PR Nightmare Drawing - AMD 6400+ Black Drawing

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• [H]ardforum. It's pretty much the only forum I properly participate in. Good people and usually polite when you help them out. Very well moderated.
• Front page news updates are just fantastic. Very frequent and always well picked and interesting. Good work going on there indeed.
• Motherboard reviews. [H] is the only place I goto for motherboard reviews. Only [H]ard knows how to properly nit-pick and test a motherboard and show it no mercy. If there's a fault, we'll know about it thanks to [H]ard. Top stuff!


• The unscientific videocard review system. Really infuriates me and I often give up mid way through a videocard review and just goto a site that'll give me the damn numbers.


It's unscientific; you should really leave interpretation for discussion/conclusion. The results should be just a very neatly presented set of, just that, results.

I don't want to know what someone else thinks is a 'good playable framerate' or what is 'acceptable image quality', I want the raw numbers so I can decide on my own if I like it or not. I can't tell you how annoying it is to have 2 cards compared but have the settings (entirely subjectively) changed between the two and be left with 2 uncomparable sets of data. I mean, you realise that as soon as you alter settings between 2 items it's not by definitation a comparison anymore? It's just 2 independant sets of data back to back.

Don't get me wrong, the whole 'real world gameplay experience' is bang on the money, truly the best review mantra. But it doesn't mean that you have to abandon objectivity altogether.

I think It would be better to start with raw apples to apples (same settings) comparisons between videocards and then state very clearly what image quality differences there are and go through them in detail if need be. If card A runs twice the speed of card B but looks like shit, then run them at same settings first and then show screenshots to show explicitly what the trade off is. Then post an additional 3rd set of data showing your subjective comparison of 'best playable settings'.

Best of both worlds surely? ;) Guess you miss most of those apples to apples sections we do? - Kyle
Hardocp is a Great website.


-It helps me make knowledgable purchasing decisions and be a more informed consumer.

-It tells me what I really want to know and doesn't get me all the other nonsense.

-It's honest and not skewed in favor of one thing or another.


-Some reviews are slow to come.

-Forums were a bit wonky for a while (fixed now)

Thanks guys and thanks for such a wonderful site.
I've been reading [H] for over 5 years now and have always appreciated the dedication, integrity, and reader-oriented mentality of the editors/admins. I tried to think of a criticism... but nope, can't come up with even one. Additionally, I love the community here. Whenever I have a hardware problem I can't troubleshoot alone, the [H] are one of my secret weapons.
I've been a fan of the site for longer then I've been married to my wife...

What I love about the [H] above and beyond the reviews... I love the fact Kyle and Steve have always known there is more to life then how [H]ot the CPU gets.

For Example:
- Supporting the Troops
- Acknowledging the loss of members of our community
- Raising funds for charitable needs
- Actually caring for the welfare of the general public
- Pointing out mistakes anyone has made including themselves.

Without these attributes we would not be getting the reviews I trust in.

So thank you for all the years of reading you have provided, and I would have said the same thing even if no draw was being made.

What I HATE are the newbie dorks in the forums that do not read a thread and repeat what others are saying or questioning.
I hate you because you did not give me an AMD 5000 Black Edition from the last drawing!

But I love [H]ardOCP because you post reviews that are the truth and not tainted by companies who slip you some cash to modify some numbers :rolleyes: Keep up the honest work, and I'll continue to be your most beloved daily reader (regardless if I win or lose).

Why do I love the [H]?

Without overstating the good feelings I feel towards [H]ard|OCP, allow me to share the reasons why I still read this page on a daily basis after 7 or 8 years.

1) Without the guidance on this page, I wouldn't have bought a 550E PIII and turned it into an 814MHz brute - faster than anything on the market at the time. The joy this brought to me is almost inexpressible.

2) The creative and dynamic nature of the [H] community - It simply astounds and inspires me when I see some of the incredible projects of the modders out there.

3) This page has served as a nexus for me - introducing me to delights like PA and BBSpot, which I frequent often.

4) I get a kick out of the random [H] appearances.

