Post Your Workstation 2009!

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Here's mine, and while the cables are messy underneath it bothers me none because I don't see them when I'm sitting (and the chair is pushed in when I'm not but took it out for the pic)

May I have a copy of your background? :)
where did you get that rack on the left, with the silver posts? would go great with some of my existing furniture!

Its just a book shelf used to be my X's and i dont know where she got it :(
The layout is great (the control key is in its proper location -- where caps lock usually is), you never have to leave home row for all the functions of a traditional keyboard (arrow keys, etc) and it uses Topre's capacitive switches which have an awesome feel and sound to it. The compact layout of the board also makes it good for taking around with my laptop and the board uses a detachable USB cable so its easy to switch between laptop and desktop.
really? that's him? doesn't look like him at all...
Its from an H-game, but I don't recall the title. Its definitely not Sephiroth, unless he turned into a she.

Hell ya, bought that case from CompUSA like 6 years ago.

Lol be politically correct and call it Galge :p;)
The S510 is a great keyboard... but yes, the mouse is trash if you ask me.
I used that keyboard forever and then gave it to my wife, she's still using it to this day without a single problem. I'd be using it myself right now if I didn't get the little diNovo.
What is the material you are covering the wires with? Where can I get it? Nice pics, too. :)

From what I can see that is just the corsair powersupplies stock sleeving. I've got the 750 watt and mine looks like that.
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