PR Nightmare Drawing - AMD 6400+ Black Drawing

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I love [H]ardOCP because I can check here daily and find all the juicy tech news I can handle, the reviews are the best in the biz and the freaking forums are just flippin awesome. I learned so much when I was just starting out piddling with computers years and years ago.

I hate [H]ardOCP because you don't do enough reviews! Jeebuz, what do you guys do all day??? Oh, I forgot, you don't post the crap . . . . :D

Top Ten reasons why [H]ardocp is my favorite hardware review website:
10. I read it to pick up chicks
9. The lack of Flash, java and other over used website bells and whistles, on their website.
8. Black with white Text, in a world gone mad with white back grounds and or horrable back ground images.
7. Quakecon 2005, they threw a party and gave away a load of hardware, thanks!
6. Tomshardware literatly sold out, and hardware isn't their focus anymore.
5. There is no good alternative for honest hardware information.
4. Something has to fill the void in my life from TechTv being dead (since they were the only other place I know that did 100% honest reviews)
3. It's a great page to switch to quickly to keep from getting caught looking at online porn at work.
2. If I don't read [H], I will sound like a noob when I try to talk about hardware to my geek friends..
1. The Truth is worth more to [H] than advertising money.
It is unfortunate that you are located in Austin, but I'll forgive you for another great PSU review.
Kyle tells it like it is, that's refreshing. He sometimes gets it wrong, but will admit it when he does. The forums are clogged with seemingly every 15 year old who has a pipe to the internet and likes to argue about the most inane things. I do enjoy the Real Life section, though. GenMay, HotDeals and FS/T keep me coming back. To be honest, I haven't visted the front page ( in a long time, the news stories just don't grab me.

The only thing that's made me mad recently was the XFX promotion that I missed out on due to not having a desk job and working second shift.

EDIT: One thing that tweaks me off - could SOMEONE PLEASE announce who the winners are when this is over? Or at least let us know how the winners are notified? PM/Email/giant [H] sign in the sky above my house? I was checking every form of communication known to man for that last BE giveaway. I still don't know who won.
While I still like [H] and could brown nose it up, i'll take the other side and beat you guys upside the head with this post because quite frankly you need it ;)

What is up with your reviewing process for video cards? I have noticed that you've finally added an apples-to-apples comparison model but all the apples-to-oranges models you did before were bunk. Your latest review using 3800 series cards and Unreal Tournament 3 shows a poor review process as well since you did not compare visual differences caused by the commands "bSmoothFrameRate=TRUE, MinSmoothedFrameRate=22 and MaxSmoothedFrameRate=62" under circumstances where they become active.

Admittedly this might be hard to do but i'm sure its doable if you find a place where framerates dip and capture an image or two for each GPU at that point. Maybe a subject for a new article? ;)

Yikes, 200 comes fast.
I've been an HardOCP *lut for nearly a decade and when ever I surf the web my first stop is HardOCP. Love it or hate it but all my friends hear from me the latest hardware reviews that you folks provide. You're unbiased, care little for artificial crap benchmarks and give us real world FPS's using the latest games and common resolutions. Comeon, it don't get any better than that!

Happy Holidays to all!
I love [H] because of it's "Real Life Stuff" sub forum, I browse it everyday at home and at work! The case mod gallery gives me ideas for my setups. And I love the color scheme because its easy to read.
What I love.

1) The in depth and real world testing you provide in your review.
2) Brutal honesty. A spade is a spade and sucky hardware gets no mercy. This more then anything else keeps my coming back because I can trust you.

What I hate.
1) In line ads. I know they are a neccessary evil, but that doesn't make me hate them any less.
2) During some database crash my [H]ardForum post count got lost. Thousands of posts and years of snarkiness lost, and I was reduced to status of n00bie again. Hard to work up the enthusiasm to post anymore. (I'm sure grad school has nothing to do with me not posting in a long time... nuh-huh.)
3) Not enough picture of Steve with his shirt off. *Rowr!* (Okay, I joke I joke... don't hurt me!)
I love [H] because they stuck to their guns when it came to Infinium Labs and won! Yeah, I know that was a LONG time ago, but still!

I also love the [H]ot|Deals forum because it brings me the latest and greatest tech deals, before anyone other site, straight from the horse's mouth. The For Sale / Trade forum is better than those "other" forums. I love the video card comparison write-ups as well!

Great site Kyle! Keep up the good work!
This should be interesting...

1, I love you guys because no matter what, this site is up to date depite outages etc.

2. I hate you guys because of the 1000 scammers over in the for sale threads
I love [H] because I learned MANY computer hardware knowledge in here which eventually persuade me to build my own. I loved the hot deal forum as well as the user-experience-oriented [H] reviews, and not to mention all the great people in this forum who helped me in times of troubles ;) But despite all the love for [H], I hate [H] for drying up my wallet :eek: ...
I love the [H] because of the no BULL evaluations they give. Everything is straight up here, just like it should be. Keep up the good work.
I love [H] because of the way you guys do your reviews. While some of them might not give you every single detail that some people might want, the reviews do give you a very good idea of what kind of performance to expect.