All the above can be distilled down to two reasons as to why I love the [H]: I've been empowered, the esoteric mysteries of the inside of a tower have yielded themselves to me; after nearly a decade of reading, the [H] has successfully branded itself with a unique culture - which I still feel a part of.
I love Hardocp for many reasons, I have been a reader for many years, and it’s not just the great product reviews. It is the way you both stand behind good companies and expose fraud and bad practices, with out selling out. In other words [ H ] is my favorite tech site on the net and I visit multiple times daily.
Keep Up the good work.
ive been reading since the beginning (bring back the lobster cam!!!) days when it was just a bunch of geeks hanging out trying to get or rigs to run quake smoother, to when little stevie was recruited (ill have to send you the interview we did with him from OCAddiction funny read from back in the day). from there i ended up hooking up with SPeeD and Justi to run off on our own to make OCA since it seemed you were having a blast with the [h], man, it was a great ride, and the competitive nature simply rocked. we had a ton of good times takin jabs back and forth and we rode the high from 2000-2003 when we sold the site, and i can honestly say, i don't know how you keep up the pace. keep up the great work, and lets see another 8 years out of ya.

its great to see that from the handful of 'good' sites from back in the day, you are still chugging along and haven't swayed form the formula.

i def love the [h] (maybe even in that way if enough JD is involved) and prolly check it more than i check on my own kids, thats what the wife is for (as long as she doenst see this post)
I love the fact that [H] tells it like it is, particularly on the performance of X2s vs Core2 on gamming. The will to go against the mainstream with arguments is very valuable to the enthusiast community.
I love Hardforum because of all the knowledgeable members who make up this site. I know that if I have a question about my computer, overclocking or new hardware, I can ask it here and get a helpful response. Without the awesome people, I would have no reason to be here right now!
I like hardocp/hardforum since it is a great collection of review and news from around the web, as well as their own reviews. The forums add even further information.

It's as simple as that. Centralized information that is done well.
This site is a triumph.
I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.
It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
They do what they must
because they can.
For the good of all of us.
Except the ones who read THG.
But there's no sense crying over every mistake.
You just keep on frying Athlons till you run out of cake.
And the reviews get done.
And you make suicide runs.
For the people who are still [H]ard.
I'm not even kidding.
I'm being so sincere right now.
Even though you broke convention.
And shredded canned benches.
And tore them to pieces.
And tossed them under a bus.
As they kept coming it hurt because they were so new!
Now these real world benches make beautiful lines.
When they're released on time.
So I'm GLaD apples'n oranges were dumped.
Think of all the things we learned
for the people who are still [H]ard.
Go ahead and ban me.
Bad paradies suck I know this stinks.
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you.
Maybe Anandtech
While other sites are dying, [H]ard|OCP is still alive.
And when Firingsquad is dead, [H]ard|OCP will be still alive.

New user here, but I love reading all of the threads and worklogs because as a novice user... the information shared is especially helpful as I try to build my second computer. Your reviews are concise and informative without being overpowering for a new user.
I originally liked the [H]ard|Forums for the freebie section. then when the split came, I kept looking in the hot deals section. After a while, I started looking at the [H]ardOCP site and now I like it for the "real life" reviews and up to the date news. I've been to a lot of other tech sites. HardOCP is the only one that reviews hardware with Joe Average in mind in how the system would really be used, not just a benchmark shop. I now have [H]ard|OCP in my button bar and it is the first tech site I visit every day.
What I love:

The way your reviews are written so you can see the best FPS rates one could expect based on game configuration. Everyone else gives the generic X FPS at X resolutions where as you guys take the time to figure out where the optimal sacrifice is between eye candy and playable frame rates.

Interaction with your articles and members on this forum. If you missed something obvious, you'll add it at a members request. I rarely see this on other sites.

You're not afraid to call something a POS, if it really is a POS after you've given the product a fair shake.

What I hate:

That I have to go to other sites to get the generic benchmark info for the "What if I want to run the game at my native resolution with similar detail settings, how bad is it gonna be?" type comparison.

