Post your New Ivy Bridge Processor Thermals, Type of Cooling, and First Impressions:

swatX, looks good. Seems as though you still have some room if you want to push it a bit more.

Did some more testing on mine.

I get weird problems with a x43 multiplier. Word takes a while to open, programs randomly crash. x42, no problems whatsoever. I'll have to try 44 at some point, but I don't know if I can put the voltage up enough since I'm already near 90C with enough voltage to run 100x43.

Could be vdroop causing your problems. I can get x42 with very little effort but x43 does take a little more fine tuning for me, specifically I need to enable a bit of LLC (load line calibration) to lessen vdroop to be stable. Since I really won't notice the extra couple hundred MHz by going to x43 or 44 I just kept it at 42 where it's happy. I plan on keeping this chip around until Skylake so maybe if I need more power in a couple years while I'm waiting I'll crack it up somewhere between x43-46.
this is what happened to me.
i bought 2600k and z77 board about 12 days ago.
i paid 280+tax for 2600k. i paid 235+tax for z77-v deluxe board ... together!
build in 1 day ... tested over 4 days. was a disaster. terrible match.
many issues. took system apart. repackaged everything. cleaned paste. etc
took back board and cpu, since they gave me a discount on board,
i thought they'd freak otherwise, if i just brought back cpu.
board was fine even bios flashed etc.
they took it all back. i made it appear as unopened, i told them it was,
and i hadn't hooked it up yet.

i thought they sent an email the night before that said ... 3770k and any z77 board get
$50 off ... but reading it carefully, it said, 3570k get $50 off. now i was screwed.
i had to get system running NOW, i had nothing. they wouldn't give me the deal i thought it was. they said i had to wait and next week they would be running that special, 3770k and z77.

i couldn't wait. i went back to customer service and asked for my z77 board back.
same lady, thank god, she said ok, but they had already sent it back for checking, but she said get another one and i will give you the same price as before, 235+tax.
you see they don't know about the chip deal upon returns. each are listed separately.
so i bought the board -50 off separately from chip. then bought 3770k for 290+tax!
that's how i did it. it was by accident that i got so lucky, but thank god.
i needed to finish this build.
Final OC, I am pretty happy.



Cooler is a Corsair H80 with fans set to medium. The only settings I changed were core voltage, multiplier, and memory speed.

Every time I see the "OK" buttons, I get the urge to click on them :D
I'm not able to get 4.5ghz stable without anything less than 1.240 voltage. Any thoughts on something else I should change?
I'm not able to get 4.5ghz stable without anything less than 1.240 voltage. Any thoughts on something else I should change?

What's wrong with that? I'm at 1.25 volts at 4.5ghz. You use what voltage gets you stable. Each cpu is different.
Lower voltage pll to 1.65v, cpu voltage to 1.17v, Lower ram voltage if possible. Your temps don't seem that hot for IB.

Yes, it's very possible.

Well I have 2 out of 4 sticks of ram that are bad (one from each set of the same type of ram purchased at different times). Corsair XMS3 - interesting how 1 out of each set died. I would imagine this has lead to some of my BSOD and instability. Replacing and will start over again once I get some good sticks in the machine.
What's wrong with that? I'm at 1.25 volts at 4.5ghz. You use what voltage gets you stable. Each cpu is different.

This. One of my 3570K chips needs 1.3v to hit 4.5, but it does seem to run cool for needing that much voltage.
4.5 should be a piece of cake for IB. BTW it is voltage and freq that makes it hard.
4.5 is not pushing it, thus nice and cool at 1.3.
try 47 load line med cpu pll 1.6 vcore 1.32
thermal sh be about 82max
HAS anyone flashed the new bios on the p8z77-v deluxe board yet?
P8Z77-V DELUXE BIOS 1015 ... any issues?
My 3570k needs about 1.25 - 1.26V to be stable. Temps get to about 82 in IBT. Seems decent for a $20 CM212+.
Man, the voltage on these chips is sweet, but the temps leave something to be desired. Without having to go through all the thread, has anyone kept their chip below 60c?
Man, the voltage on these chips is sweet, but the temps leave something to be desired. Without having to go through all the thread, has anyone kept their chip below 60c?

I doubt anyone is going to keep it under 60C under load, especially if it's overclocked. It also seems that at a certain point, it doesn't matter what type of traditional cooler you use, the results won't get any better. I went from a Hyper 212 Evo to a TPC 812 which is quite a bit larger, has 6 vs 4 heat pipes and vapor chambers and had identical temps. So don't waste your money on a fancy cooler like Noctua or TPC 812. Get yourself a nice Hyper 212 for $35 be done with it. Maybe once my TIM cures I'll see a degree or two drop, but still not worth spending 2x more.
I doubt anyone is going to keep it under 60C under load, especially if it's overclocked. It also seems that at a certain point, it doesn't matter what type of traditional cooler you use, the results won't get any better. I went from a Hyper 212 Evo to a TPC 812 which is quite a bit larger, has 6 vs 4 heat pipes and vapor chambers and had identical temps. So don't waste your money on a fancy cooler like Noctua or TPC 812. Get yourself a nice Hyper 212 for $35 be done with it. Maybe once my TIM cures I'll see a degree or two drop, but still not worth spending 2x more.

