Post your workstation 2010!

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What size is that monitor!? and are those censor bars painted there or are they stickers? Looks odd.
Do we really need to quote all the images when responding? Seriously, it's not that hard to delete the image tag from the quote...
I have a feeling the mrs. had something to do with the censored sign lol

no, the wife does not care. LAN party administrators and another web site forced me to censor ;) they are just decals that peel off.

Monitor is 60" Mitsubishi 3d TV - use it for Nvidia 3dVision gaming
here is without stickers:

been getting some nice ideas since i've been checking out all these sweet workstations. keep em coming.
no, the wife does not care. LAN party administrators and another web site forced me to censor ;) they are just decals that peel off.

Monitor is 60" Mitsubishi 3d TV - use it for Nvidia 3dVision gaming
here is without stickers:


Haha! Quite the awesome.
Though 60" seems far to big for how close you sit to it.
darth, i like your workspace :D , which DD chasiss are those ? thats some really hardcore graphics on them :p
Here's a crappy pic of my setup as it is. I just rearranged the room a bit and I like the layout so much better. This is just a cheap desk I got for myself when I was in college. I have since trimmed a few things to fit the larger monitor. Its cheap and old and yet it still gets the job done.


On the right you can see my camera doc and a pair of harddrives in a cage that I need to figure out how to mount. Who would have thought that 100GB of storage sitting unused wouldn't be a priority? Its an 80GB and a 20GB harddrive, and I just have no use for them right now. Go figure. Back when I bought this desk I was trying to shoe-horn in a 1.2GB harddrive into the rig I had at the time because I was out of space. Now 100 times that wouldn't make a difference either way. :)

This is also exactly as it sits on a daily basis. Well, the headphones and mic sometimes get moved to the front of the desk when I'm using them, but when not I just slide them back where they are now. What you don't see is the TV stand on the left has cabinets that keep the clutter. I've also got the other pair of speakers hanging on the wall behind my head to complete the 4.1 surround sound setup. Its nothing fancy, but its still 400W and crystal clear.

Oh yeah. The chair is nothing fancy either. Its just a standard adjustable computer chair. You can see in the picture an extra kitchen chair that is in the room currently. We had a web-conference of sorts with my wife's sister in Taiwan and her new baby. Ain't technology wonderful? Half a world away and we can talk face-to-face.
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nice pad!

@Nuke - really good photo-stitching or crazy fish-eye lense???
That image was made from 17 vertical photographs stitched together. It was 17,000 pixels wide before I re-sized it.

i like the stone walls. its sweet :)
Thanks, I like them to.

I think his desk is stone/concrete too
It is. I cast a 1.5 inch thick concrete pad and welded together the legs. It weighs about 250 pounds. I had an ikea jerker before, but It didn't fin my space well. So I ended making this custom desk that is 56 by 36 inches.

Looks great! I noticed the exposed brick wall. Are you a fellow loft owner?
I own the building I live in. I was built about 140 years ago. I did all the work myself, including roofing, electric, plumbing, framing, etc.

A couple more photos.


I own the building I live in. I was built about 140 years ago. I did all the work myself, including roofing, electric, plumbing, framing, etc.

Nuke, That's some awesome handiwork. One of my fantasies is to live in a loft in NYC. I used to work for an electrical contractor in Brooklyn 26 years ago and we did a lot of work in lofts in Manhattan.
Old gear (well...not old but some of you may have seen it already) new apartment. I absolutely love my gigantic window and view. All the natural light and green earthy tones really get my creative juices flowing.



New addition from previous posts are the pedals on the floor. They're for work I swear...certainly not for crouching sprinting and push to talk. :p
Very nice the "cozy-ness" of it! Pedals for crouching and sprinting eh? Talk about does it work out?
Very nice the "cozy-ness" of it! Pedals for crouching and sprinting eh? Talk about does it work out?

Well when I picked up Bad Company 2 I noticed my left hand would start to hurt after just an hour or two of play. I played around with different keyboard layouts but couldn't find anything comfortable. I looked into usb pedals and there's really not much to choose from. What I ended up with was the Stealth Switch II and 2 additional pedals that plug into it. I thought there would be some what of a learning curve using my feet in addition to my hands for pc gaming but it's surprisingly natural. Not unlike driving a car I supposed.

Long story short I'm able to game longer and more comfortably.
Well when I picked up Bad Company 2 I noticed my left hand would start to hurt after just an hour or two of play. I played around with different keyboard layouts but couldn't find anything comfortable. I looked into usb pedals and there's really not much to choose from. What I ended up with was the Stealth Switch II and 2 additional pedals that plug into it. I thought there would be some what of a learning curve using my feet in addition to my hands for pc gaming but it's surprisingly natural. Not unlike driving a car I supposed.

Long story short I'm able to game longer and more comfortably.

Yeah I could sure use those in a few games... I'm going to have to look into that great idea!
Old gear (well...not old but some of you may have seen it already) new apartment. I absolutely love my gigantic window and view. All the natural light and green earthy tones really get my creative juices flowing.

New addition from previous posts are the pedals on the floor. They're for work I swear...certainly not for crouching sprinting and push to talk. :p

Whats up man, i love the setup. where did you get your case at, i've been looking for something like that
spiko that view is nice!!! Plus the gear looks all shiny and stuff! I like shiny! Got give props though for the corsair 800D its my dream case. Maybe I should post my workstation up its been a while and 2300 miles in difference, just need to paint the room. Soon I shall show all...
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