PR Nightmare Drawing - AMD 6400+ Black Drawing

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Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
OK, here is the deal. Thermalright gave us three Ultima 901 cooling units, and AMD ponied up three 6400+ Black Edition CPUs for the [H] readers! Many thanks to Thermalright and AMD for that, but they left it up to us about how we should give them away. So at first I thought that we would let you write a few kind words about how great we are around here, and generally brown nose us to death for a few CPUs. But, that just did not set well with me. I like confrontation and I hate brown nosers and we know damn well that a lot of you think we suck, but you still read, so here it goes.

In 200 words or less tell us why you love us, OR why you hate us. No profanity. Posts that meet those standards will be drawn from and 3 AMD 6400+ Black Editions along with the Ultima 901. Only one post is allowed. Profanity = B7. All posts are for entry only. DO NOT MAKE THIS A DISCUSSION THREAD.

Three names have been drawn and I am waiting for confirmation. They have 24 hours to reply.

Winners shipped today:



I love the [ H ] for two reasons:

1. Your graphics card reviews actually tell the reader what performance differences to expect.

2. Kyle and the staff are by far the most responsive group with regard to interacting with readers and fans of the site.

Keep up the awesome work!
I love that [H] has giveaways! I also love the excellent traffic that the "Real Life Stuff" subforum gets and the fact that the mods as well as the members do quite a good good at maintain order and stability in them. I really love how you guys haven't allowed the forum to go down in a while and hope you keep it that way! And last but certainly not least, I love that AMD and Thermalright are sweet enough to do some giveaways!!!

Rock on [H], AMD and Thermalright!
The reason I enjoy reading [H] so much is because your reviews are always thorough and informative and never have any "Filler" information. You're also, in my opinion, the most honest reviewer out there and that's why I've been a loyal [H] reader since 2003.
I love HardOCP because of the way that you guys 'review' hardware. It was two years ago since I first read [H], but something about the quality and the intimacy of the reviews kept drawing me back. I really thought that the non-apples to apples comparisons were good because, honestly, almost every other hardware review site does that. In fact, some of my hardware purchases were influenced by your reviews, which shows how much [H] has impacted my hardware side of me.


P.S. Kyle, remember that guy from some place that had problems with the Flash adverts?
That's me :D
A few reason on why the [H]ard just owns all

1. The reviews and benchmarking are JUST AWESOME... i can't find any other place that uses the same or somewhat the same method like [H]ard does.. Fly by benchmarks just do not show REAL WORLD game play.. And this is ONE MASSIVE reason why i prefer [H]ard over anyone else.

2. The forums... Just amazing... no other fourm site comes close to the community at

3. Kyle, Brent, Steve, and the rest at [H]ard ARE JUST AWESOME GUYS... And they REPLY on the forums and Emails... these guys are amazing to all ends...
I have been following the site for years now - back when Kyle was overclocking a socket 7 Pentium 233. I even had a news item I sent in make it to the front page. So here goes...

Love - Real world honest opinions and reviews! Awesome forum.
Love - Everytime I need to build a new PC - Hardocp is there for great product selection advice.
The ridiculous black death color scheme stands out more so than any non-work-related website I view while at work and will likely lead to my being fired. I mean my boss is a computer noob but I'm sure she knows none of our work related software is black and red.

Oh and lets not forget the name HardForum. Is that a damn porno site or something? God forbid someone out of the know see that url in my history :eek:
1. I love you guys for the fair and accurate reviews, as well as for the fairness on the boards. Some of the best mods I know.

2. I hate ya guys for the resource hogging adds, but then again its tough since you didn't write the code. I'll give you props for letting the egg know.
I can't possibly tell you enough about how much I love this site! I come to HardOCP no less than 10 times a day. I can always count on HardOCP to bring me the latest and greatest tech news. I used to have about 5 tech sites that I hopped around until I found HardOCP. Now I visit 1...

The reviews are always given from a "different" perspective. Not just the same old vanilla review i can get from anywhere else (not to mention that even if I did want to read those vanilla review HardOCP links to them all anyway)

HardOCP....your are like the christmas gift that keeps on giving all year round!