It appears that the problem is heat dissipation, not production, so larger coolers wouldn't really do too much for you. If you could figure out a way to reduce the temp of the cooler itself (chilled water or a peltier, maybe) I would think it would make a bigger difference, since the temp difference would help with dissipation.
It appears that the problem is heat dissipation, not production, so larger coolers wouldn't really do too much for you. If you could figure out a way to reduce the temp of the cooler itself (chilled water or a peltier, maybe) I would think it would make a bigger difference, since the temp difference would help with dissipation.

I agree, I went into this pretty much knowing I wasn't going to see much of an improvement by simply feeling the lack of heat soak on my 212. Like you said, it appears the only way to get significant cooling is to create a larger temperature difference.
I need to upgrade to IB. Just bought a fx 8150 a week ago lol. Too many computer parts sitting around.
i disagree ... nochua nhd14 is the best for the $. $85 over stock
IB really needs it. they are raising their prices $10 giving $10 rebate.
they know there is new demand.
ive got my thermals down to 80c max 4700 typical underload without peaks is ~66.
Man, the voltage on these chips is sweet, but the temps leave something to be desired. Without having to go through all the thread, has anyone kept their chip below 60c?

At 4.5ghz 1.164 vcore im sub 60c all day on prime 95 blend. And at my current OC of 4.7ghz at 1.212 vcore max temp is 66c on one core.
i disagree ... nochua nhd14 is the best for the $. $85 over stock
IB really needs it. they are raising their prices $10 giving $10 rebate.
they know there is new demand.
ive got my thermals down to 80c max 4700 typical underload without peaks is ~66.

Simple math disagrees with you. It costs more than 2x more and does not cool twice as good. Waste of money for IB. IB needs something that can extract the heat faster, and no air cooling is going to do that, period. To properly cool it under high voltage/overclocks you need something mounted to the HSF that is <ambient
i disagree ... nochua nhd14 is the best for the $. $85 over stock
IB really needs it. they are raising their prices $10 giving $10 rebate.
they know there is new demand.
ive got my thermals down to 80c max 4700 typical underload without peaks is ~66.

The problem isn't the fin area of the heatsink - the problem is getting the heat from the source, the cores, to the heatsink in the first place. Without a drastic redesign of the CPU, tower coolers are becoming obsolete and smaller coolers will begin performing as well as the behemoths. The only benefit I see to larger coolers in the near future is further reduced noise, or even similar performance on near-passive setups. I still don't trust full passive on these CPUs, but it's getting there.

The higher the CPU temperature is, the more easily that heat can escape out of the CPU and into the heatsink. The problem again with this though is the heat can't move quickly enough as the cores heat up even further as the heat can't effectively move to the heatsink.

Going from idle of 30-35C to a load of immediately 60C at stock speeds shows that the heat can't get out. The same holds true for my CPU at 1.35V - the temperature quickly jumps to 80C and just barely climbs to 83C before leveling out. I trust my Shin-EtsuMicroSi compound to do its job with the heatsink, but there still seems to be a heat transfer issue further into the 22nm CPU.

Anyway, the performance per Watt and clock is better than my old Core2, so I'm still happy with the upgrade.
Right now I have everything at stock with stock cooler. Should it be worrying that it reached 80+ with the Intel Burn Test?

Right now I have everything at stock with stock cooler. Should it be worrying that it reached 80+ with the Intel Burn Test?

No, that's what much of the rest of us are getting overclocked with much better coolers. Sounds like par for the course to me.
The only benefit I see to larger coolers in the near future is further reduced noise, or even similar performance on near-passive setups. I still don't trust full passive on these CPUs, but it's getting there.

After feeling the lack of heat soak on my 812 I'm giving this idea some serious thought. At least on an experimental level to see how it does. Only real hesitation is that my tower is pretty damn quiet and I think my case fans are just a hair louder than my HSF so I probably won't hear any benefit by going passive.
These temp readings would be much more helpful if people actually listed the cooler and the case they are using.
These temp readings would be much more helpful if people actually listed the cooler and the case they are using.

