POV 9800GTX Reviewed

In regards to the PALiT. I think I'm better off with the 9800GTX. I only have a 22" HP monitor running 1680x1050 so I wouldn't benefit from the 1GB of memory and I've read from some of the NewEgg reviews that it only barely beats an ultra. So for the same money I'll get the 9800GTX.
So its true, my 8800 ultra is still the fastest single processor video card in the market, still.
The nice thing about this review is how consistent they are with the settings regarding to AA and AF.

Here's the average percentages of how the 8800GTX fares against it: (from the review)

1680x1050 - 0X AA/AF = -3.1%
1680x1050 - 4X AA/(16X AF) = +4.9%
1920x1200 - 0X AA/AF = -2.3%
1920x1200 - 4X AA/(16X AF) = +9.4%

Heh, the old 8800GTX just beats it as soon as you turn AA on. It's downright ridiculous. We'll have to wait and see how well this thing overclocks and what aftermarket cooling is going to be available for it, otherwise it ain't worth getting. But as far as my experiences with digging benchmarks goes, overclocking doesn't yield a lot of performance at heavy settings.

The only reason it gets overtaken by the 9800 in 3DMark06 is probably also the lack of AA in the default settings.
to be honest, I don't think that wasn't expected, that could've been predicted from the 8800GTS 512 itself. Where this card might shine is OCing, preliminary results are showing this thing to get 850 core, 2100+ shaders, and 2400 memory, which is quite insane really. Most 8800GTS 512s cannot reach that core/shader clock without a vmod, and can't reach that memory speed at all.
To be honest I don't care if it overclocks like crazy. The only game that needs a boost is Crysis. It looks like (from the GTS reviews) that OCing has practically no affect, so whats the point?
I love when ball-washers say "I'll wait for the [H] review until I make up my mind".

Like all the other review sites lie or something. Like we all didn't know this card isn't going to be all that great. Like we all didn't know the GX2 was gonna suck before the [H] review came out.

the 9800GX2 doesn't suck for the people with the superior x38 boards... maybe you forgot that not everyone has a SLI board? For the people who do not have SLI, the GX2 is a great card..
Even if they hit well over 800 core regularly, I doubt it would be worth the price premium over G92 GTS's. ~$350 vs $200-220? Hell bloody no there's not really any question whose the better deal there. And with the drastic price drops in the last couple weeks on the GTS, I'd say they're now the bftb kings, being only $20-30 more expensive at most than the GT. It seems the only real reason to get a 9800GTX is if you MUST have tri-SLI, and well look what quad gets us over regular, why would tri-SLI be any different?
The $310-$350 price tag and minor performance difference is why I went for two 8800GTS 512's for $208/ea (after rebate). I figured if I was willing to spend $350 to play Age of Conan in dx10, why not spend $415 and get high/very high settings along with that dx10.
The thing I am curious about is how much power the 9800GTX uses. I have been wanting to replace my 8800GTS 640MB for a while now but it looks like nothing is on the horizon. My new 1080p HDTV is just begging to have my PC hooked up to it :p

Actually the PALiT Sonic looks real sexy. My case does not have enough room (I would have to do some major work) for a GTX or Ultra so I need something the size of the GTS or smaller.
Bah.. what the fuck nvidia? Letting ATi play catch up or something? Should've called this the GeForce FX 9800. :D
This will be one card I won't get. I'll stick with my two 8800 Ultras and three 8800GTXs thank you very much.
The only light I see at the end of the tunnel is that this card might not be running off proper drivers. If so we might see a performance boost from that but I wouldn't expect anything big. I just don't understand where they think this card is supposed to fit in. Maybe there trying Intels Tick Tock stratigy.
Okay nvidia this was funny. So now bring on the 9800 Ultra 768MB version clocked 100 mhz higher than the 9800GTX. Also bring along with it a driver update that gives some decent performance improvements.

I think an above poster got it right. I think they are trying to let ati play catchup.