Thanks for making me more l33t than ever!

It's a love and hate relationship for me.

I love [H] because of the white text on black. It's easy on my eyes. :D
And I hate [H] because due to the name, everyone thinks I'm looking at a pr0n site - and I have to convince them otherwise....
"Hard" just sounds so naughty... I'm such a Hard Gawd. Sexay~
I wish I had something nasty to say about [H] so it wouldn't look like I am sucking up, but I can't think of anything. This is my #1 site for hardware reviews, and you guys do a thorough and well-respected job.

I may not post a whole lot in the forums, but I go to this site every day because I know I will see something cool and enlightening. Keep up the great work!
I love the [H] because it's a great place to find out information about computer upgrades and good deals. There is also tons of good advise about any problems you may be having.
Brown Nose Version

I love the [H]. The real world video card benchmarks are very useful... The reviews are nonBiased in my opinion. Kyle and crew usually have no beef telling the truth (good, bad, and gotcha's) about Vendors and Products. They even are honest enough to care what you think by offering this thread.

Case in point: I really have a lot of respect for Kyle and Steve on how they told the truth about Infinium Labs. This was a very costly on part for Kyle and the gang, but they stuck to their guns, kept their integrity and PWN'D Tim Roberts! :D

I sell all my used stuff on the forums, find deals in the Hot Deals Section.. Score free items posted in the freebies section. I get advice on Hardware issues and new software and the truth about not rushing out to buy Windows Vista a year or so ago (but I did anyhow).

Most of all, the [H] crew are a bunch of cool guys! :cool:

The only negative I can say is that the white on black text gives me a headache after reading for 30 min or so.

[H]ate Version
I hate the [H]. The real world video card benchmarks are very useful...(if you are a noob). The reviews are nonBiased (used to be anyhow) in my opinion. Kyle and crew usually have no beef telling the truth (good, bad, and gotcha's) about Vendors and Products (if they don't pony up the cash). They even are honest enough to care what you think by offering this thread (Kyle must be co-running for Governor of Texas with Kinky Freidman in the near future) .

Case in point: I really have a lot of respect for Kyle and Steve on how they told the truth about Infinium Labs. This was a very costly on part for Kyle and the gang, but they stuck to their guns, kept their integrity and PWN'D Tim Roberts! (Kyle had to Mortgage his house, sell the Hummer and buy a Moped, while Tim Roberts laughed all the way to the bank and on to the next Fa-shizzle!) :D

I sell all my used stuff on the forums (that does not sell on Anandtech), find deals in the Hot Deals Section (just reposts from Score free items posted in the freebies section (free tampons for the wife). I get advice on Hardware issues (mostly ill advised) and new software and the truth about not rushing out to buy Windows Vista a year or so ago (but I did anyhow because I am not a cheap bastage).

Most of all, the [H] crew are a bunch of cool guys (same sentiment shared by the like minded guys that frequent the bath houses around San Franciso)! :cool:

The only Good thing I can say is that the white on black text gives me a headache only after reading for 30 min or so.
Why I [H]ate:

1.) This Red/Black layout reminds me too much of my High School theme color, bringing upon horrid memories of lies, deceit, bigotry, and failure.
2.) As a new [H]ard Forum member here, I find that the abundance of subforums and interesting topics leads over-reading and procrastination of work.
3.) Also, [H]otdeals burns a hole in my wallet.
I like HardOCP because it used to be great back in the day, it was truly [h]ard amongst a bunch of boring softcore sites. Now however, I don't really care much for new hardware, which is why my main rig is still a dual P3 1Ghz.
[H] is great.

For one simple reason. It's run by "ENTHUSIAST" not just "publishers". Reviews are not just well this number is greater than that number. They go into detail of what is means to someone looking to buy what thery are reviewing. And if it don't poney up they don't old punchs.

