Post your pc screen shots!

those are really good boxen there. proving that your comp doesn't have to look like something scotty would be muttering about to still have a lot of oomph.

can't help but wonder where you got them cases. all the server cases i seen require you to either be rich or have investors who are in order to pay for them.
heres mine
TSS Modder said:
heres an updated desktop pic. DUAL MONITORS!! yippee.

I just put it as a link for those of you who don't have monitors with a 2720x900 resolution.

I've got a zd7000 widescreen (1440x900) and a little 15" Sony CRT (1280x800)

all of this running off of an overclocked nVidia Go5600 128MB in my lappy :)

cool theme, where can i dl it?



Click thumbnail for bigger version. Looks a lot better IRL when you can see each monitor on their own.
Luthorcrow said:
I haven't seen that windows shell? Which is it and what is the name of that particular skin? Very nice. ;)

I would like to know also. Very clean and I love the color black.
wow i have seen an actual shot of windows 3.1 ever since i took my old junky laptop with that version of windows 3.1 apart, unfortunately i was unable to get that laptop working again after i took it apart, Now i barely remember the commands to actually get onto the windows screen on that version of windows
good fake... had me fooled till i looked really close.

(1) windows 3.1 had a toolbar at the top, like mac os always has.
(2) the font and color of the dialog box title bar is incorrect... should be a dark teal color, with white text in the "system" font.
(3) none of the programs are correct. most simply didn't exist back then, the ones that did used different icons.
(4) most of the colors are incorrect, and there should be no shadows. win3.1 used the same color pallette as paintbrush did then and ms paint does now.

i have a 386 at home that runs win3.1 but the hard drive has been dead for quite some time. it is a quantum brand 80mb ide hdd. what i would like to do is simply swap boards with an identical hdd that works.

unfortunately, i lack a duplicate, working or non. if anyone wants to give me one, send a pm my way plz.

and yes... this is already in my fs/t thread.
I was just able to tell it wasn't 3.1 with the Pinball.

Maybe it can run on it now, I dunno.
For those who miss the 3.1 interface, it's still packaged as progman.exe and can replace the explorer shell.

Another dead giveaway, incidentally, was the text shading / anti-aliasing.
So everyone is picking out what gave away that it's not 3.1 yet none of you have noticed the shortcut to the start menu...
I feel like a jackass. I tried to get the spirit winamp skin and I can't get white to work.

The one on the left is the "white" one and the right is black:

They're supposed to look like this. Anyone have any ideas?
You need to turn on Alpha Blending (Bending?). Anyway, you don't have an option on in Windows.
EGGO said:
You need to turn on Alpha Blending (Bending?). Anyway, you don't have an option on in Windows.
Thanks, that did it.