Post your Workstation 2012

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well this just isnt going to work.

back to menards in the AM

This is one the R3 -- not sure what the differences are so far, besides the addition of USB 3.0.

Actually, the R3 doesn't necessarily have USB 3.0. They added it this year, if you bought a R3 last year, it only had USB 2.0.

The differences are fairly minor. They tweaked the sound deadening material, enlarged the CPU socket cutout, and slightly different fans. Cosmetically, they're the same. I own a R3 and I could not tell that his case was a R2.
And if you have the non USB 3 version, you can get an upgrade kit for cheap. It's not too hard to install either. Took me all of 5 minutes.
been a year since i posted my setup, figure its time to update the forums
this is only temporary, going to be moving it again, hopefully going to mount the screens to the wall.

my setup back in December, when i first built this pc.







He did say it's a "temp setup" since he'll be moving again soon... He'll likely get his sound system in better order when he moves :p

yes, the speakers are actually not even hooked up at the moment.

they arnt connected to the sub, which isnt connected to the pc.
i only use the headset.

any suggestions about how to set the speakers up are more than welcome.
strange. they look good exactly where there are right now to me.

I think his point was that he has a 5.1 setup with all the speakers clustered together side by side which kind of defeats the purpose of surround, but as OP stated it is not even connected.
any suggestions about how to set the speakers up are more than welcome.

Well other than getting the surrounds behind you you can try and get the left and right positioned properly.


In all truth you don't even need the center if your left and right are set up correctly. The imaging will take care of it.
Holy fuck. Please tell me what chair that is. I've been searching a for a chair with adjustable arms like that. Does it have asynchronous reclining as well?
Holy fuck. Please tell me what chair that is. I've been searching a for a chair with adjustable arms like that. Does it have asynchronous reclining as well?

That is the Herman Miller Aeron chair.
I spy a hookah, what do you smoke? I prefer Tangiers, always nice to see another who enjoys it :)

not to familiar with brands as long as i can smoke it and my wife was fine with it , it didn't really matter much. Now ill def check out this Tangiers :eek:
not to familiar with brands as long as i can smoke it and my wife was fine with it , it didn't really matter much. Now ill def check out this Tangiers :eek:

If we're recommending brand I can say I like some Starbuzz if I can't find Tangiers locally (The area around me is kinda hit or miss unless I wanna drive into Seattle, and driving in Seattle is just shitty)

Made so many changes since the last time i posted up if i ever did LOL. New monitors as the 2 i had weren't enough and mismatched sizes made me rage. New desk because of the monitors. And i'm sure the rig is probably about the same if not it is.
dude sweet, tri-catleaps?


ignore the clutter on the left :p

not sure I can go tri portrait, I like landscape but it seems so weird since its not an even match for PLP
THis is my current ugly setup!

I will switch for a smaller desk. This kind of desk or may be this one: . And tomorrow I will paint my room in light gray and white! I project to buy a bookshelf ( ) and some wall shelves ( ). But i don't know if I take all my furnitures in white or black....

Personally, I'd go with the black, considering your workstation has a black theme. That way, it matches :) Plus, you can always paint them. :)

Also, what stand is that. I know, I know. Yes, I'm still looking for a stand. I'm just too cheap ;)
This is my workstation. No work gets done there, it's just for gaming. My computer is presently apart that's why the displays aren't on.





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