.e. those who hate Obama but don't know shit about what he does or anything about politics in general)

Why can’t I simply say I don’t think Obama is qualified for much of anything without being considered a racist? His color has nothing to do with his lack of experience.
You can deny it all you want, but it's the truth. There is a lot of senseless Obama hatred that can't be attributed to anything but racism. (i.e. those who hate Obama but don't know shit about what he does or anything about politics in general)

Never met one of those people. While I don't doubt they exist, I don't think they're the majority (hell, the majority voted him in). But plenty of people I know have a laundry list of stuff they disapprove of.
You can deny it all you want, but it's the truth. There is a lot of senseless Obama hatred that can't be attributed to anything but racism. (i.e. those who hate Obama but don't know shit about what he does or anything about politics in general)

I need only take 20mins on the Beltway into Virginia - I can see plenty of anti-Obama bumper stickers/t-shirts/etc. by the conservative majority in VA. If you guys recall, Obama barely got VA - and I considered that a HUGE point, b/c I'm damn sure it's going back to being red as ever come November.
my 2 year old nephew knows how to unlock, navigate, and play his apps on my sisters iphone.
"We deconstruct the vicious and demonic ideology of white supremacy with hope."
That's a quote from Obama's preacher...
Racism, I'd say.

That's the guy that Obama sat in his church for 20 years and didn't hear a word he said, remember (yea... right :rolleyes:). He can tell our kids to listen up in school for 40 hours a week but this is the guy that didn't hear one word his preacher said for an hour a week for 20 years???? LOL... Sorry, just hard for me to believe Obama didn't heed any of that nonsense.
Whats thought provoking to me is that Obama still hasn't chosen a new church to attend yet and hasn't attended period for more than a few times since he got elected to pres.


Even after we (though not I) elected a black president, people are still pulling the race card. Shit, no wonder we never progress.
I agree, except the ones I see pulling it are Obama supporters, if anyone dares disagree with anything at all that he does.
Can we just try -not- having news involving the Pres? It never goes anywhere good.
I am so glad I don't live in a place where people are under such a constant state of fear, that they feel they need a firearm to protect themselves. It must be horrible to live in such a situation.

It would not be fear that you are describing, but a realization that there are predators walking this earth that would happily destroy everything and everyone you hold dear for another swig of the bottle or hit of the pipe. Get your head out of your ass.
It would not be fear that you are describing, but a realization that there are predators walking this earth that would happily destroy everything and everyone you hold dear for another swig of the bottle or hit of the pipe. Get your head out of your ass.

What you have described is fear. Fear that you face a threat such as the situation you have described.

The belief that firearms will somehow prevent this hypothetical situation is foolish. Simply because you own a firearm does not make you Rambo, nor does it mean you would be prepared or effective in defending you home, in the incredibly unlikely event that a situation, such as the one you described, were to occur.

Perhaps a better course of action would be to move out of an area in which this threat is likely to occur. It is much easier to live in peace than it is to live in fear.

Your ad hominem is greatly appreciated.
What you have described is fear. Fear that you face a threat such as the situation you have described.

The belief that firearms will somehow prevent this hypothetical situation is foolish. Simply because you own a firearm does not make you Rambo, nor does it mean you would be prepared or effective in defending you home, in the incredibly unlikely event that a situation, such as the one you described, were to occur.

Perhaps a better course of action would be to move out of an area in which this threat is likely to occur. It is much easier to live in peace than it is to live in fear.

Your ad hominem is greatly appreciated.

Hypothetical? *Checks news and sees murders*.... What a foolish thing to say.
Would you call wearing a seatbelt fear? You'd have to call it fear to fit under the same definition. Just because you take measures to prevent something life-threatening from happening doesn't mean you live in fear. It's using common sense.

Shooting is one of my hobbies, and I've beat state troopers in some recreational shooting before for accuracy. I routinely shoot- for fun. Saying I wouldn't be effective is: foolish.
However, if you feel so inclined that nobody would be able to shoot an intruder dead: go ahead and break into some homes in conservative Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, whatever... I bet you don't have the balls for that one.

Move somewhere safe? LOL. Yup. That's the answer for everyone. Move to the rural communities, drive an hour into the city each day, and not have any service businesses anywhere close to home. Foolish.
Hypothetical? *Checks news and sees murders*.... What a foolish thing to say.
Would you call wearing a seatbelt fear? You'd have to call it fear to fit under the same definition. Just because you take measures to prevent something life-threatening from happening doesn't mean you live in fear. It's using common sense.

Shooting is one of my hobbies, and I've beat state troopers in some recreational shooting before for accuracy. I routinely shoot- for fun. Saying I wouldn't be effective is: foolish.
However, if you feel so inclined that nobody would be able to shoot an intruder dead: go ahead and break into some homes in conservative Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, whatever... I bet you don't have the balls for that one.

Move somewhere safe? LOL. Yup. That's the answer for everyone. Move to the rural communities, drive an hour into the city each day, and not have any service businesses anywhere close to home. Foolish.

I live in Texas, and I guarantee you if someone breaks into my home that they won't be walking out.
You can deny it all you want, but it's the truth. There is a lot of senseless Obama hatred that can't be attributed to anything but racism. (i.e. those who hate Obama but don't know shit about what he does or anything about politics in general)

I always say the real racists are the ones that call other people racists. :rolleyes:
lots of people talk extensively on why they disagree with obamas policies. you can often see them on the news.... oh, wait, you can't. The news is going to look for the redneck gun toting types carrying signs as they present a better stereotype to use.
I honestly don't know what to make of this thread. I can say for sure though that my head hurts more after reading it and I feel a little bit dumber. :eek:
Sorry to "pseudo-mini-mod" in my previous post but I just hate these old news threads getting bumped and the same stupid topics getting argued over.