And who DOESN'T love the [H]ot|DEALS forum? :D
I love the [H] because not only does it give readers legitimate reviews, but also the nicest forum for Hardware around with friendly, helpful users and good discplinary policies.
I love the [H]ardforum, it's whats bookmarked instead of the front page. The wealth of information that can be gathered by just browsing and inquiring is really great. The community that participates is truly [H]ardcore. The reviews are great, and it's nice to know that you guys do things the way you see fit and not conform to what everyone else is doing in their reviews, refreshing change-up.

I hate the forum downtime because I spend so much of my internet time here just keeping up on the latest tech happenings. Hopefully you guys can minimize the downtime in the new year, new years resolution? :)

Back to the Bat Cave !
I love the [H] for it's informative reviews, enthusiast articles and other tech or game related information. The [H]ardforums are my first stop if I'm looking for more information on anything tech related, or if I have a problem. I love that the [H] is one of the few sites that realizes benchmarking at most sites is "broken" and that real world gameplay trumps "timedemo" numbers. I think the [H] is one of the best technical resources on the net and I'm happy to be a member here... :cool:
Love Hardocp? Hardly worthy of loving; liking at most, if 'liking' be the appropriate reference to the deserved concept. I read Hardocp basically every day and am very satisfied with their general conduct, unlike they-who-will-not-be-mentioned (The other review site) Hardocp know their place in the world and inject it with a creamy, and tasty concoction of fillings.
Despite that, Hardocp definetly isn't perfect, and leave much to be desired when charisma and charm are concerned. The empty, seemingly bleak reviews really need a bit of objective and colourful wit, which is becoming a rarity these days; much to the delight of advertisers and companies alike...
To sum it up; hardocp is a gritty, cold, and dark reviewing machine which puts the 'hard' back into hardcore computer reviews.
Cause you didn't back down from the "Infinium Labs Phantom Console" mess...... shows ballage..... and where are they now?? Anyhow I have been lurking here since almost the beginning and have enjoyed the time away from productive work....
All I should say is Thanks [H] !!! But screw that!

I consider this site as a "One-Stop" shop. When I decided to build my first Hi-End PC, I came here to gain the knowledge of the process' involved & purchasing the right pieces. I am especially grateful for the 'For Sale/Trade' section as it saved me a ton of $$ during my build process.. That alone makes the forum great, not to mention I have a rockin system now!!!!!

Thanks again guys/dolls & thanks for everything the site provides!!!!
I don't know why I love you! I stumbled upon the Hard Over-Clockers Page (if that is what it means - it does in my head) some years ago I don't go to any other hardware sites. Ever.

Straight the point with everything you do and willing to take a stand and stick to your guns when pressed when other sites/people would crumble, why go anywhere else?
I have a Love/Hate relationship with this site. I love the forums, the reviews are great, and Steve looks hot in that bra picture. The site and forum design is simple and easy to read. I especially like the community in the forums. Quality stuff.

I don't like the ads. Who does? And I don't like the way the forums are moderated sometimes. This site has angered me more than once, certain members (in the OS forum especially) as well as certain staff (Hi Kyle!). But I take the good with the bad, and overall it's good.

Oh, the only other complaint I have is that I've entered a bunch of contests and I've never won anything :)
I love that [H] has a dedicated list of readers and staff that not only help out with questions about PC things I might not never know about but also find out new information about upcoming things that are bubbling in the PC Universe. Without this forum, my HTPC would definitely not be the same, and without the staff, I never would have known about some of the inner workings of the PC universe.
Love your honesty and no nonsense approach to computer hardware performance.

Hate your black background and white text... makes my eyes bleed.
1) Good source for a quick scan of tech news

2) Excellent reviews

3) An intelligent and supportive community

All together, this site makes for an excellent place to help someone learn and go from being someone who "likes computers" to a serious enthusiast. I don't know of any other single site that does it quite so well.
Well, I started reading for your PC reviews, which were excellent! I was saddened when I saw they were going away, due to no real fault of your own. I usually find your reviews very informative and of high quality. I don't understand all of the complaining when you do video card reviews. They are not misleading or confusing. I find them very useful and I don't think the only measure of a video card's worth should be canned benchmarks. There are plenty of other sites to check out that have canned benchmarks, there's no reason for [H] to do those too. Keep up the quality reviews and I'll keep reading.

The forums are excellent as well and I have learned a lot by reading them too! There are very knowledgeable people to be found there and most of them are always willing to help.

You guys aren't perfect, but hey, who is? I think this site will continue to be one of my favorite tech sites for a long time to come.
I’ve been reading [H]ard|OCP for many, many years now. There are many things I like about the site that keep me coming back. There are also a few things I don’t like. In this case the benefits seem to outweigh the few drawbacks.

To be blunt, the reviews are generally well worded and the editors and reviewers go to some decent lengths to keep their articles unbiased. I find that they form a good baseline when looking to form an educated opinion about hardware I’m interested in. [H] is typically the place I begin my search.