I'm skipping this entire generation of cards and will look back when the Geforce 10/X4000 series comes out. In the meantime I'll probably get another 8800GTX or 2 for dome sli action. :D

Might seem silly but who the hell is tbreak.com? I had a hard enough time trusting tweaktown review even though they are a very popular site...I have a hard time giving any credibility at all to some site i never heard of before this post...

Anyone else ever heard of tbreak.com prior to this?

I think I am going to place my order for stepup from EVGA on midnight March 31st then wait for reviews before I send in my 8800GTX's, don't want to lose them if the 9800GTX are really going to suck LOL But my intuition tells me Tweaktown review is probably much more credible and 9800GTX will rock like 9600GT! At least i hope so! already bored with 8800GTX Sli!
In regards to the PALiT. I think I'm better off with the 9800GTX. I only have a 22" HP monitor running 1680x1050 so I wouldn't benefit from the 1GB of memory and I've read from some of the NewEgg reviews that it only barely beats an ultra. So for the same money I'll get the 9800GTX.

Trusting a Newegg review is like trusting a blind man to drive a taxi. The only time I trust a newegg review is if I see a lot of the same problem occuring in the reviews (i.e. board won't post, chips of ram keep falling off the sticks, power supplies keep arriving DOA in box, etc.) and even then I verify the dates of the reviews to see if there's a change in things or if its been consistent over time. (obviously a review from 2006 should hopefully not reflect what I will get now in 2008)
Yea, this review is a bit disappointing. Was hoping for better performance. Well, will be interesting to see some other reviews before going with the GTX or the G2 or......
well, even if this site is a little off, I can't see any reviewers being more than 10-15% off in difference. Apples to apples, oranges to pears, cats to dogs won't put a damper on my (or others) who's decision to upgrade to another 8800GTX card for us SLI peeps or the GX2 for single slot users. It just can't justify all the work to go out/buy online, take out the card, reinstall drivers, run benchmarks and change my sig all for a small increase in FPS. No, not me, not today, not unless we're talking 16% diff :)

hell, it could almost pass for a mistake in label printing. This could very well pass for an 8800 series card heh?

Edit: maybe an extra 256mb to 512mb will be the defacto like the 8800GT 256 vs 512 flavor.
After reading the T-Break review, I am more convinced going to either for the 8800gt or the 8800gtx. I would like to see some reviews on the 9800GT or 9800GTS before I make my decision.
Do you guys actually trust this review? I for one think it's fake or the reviewers totally screwed it up. Nvidia wouldn't release a new series of cards that's slower than the previous series.
Do you guys actually trust this review? I for one think it's fake or the reviewers totally screwed it up. Nvidia wouldn't release a new series of cards that's slower than the previous series.

now that's funny.
And people thought the 7800 GTX wasn't much of an upgrade. When I went to buy mine three years ago, people said there was little point compared with the 6800 Ultra (even though I was coming from a 9800 Pro).

At least the 6800 Ultra never beat the 7800 GTX.
JMHO, regardless of who does the review, I'd personally hold off on final judgement until we know for sure that what's being reviewed is a genuine product. Yes, accidental pre-release shipments have happened, but the whole thing just seems a little off. That being said, could turn out that the 9800GTX just isn't that big of a deal; but I just can't see the top dog of the nvidia single graphics cards doing so poorly.
but it isn't top dog with respect to the amount of ram. We now know from the 8800 series how well an increased frame buffer improves performance. I do agree with the rest of your post ;)
No arguement re: the RAM and in all honesty I missed those specs earlier. WTF is going on with the backwards trend in memory allocations? Memory is still pretty damn cheap and it's clear that increased memory DOES have a positive impact on performance... so why on earth did they decide to take a backwards step vs. leaving things alone? All very strange.
Well it's just a redesigned 8800GTS. I'm very suprised these places have been testing it against a 8800GTX instead of a 8800GTS. Rumor has it the 9800GT and 9800GTS will be redesigned 8800GT's with 112SP and dual slot coolers on both. Seems obvious to me that they're trying to NOT beat the 8800 series performance, they want people to get SLI with the 9800 series to make lots of money. And then when it comes time for the 10 series everyone will want one because of the massive increase in performance.