Plus the sense of humor great.
I first came to [H]ard|Forum upset about a review and wanted to yell at the editor, but over time I have seen that the quality and accuracy you do is what makes your reviews so controversial. I have come to enjoy [H]ard|Forum and [H]ard|OCP that is has become a daily visit for me to check on new technology, new reviews, and just an enjoyable place to learn about things I love.
I never seem to have a lot of money to spend on my rig, so when I am ready to buy a component, I am going to want the best bang for my buck. The first place I go to for answers is the [H]. The real world reviews are the only way to go. I know when Kyle puts his name on it, he believes it to be true. I know that advertisers are not "buying" the review I am reading. Now...if they could just review MORE! :D
Here's the deal

I love the [H] because they give it to you straight. No tip toeing around here. PR firms want to shovel their FUD. Kyle gives them the big fat boot in FULL PUBLIC VIEW.

I hate the [H] because I want to be the friggin Chief editor and Kyle says NO
At first it was the reviews on the front pages that did it for me, eventually the amazing community within the [H] forums. Just a quick look at the front page will show you that [H] deals with the type of stuff that interests me! Gaming news, preformance parts, budget parts, long in depth coverage on new, exciting hardware. Specific hardware diagnostics made especially for groups of certain people, Its just awesome to find a great, in-depth, detailed review from a trustworthy site, on EXACTLY what I need, sometimes even a comparison to the EXACT second part I was debating on purchasing. The page lay-out in my mind is great, simple, sleek, and quick to find what your looking for, and the signature Black and red ties it all together.

  • It's a simple design, but unique that stands out. Most logo are simple design but effective (think of the swoosh from Nike)
  • The [H] imphasized on the "HARD" part -- in this care HARDware, but can easily be a pre-fix for many other things. It can also be used as an adjective.
  • If Kyle wants to go into the pr0n business, he won't have to redesign any logo. [H]ard|Pr0n where you'll only get [H]ard[C]ore.
  • The [H] can be easily recreated in text so adaptation of logo is easily spread.
Am I the only one who's been visiting long enough to remember what this site actually stands for? I love the [H]ard Overclockers Comparison Page!

[H]ardOCP, for all the years that I've been online, has been my most trusted resource for hardware reviews, it has always put together the reviews that interested me. Over the years, it's slowly become more and more consumer oriented and that's it's main plus. As far as I recall [H]ardOCP was always one of the first sites to take a stance against poor industry practices or reviews that didn't generally help the average consumer, yet the editors (as demonstrated on the forums), always make sure that they are reporting objectively with neither a bias toward hardware companies or their own members.

Finally, [H] is simply a fantastic logo and brand image, despite [H] sightings not as frequent as they were in the past. It's simplicity makes it almost viral.
Love - No BS attitude towards anything. A spade is called a spade and nothing else, regardless of what the advertisers say.

Hate - Although I love how the video cards themselves are evaluated, I feel that there needs to be more comparisons between cards. For instance, when the nVidia 8xxx cards came out I didn't really get a feel for how they compared to the 7xxx at the same resolutions and driver revisions. I'd like that so I know whether or not what I have is worth keeping or if I need to upgrade to do what I want.
I love [H] because of the open discussions without censorship.

I hate that I have to visit [H] daily to get my fix.
No cowbell... and the cake isn't a lie.

I love you guys because:

My eyes don't get burned out of their sockets when reading the forums and reviews (black background).

I hate you guys:

Because your forum has gotten me way in over my head financially with all the hardware that came out recently.
I love the [H] for the:
- Depth of the forums
- Timely tech news updates
- Awesome reviews
I knew that as a kid my fascination with Computers was never going to die. I loved to Game and I dreamed of building my own computer at an age where no child dared to do so. At age 11 my brothers friend was on a site called HardOCP. I asked him what it was about and since I was oblivious to hardware, I saw mere chips and lots of text and promptly closed the page. Man have times changed. Here I am, 9 years later with 4 years of hard-reading under my belt. So why do I love HardOCP? It helped me grow as a child, I learned about hardware at an age no one cared. Soon I was talking about Geforce 3 reviews and chipsets, things kids would never understand and still don't. Thank you HardOCP for giving all of us regular folk the ability to learn about things we're so intimidated about. Knowledge is power and HardOCP has given us a decade (plus) of it

The humor involved in the daily news. Relevant reviews. Real world and Bang for the buck comparisons.