Just something else I wanted to add: What would make your site better? Do the easy generic benchmarks in addition to your unique testing, then [H] would be a one stop shop for the credible data.
Twas the night before christmas and all through the house, Hardforum was churning and it wasnt by a mouse.
My fingers were typing, looking for great deals. But all that could be had were some orange peels.
The heat of the computer warming my feet. Reading the overclocking forums was neat.
As Santa dropped down the chimney with glee, I ran to the bathroom to take a Pee.
As I came back to my dismay, santa was wading into the Hardforum fray.
His typing was fast and as clear as day, Santa was selling his Reindeer and Sleigh.
As I watched Santa leave I yelled his name. Him stealing my computer was really lame.
I go to [H] because I am old enough to remember real journalism. I don't want to know if the new CPU or Video Card comes from a cool location or will make me look sexy.
Who made it?
Where can I buy it"
What is it, and what is in it?
When (no vapor releases) will it be available?
Why should I fork over my hard cash?
Like the old investigative journalists, they dig for facts and then they prove their conclusions. You are not left with a "citation needed".
[H] does the hard work, the testing and they are one of the few sites you can depend on.
They spend far more time and money with more expertise than I will ever be able to do.

I love [H] because I trust them, I learn from them, and they don't shovel B.S. just to get an audience. I like the product and I love the attitude.
I hate them because it is so hard to keep typing [H].
I read HardOCP on a daily basis, part of my morning ritual. I work for a reseller and it is important to keep up on the latest hardware and news so we can carry the appropriate hardware for our customer base. HardOCP is accurate yet different then anywhere else, providing a fresh viewpoint.
I love the [H] as it is my first source for PC related news. I love going on the forums to read up on real world experience with components. I've been hanging around and using this site since the beginning and Kyle's and the majority here share the same mindset that I do. It's that we want the best performance for the best price. Most of us have no loyalties to products or companies and simply prefer whoever is giving us that bang for buck concept. That's why I like reading up here at the [H].

I like how the environment is fairly non biased. We are free to voice complaints and praise as long as they are valid and within a realistic personal experience. The forums are very helpful for the most part where it is really a large resource of decades of computer experience. I gleam a little info here and there and sometimes try to contribute what I know and have done as well.

The articles and reviews written on the [H] are fairly well done. The whole gameplay experience is something that very few sites have focused on over the past few years. While I appreciate that, sometimes I long for the hard numbers to help sway a decision back and forth between products as sometimes I can be still left in that "so which one was better again?" at the end of reading some articles.

Overall awesome!
I think you guys have great hardware reviews. I love HardOCP!! I visit everyday to get my hardware/other information technology information. Keep up the good work!!!
I used to be part of other less inferior forums, and [H] by far has immersed me in knoweledge I couldn't otherwise with all the other forums combined.

I have used the information, reviews, and overall discussions in both my personal and professional life as a Technical Support Rep.

I sincerely hope to be a contributing member of [H] for a long time to come and hope you guys provide us with your unbiased and unplugged reviews and opinions on everything Tech.

1. Love the video reviews and how they're FRAPS rate based.
2. I hate however, those annoying little word highlight things you guys have that you invariably end up clicking by accident when trying to click something else.

There's you some constructive stuff. Hope I get the chip, my Socket A is tired.
I love hardocp for its hard news features. You cover a gamut of news that I enjoy reading daily which is why I keep coming back. It also helps that your video card reviews are top notch.

I hate hardocp for having giveaways like this with a minuscule chance of winning, yet I can’t seem to pass up the chance. I also hate hardocp for making me feel like a dirty pervert every time I time in the URL.
Well. Lets put it this way. I've been reading Hard|OCP in the early 2000's when the website was just simple HTML and no one had heard of Kyle Bennett.

It was good reading. The reviews were entertaining, informative, and unbiased. Kyle had a flair for writing in a style that walked the edge of satirical and comical, yet still provided lots of useful information with a touch of personality.

Over the years as Hard|OCP gained momentum and is now a leading technology website, more staff were hired. The website changed, Hard|Gaming shut down, and the reviews don't seem as "Hard|OCP"-ish anymore. There is no life, no color. I could read the review on Hard|OCP, Anandtech, or Tom's Hardware and they'd all read the same. Reviews also came further and further apart. Reviews also changed from hardware that most people could afford and play with, to mostly prohibitively super-high-end PR material that wasn't even available to the public yet.

