***Post you're "unique" [H]ot mods here***


Oct 17, 2004
I'm trying to start a new Sticky thread so I can only hope that there is a big fanbase for this thread. No I am not trying to duplicate the "NewNewNew Post pics of you're rig thread" I am looking for mods and cases that are unique, and even if you're mod isn't I am not a [H]ardass so I won't call it spamming I am just tryibn to have some fun. Come here to post pictures of you're killer modded cases, huge LED's and Cold Cathode lights, custom heatsinks, windows, watercooling systems, theme mods, cable management, video cards, gazillion hard drives (lol) and all the like. All are welcome just keep the thread cool in true [H]ard fashion and keep it friendly. :D
Cummon guys any activity yet, get you're old warchest fullo'mods and bring em' to this thread.
I'm still workin on my 64 bit system and I am gunna wait till its done to release it to theworld, not the best case mod I've ever seen but it has some of the best specs out there :D
Not quite done, still have to hook it up to 5v power but other than that its pretty much done. i have a intel 16 port hub right now and it has 4 , count em' 4 fans and is louder than hell. it just so happens that i had a 100 mbps intel hub out of its case just sitting around and thought to myself hey wouldn't it be kewl to mod it into my case.


kuyaglen, whats it gonna look like when youre done? are you putting plexi on all the sides?

this thing is the hardest case I've ever had to take pics of........so much freaking glare cuz of the clearcoat.
this post is un-necessary because of the "case mods gallery" sticky that we already have... and it is a double post... srry but this should be deleted.
psst noob, scroll up - there's a whole frikkin' Case Mod Gallery forum for this kind of thing.
IceWeasel said:
^^^ Nice custom heatsink

That's an old Zalman design, was meant to be mounted with a fan hanging over it from an arm screwed into a PCI slot screw. Qtip that pic is tiiiny, oh and yea, the thread is redundant. :p