Pay forums. Ads that fill up the front page. Slow news days. I know, all of this pays the bills, I gotcha.

Phenom! Ohh wait, that was the previous drawing.
I like the [H] 'cause the the site has good, honest reviews and I usually buy products that have had a good review on here, and I've never been disappointed. There's always plenty of important news on the front page usually instead of random crap like Digg (not a fair comparison I know) so even though I'm not loaded enough go out and buy every new piece of hardware I'd like to buy I can still know what's a good deal when I do decide it's time to upgrade.

The only reason I don't like the [H] is... well... I'm a member of GenMay forums. :p
I'll take a shot at both - There's never love without hate, right?

Reasons I love [H] -

Some of the best reviews on the web for new hardware - thorough testing methodology, and enough technical details that I can get a feel for the results and reasons for them. [H] also catch breaking tech news very well. The best tech community on a forum. Helpful responses in threads by industry experts, not to mention professional replies by companies with representatives here. A site where you can get in touch with the engineers who design the chips, power supplies or just those who review them - that's a great place to have.

Reasons I hate [H] -

Needless controversy - sometimes Kyle in particular picks fights that don't need to be picked. Or, alternatively, responds when someone else picks it. That doesn't need to happen on a hardware site - I come here for information and discussion, not dramatic email exchanges.

The forum has a bad habit of going down... a lot. I know it's a ton of traffic and a crazy load on the servers, but the lifeblood of [H] is the forum, and it NEEDS to stay up.
I love [H] for its unique take on reviews of most products, but video cards in particular. A couple of years ago, when you first started doing product reviews where you measure the best settings attainable for a given game, I thought this was kind of a gimmicky and subjective metric, but the more of them I read, especially as I'm in the market for a new graphics card, the more I come to realize that this is a more useful metric for evaluating those products.
I stay with the [H] because of your no-nonsense type attitude and your honesty in the write ups. You stick to your guns and don't back down when you know you are in the right. You don't take crap from anyone and can dish it back out if need be. At the same time you know how to make it fun for both readers and forum posters.
I love that every time i visit the site there is a new review to read.-
I hate your reviews.-

I Love to hate you :D
I love [H] as it's where I learned a great deal of what I know about computers and HARDware. It allows you to speak your mind in a civilized yet honest fashion. It's well organized and covers pretty much all aspects of the computer enthusiast scene.
[H] has become a part of my life because of their real world approach and attitude. I like the way the material is presented and how the reviews are written. Other sites just cannot compare.

Keep up the excellent work.
Love the [H]:

- Excellent, relevant reviews. No endless synthetic benchmark garbage!
- Staff who know what they're talking about.
- Vibrant (usually) and helpful forum community.

Hate the [H]:

- Really only one thing, with the reviews and the "Highest Playable Settings" part. I don't know if it's just a misunderstanding of how it's done, but I'd really like more apples-to-apples tests (i.e. all the settings, resolution, AA, etc. the exact same between all the tested cards) in order to better judge which one is actually better. I see some reviews where you compare one card at all "medium" or something, no AA and a lower res, to another card at all "high" or some "high" and some "medium", with AA, etc. I just find this tends to skew the results, and while I appreciate the idea of the "highest playable resolution", if you're going to make a graph, keep the playing field level so we can REALLY see what the difference is!
Love- I love this forum is so big and at least someone has every piece of hardware it seems so there is always the info you need somewhere.

Hate- the fact i have finals this week and I'm here instead of studying. Hot deals and for sale sections are killing me. You need a hack to hide those sections from me.
I love [H] Because articles are posted frequently. I check multiple times a day appreciate the rate of news story postings. I also feel like the editors are respectable and unbiased.

I also like the giveaways, and I miss the ultimate gaming rigs on hypothermia.
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