Don't get me wrong. I love reading about the latest AMD has to offer, but can you go back to a little more of the older style, where instead of cherry picking the best CPU to overclock, you just sat down, put on some man gloves, and fiddled until you got the results you wanted. Also needs more quirky stuff too. I remember when you used to post "Random [H] sightings" and weird personal projects, like the peltier beer cooler. While they had nothing to do with computing, they added to the flair and personality of the website that has since been lost.
Limit to 200 words? I’m torn between negative and positive so I’ll shoot somewhere in between.

I’ll give you “guys” credit you give away a lot of stuff which people really dig and I can’t imagine this place is a gold mine or anything but it’s good to see people doing what they love. This seems to be the kind of work you must love to really put yourself into doing a stellar job.

It’s impressive to see how far you’ve come in the last 6 years that I’ve been here and I think the color scheme has finally found its “sweet-spot”. The review process has matured to the point that other sites and publications are starting to mimic it. You’ve had your failures like the whole “consumer/enthusiast/console/enterprise” split that didn’t do so hot, or [H]ardOCP Deportes “The Ocho” or whatever that is or was.

Then there are the [H] Forums which, I don’t know how you put up with, or find people to blackmail… like Major or Lethal? You have to pay them right?

Best of all; let’s not forget the charitable works the [H] has provided, copious amounts of $ raised here!

Rock on [H] Rock on…
I can count on this forum to get the latest info first, and I have gotten some good technical help from just reading others' posts.
I was drawn in, like a moth to the flame. Way back in the day when Biostar had a Tforce board that beat the pants off everything else for socket 939 - you were there. Upon release of a now legendary 8800GT -your forum was THE place for real enthusiasts to follow this frenzy. I found just the right amount of information and sarcasm. What led me back to stay was a story about some member getting banned for posting FUD about BFG and some warranty issue. The deeper I dug the more respect I had for the [H] crew. You might say I'm now addicted to the site. Reviews take a novel and fresh look at playable settings, stories are constantly pouring in, people are helpful, and that color scheme!. It's beautiful. I was actually thinking the other day you guys needed a slogan like "We put the [H]ard in hardware". Guaranteed I'll be here for a while. Thanks!
What I hate about the [H]: When it's down. I don't realize how addicted I am until the infrequent time when the site is down for a couple hours that seems like forever.

The atmosphere at the size is (mostly) mature, and the people in charge really promote good discussion and get rid of the people who refuse to follow the rules. Too many forums these days try to up their membership numbers and activity by allowing people to do whatever they want. You don't get that crap here, it's nice to have (usually) intellectual conversations...mixed in with the occasional Dell bashing thread. ;)
Why I like this forum, I must say it isn't because I feel the people hear always agree or always get along it is because I feel this forum always strives to offer good reviews and great advice. I have a few times asked questions I had no answer for I didn't have to wait for weeks for an answer someone quickly answered and that shows this is a forum that isn't dead.
I have tried other forums here and there but none meet my needs as far as my interests are concerned. I also appreciate the fact that the members here care a few months ago I fell on some hard times and had to sell my personal rig to pay a house payment, one of the members here jumped on the deal to help me out then others helped out in other ways, you know who you are. These things and so much more is what makes this the best forum out there.
If I were to win these two items it would be the core for my replacement system I intend to build.
SO PICK ME!!!!!!
Because you guys brought General Mayhem back, and you shut it down, only to realize that it was not the best move, so you brought it back up. Not to mention the closing of GenMay created Gen[M]ay, but that is a different story....

Oh, I've been here since 2000. Because of Genmay.

Edit: q|at
I love this site for one reason: It has a deal section which is focus on computer components, so I don't have to be overwhelmed by other kind of information.
when the K6-2 and PIII (and dual 300A's were it lol yeah i'm old) were still the hottest silicon around, there was no shortage of review sites with benchmarks and opinions. it seemed like the usual fanboys and zealots were not over running the place, and no shortage of knowlegeable fold willing to talk, discuss and call someone out when the crap too deep. never had the impression that vendors or manufacturers (advertisers) ever ran anything, and [H] called em like they saw it.