In other words, it's the best time to buy 8800 series cards and hold out until the 10 series to avoid their marketing scheme. Maybe when the R700's come out they'll release a true 9800GTX with 384bit bus.
-PK- thanks for the education there, from my limited understanding of the situation I'd say that line of thought might be spot on. In all honesty I haven't been paying a whole lot of attention to the 9xxx series beyond the 9600GT being a great budget card. Kind of bothers me they'd take GTS product and turn it into their "latest and greatest" GTX product... just goes against everything we'd normally expect from nVidia based strictly upon their model designations.

Am personally still sticking with my "old" 8800GTS640 and will eventually add a second one, they're getting cheap enough these days, so was never in the market for a 9series card as it was. :p But do build systems for people, and occasionally someone wants a gaming computer, so suppose I should start paying attention again. That being said, still think that people hold out for the actual RTM/Retail cards before pounding the final nails into this particular cards coffin. ;)
It doesn't look like they were really far off according to this site:



Looking forward to the full H review, but the preliminary buzz from the internet is FAIL.

My BFG 8800GTX OC is like a cat with 9 lives... He just keeps getting up and socking it to them. Best video card I ever bought, and it looks like he will be with me for another year as well.

Its not that the 9800 GTX is a bad card, it just doesnt meet expectations nor does it deserve the 9800GTX label. On the good side though... 8800GTS and 8800GT/GTX prices should be more affordable now.

If this is the best that nvidia has at the moment, then maybe ATI can indeed push something out the door to clobber them. ATI.. get ready on your own 9800 Pro Redux II ! LOL !
And people thought the 7800 GTX wasn't much of an upgrade. When I went to buy mine three years ago, people said there was little point compared with the 6800 Ultra (even though I was coming from a 9800 Pro).

At least the 6800 Ultra never beat the 7800 GTX.

I went from a 6800 GT 256 AGP (My absolute FAV card of all time) > 7800 GTX > 7800 GTX SLI > 8800 GTX > 8800 GTX SLI. And from the 6800 to the 7800, I noticed a major differance in the graphics quality. I played a ton of games on my 6800 and that card just FUC*ING ROCKED! It blew through RTCW, BF2, HL2, UT2004 and other games at that time. This will go down as the greatest bang for the buck card ever IMHO. All 16 pipes unlocked at release and could overclock to ultra levels and get the performance that would please anyone. I had it hooked up to a 23" Apple Cinema Display, and it would push 19x12 very very nicely.

As for the 9800 GTX, well...It is a castrated bull. It should not have the GTX label. IF this turns out to be true, shame on Nvidia. Releasing a card a year and a half later that is not faster then the 8800 GTX and expect us to upgrade? :confused:

ATI has nothing that is coming out to blow them out of the water as far as I know. Should have milked the 8800 GTX for all they are worth.

If that is an accurate bench thats a 10-20% increase in performance. Thats says something. Wouldn't that make the 9800GTX the fastest non-sli card solution on the market (aside from 8xAA at high res). Seems to me that we should give nvidia some credit for bringing out such a great card for $300-350 at launch. The price could easily fall into the sub-$300 range in a month or two. Sure, its only a hair better than the last series, but it does appear marginally better and at a much more consumer friendly price-point. That has to count for something.
Probably because it was fake to try and generate traffic for his site LOL If it was genuine why would he pull it?

Tweaktowns review is still up:

Tweaktowns are the one that are fishy and suspisious, not t-break:s that make more sence than tweaktowns do. Of couse nvidia want t-breaks review gone, either because of NDA or that it is to bad for 9800GTX that aint anything other than an 8800GTS OC with 3 way sli option and that for high premium price..
Hopefully thats a driver issue with Tri and QuadSLI that can be resolved because the performance just gets worse.