I must admit that I’ve always enjoyed the news posts. Most specifically, I feel that Steve’s a fairly funny guy and mixes some good humor into my day.

I generally don’t like to criticize unless I can offer some constructive options for improvement. In this case, I have no real suggestions. I have to say, though, that the flash ads on the main page are simply annoying. I know they are a source of revenue and must be there, but geeze… too much flash!
[H}ardOCP kicks ass because...

You actually do reviews the proper way. Especially the power supply reviews. Who else is using a load tester capable of loading down a 1.5kW PSU? You are! Also, you don't back down from BS. The latest Commodore review/preview was classic.

{H}ardOCP sucks because...

Ummmm.... You don't have free cheese giveaways. More free cheese!

Thanks for everything!

I like the fact that this site tries to supply a broad range of hardware information (CPU, Graphic card, hard drives, etc...). The information usually accurate and any error is corrected with an explanation.

You are as unbiased as can be; but you should make a better effort not to play in the polemic of the day. Your opinion is respected and valued by allot of readers and other media.

The site Layout has not changed, I've been lurking around this site since the early days (trust me). The fact that you still believe in information and not marketing is refreshing.

Like I mentioned before polemic is the weakness of the site and even worst some the comments or response on some the subjects are scary! Sure people can have opinions on but some of posters do walk the fine line (No disrespect). The best example is some of the comments about the Intel advertisement incident.

HardOCP is my favourite site, the first site I visit and the most often. You have good sense of what the pop culture will interest your audience while still focusing on Hardware. The HardOCP team has evolve and changed with time, but the feel is still the same and that to me is a good thing.
I love the [H] for giving me a single place to get all my computer news and updates, instead of having to browse 10 sites.
Viking Funerals, CPU Eating Lizards, unknowingly calling Andy Drake from BXB a pole smoker for close to a year, Lingerie Sporting Admins, Stuart, DC Community, Infinium Labs Ownage, Genmay, Watching the Ban [H]ammer Fall, The Front Page Tagline, Epic Poofs.......:D

Mostly I love all of the free beer they give out in Genmay though.

I think HardOCP is a top-notch review site with devoted people for a backbone.

In terms of reviews, you attack the problem at the source: what can I do with "x" hardware. I think the "best-playable setting" concept is the most indicative as to what you can expect out of a new video card, CPU, or whatever. In the end, you find yourself satisfied with reading just the one review because you know what the hardware can actually do, not what it pwns when compared to some other product. One thing that irks me is that all reviews resemble others in the sense of test setups. I enjoy the odd review where more mainstream hardware is tested in combination with newer stuff. But, then there's the issue of CPU-GPU bottlenecks. I guess that's what game-specific reviews are for.

In general, your site's fine. Ads aren't all that bad, and the news is varied, informative, and tastefully comical. The only thing I don't like is searching our news archives for passed articles. That's a pain sometimes for specific hardware searches, but I don't use it often enough to merit the change.

Cheers to the HardOCP community!
Why oh why do I love the [H] like I do?

Well... I believe it would have started around in *THE YEEEEAAAAR TWOOOOO THOUSSSSSSAND!!!!*


I do gotta point out I miss the simplistic good old HTML and the original theme, but I digress further....

I then got around to registering on the forums in 2001.

Fantastic resource for just about any question you might have. Great moderation, great people (for the most part)

I remember the first story I submitted... Can't remember the exact date, but I took a 1.5 Ghz P4 and lapped it down to the copper, put it up to the instructions that came with the box (that were in chinese) sent it in, and Kyle posted it with a witty comment...

"And heres what a P4 looks like if you want to read the instructions in Chinese"

Great stuff... Maybe that was 2002? Who knows...

And lastly, i'm sure everyone has said the reviews rock. I agree, but I do think they are a bit scewed in the perspective of the person who has too much money to spend on hardware, but whatever - i'm poor and i'm not about to discriminate against the "have's" in our world. But your mother smells of elderberries anyways. :p
How can you hate a site that gives stuff away for free, although the ability to edit posts would be nice :eek:
I love the reviews.
I love the community.

There's nothing I really hate - maybe a few things that could be tweaked, but nothing that extends as far as 'hatred' :)
I just simply enjoy the site because it's about as BS free as it gets, and the Admins/Mods are accessible and stand by their word and the readers. I will, however, agree the ads get annoying sometimes.
I love this site, it's my homepage. Why?

Because you were the first to go with real world game play in your reviews, not crappy canned benchmarks.

Plus, your side projects like the RatPadz are awesome. I've got three of them and love them to death! :D

I look forward to your hardware reviews the most. Especially video cards!

Ok, enuff brown nosing, keep up the great work! :cool:
I love it because my fingers frequently go faster than my brain and I end up typing, which should be a porn site with lots of malware, cause then I could use the [H] forums to try to figure out how to clean it all off, making me love it more than I did before I tried to look at some hot deals and get infected with spyware in the first place.
Love [H]! Why because [H] seems quite independent on the iformation it provides that is not beholden to others. I might not care for the outcomes but you present it as it should be..honestly; with a little sensible opinion for spice.
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