I became a frequent visitor of [H]. the reviews were fluff free, and gave solid information. I found the lack of posturing refreshing, and all of it done by people old enough to drink a beer - legally :p

i was impressed by Kyle's willingness to stand up to Infinium labs.

loved to read the threads and ask "dumb" questions knowing that not all was flame bait, and i would get some real useful info. the Forums, while not troll free, were inhospitable to trolls and some sense of community.

i must admit not liking the bandwidth graphs, and still look for numbers to place in my mental graph, but the reviews are solid.

the system reviews are nice. from purchase to RMA, and tech support graded :D

the [H]orde and charity stuff. although i do wish some [H]orde shirts were avail to those who missed em :rolleyes:

keeping things in is great but i like seeing things like the real meaning of Memorial Day, and such.

Texas Baby!

I love [H] because they encouraged me so much to get even more into pcs, because of [H] my pc is now water cooled and soon to be fully water cooled with a new power supply. I also love the reviews and how theres so many topics that are soo useful. Also because of these awesome giveaways. And there awesome ranking system that goes by ram.

p.s. Kyle+other [H] crew FTW.....and the ppl at thermalright and AMD.
I'm a recent adopter of HardOCP and the Hardforum and I've got to say I couldn't be happier with this site. I came across this site one day while searching in google for something and haven't really looked back since. I love the reviews you guys put up because I feel they are reviews by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts, and so I get the information that I want to know, not just some stupid post by someone who doesn't know what he or she is talking about, and so I'd like to thank HardOCP for that. I get my daily dose of tech news from here as well, so that is awesome.

I just recently signed up for the forums, and while I haven't gotten the chance to read everything on here, nor post a lot, I've got to say I'm impressed with the amount of knowledge everyone has on these forums. I think you can get an answer to just about anything and everything on hardforum. The hot deals forum also has a lot of great posts in it, and I've been able to land some sweet deals on things! I'd like to thank Kyle for creating this site and making it so awesome, and I'd also like to thank the members of this community for making these forums what they have become!
I love reading the [H] because:

It passes the content filter and firewall at work,

It allows me to keep up with the way the tech market is moving even when I can't afford to play the upgrade game personally

It's a totally righteous timewaster

It has a sense of humor

I prefer a no BS attitude when it comes to statements about performance and hardware. No bandwagon jumping here.
[H]ard|Forum is my online home. There's always a party going on! From the [H]ot|Deals to the Show-Off-Your-Stuff threads, I never have time to sleep when I'm sifting through page after page. When it comes to shopping, I'm right at home at [H]ard|Forum, able to look for the most up to date posts on relative computer hardware, or to read about users' opinions and their shared experience before making any purchases. I even got some free stuff from the community here through their generosity and eagerness to help. Through [H]ard|Forum I have learned sincere appreciation from all the help that I have received and that giving back never felt so great. Enough, off to the [H]ot|Deals section now!

I have had the Hardocp set as my home page since the beginning of forever as I like its coverage of games and hardware and other tech related news. I’ve been visting here pretty much every day since you guys first began way back when.

During the whole canned benchmarks period a few years back, I also was getting pissed off about the 3dmark garbage, and highly applauded your efforts to throw that trash out in favour of using real applications to benchmark with which has led the way to where you are today. I’ll read reviews nowhere else.

I also like the way that mostly nothing has been censored to keep big business happy and that things are said as you see them.
The comments on the news page prompted me to register an account again I like this very much.


I hate the “news story” style way of putting an AD right up the top in the first paragraph of each article, which leads me to never read the very first intro paragraph as I just have to get that annoying stuff off my screen ASAP, so I end up reading from the 2nd paragraph on.
I love the [H] because I can read through the forums for hours. I hate the [H] because I can read through the forums for hours. I love the [H] because I can find good deals in teh real life section. I hate the [H] because I find sweet deals too good to pass up ALL THE TIME. I love the [H] because it drives my wife nuts when I get on here. I hate the [H] because my wife drives me nuts when I'm on it. But most of all I love the [H] because of the witty little quote at the top right corner of the page :)
I used to love [H]ard OCP for the Genmay but now that I'm older I stick around for the tech and deals.

BUT I REALLY love how Kyle put the SMACKDOWN on the "Phantom Console"

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