I don't think the case will make much of a difference with IB. Any type of ambient temp cooling is limited in performance because of the small surface area on the IB cpu which limits the amount of heat that can transfer from cpu to heat sink surface.
so i've been debating which cpu cooler to get. Either the big duals like the silver arrow, an ultra wide like the archon or ts140 (which may not fit in my ft02 + gigabyte ud5h), or something i think looks good but doesnt perform as well like a prolimatech super mega. Should i just get the super mega since it doesnt really matter? I dont like the looks of the duals, and noise is a high priority. But if the cooler doesnt matter as long as its decent+ then i'll get the super mega
So, why at 4.1 GHz, running Intel Burn Test does IBT come back saying I'm only getting 50 GFlops?

And why does my P8Z77-v Pro board INSIST that at 4.1 I need my VID to be 1.2V?!

Can I got back to the happy world of Nehalem where I had my BClk and shit made sense? I wish ASUS' auto OCing BIOS would shove it somewhere, I want all manual control FFS.

Oh, and temps peaked at about 61C on all cores with IBT, running the standard test, 10 rounds.


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Got it to 4.5ghz 1.220v on a h70 corsair water cooler / antec 900 case on a gigabyte z77x-ud3

Sitting around low 30's on idle, around 60 was highest load on low fans, this what i found it got to with heaven benchmarks / batman ac

My first attempt at OCing in 5 years. It's been a while and it's pretty fun. Anyone mind looking at these temps? I feel like these are a bit high for an Antec Kuhler 620, but I don't much experience with these.
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My first attempt at OCing in 5 years. It's been a while and it's pretty fun. Anyone mind looking at these temps? I feel like these are a bit high for an Antec Kuhler 620, but I don't much experience with these.

Why the hell, in IBT, are my numbers so low? I don't get it...
After feeling the lack of heat soak on my 812 I'm giving this idea some serious thought. At least on an experimental level to see how it does. Only real hesitation is that my tower is pretty damn quiet and I think my case fans are just a hair louder than my HSF so I probably won't hear any benefit by going passive.

so i've been debating which cpu cooler to get. Either the big duals like the silver arrow, an ultra wide like the archon or ts140 (which may not fit in my ft02 + gigabyte ud5h), or something i think looks good but doesnt perform as well like a prolimatech super mega. Should i just get the super mega since it doesnt really matter? I dont like the looks of the duals, and noise is a high priority. But if the cooler doesnt matter as long as its decent+ then i'll get the super mega

I did endup ordering Sivler Arrow SB-E for my 3570k, along with extra TY-140. I was almost set to buy 212 EVO, but I have always wanted a big towers.
Yes I paid premium of $69 instead of $36. I’m sure it won’t give me a double performance, but at least perfromance of 212 EVO and less noise.
Also I’m planning to addjust my HAF 922 case for possitive pressure flow. The main change is to change top 200mm outtake to be an intake.

All the parts should arrive at the end of this week, early next week. I’ll post my results as soon as my build is fine.

Since I might be out of GPU (HD6950 is going to be sold), would using HD4000 on IB affect overclocking?

Since I’m coming from AMD build (phenom II and athlon x4), can you please point me to SB/IB dummy o/c guide? From my undestanding all need to set is clock multiplier and change core voltage… What about RAM? I’ve ordered 4 x 4gb Samsung 1600 1.35V low profile sticks. Can someone please tell me the manual settings for that RAM?

Thanks so much for all your help ;)
So, why at 4.1 GHz, running Intel Burn Test does IBT come back saying I'm only getting 50 GFlops?

And why does my P8Z77-v Pro board INSIST that at 4.1 I need my VID to be 1.2V?!

Can I got back to the happy world of Nehalem where I had my BClk and shit made sense? I wish ASUS' auto OCing BIOS would shove it somewhere, I want all manual control FFS.

Oh, and temps peaked at about 61C on all cores with IBT, running the standard test, 10 rounds.

Are you running Windows 7 SP1. I had similar results before I installed SP1.
Simple math disagrees with you. It costs more than 2x more and does not cool twice as good. Waste of money for IB. IB needs something that can extract the heat faster, and no air cooling is going to do that, period. To properly cool it under high voltage/overclocks you need something mounted to the HSF that is <ambient

As much as I love my Noctua NH-D14, the sad reality is when I have IBT running all out and I'm getting 81C at 4.5ghz 1.240v, I can touch the heatsink and it's room temperature at the most.

The surface area is severely limiting heat dissipation. I don't regret buying the NH-D14, but I don't readily recommend it for Ivy Bridge.
After feeling the lack of heat soak on my 812 I'm giving this idea some serious thought. At least on an experimental level to see how it does. Only real hesitation is that my tower is pretty damn quiet and I think my case fans are just a hair louder than my HSF so I probably won't hear any benefit by going passive.

I turned off the 35mm fans on the Sabertooth z77 - those things are NOISY at anything above 40% duty cycle (I believe the lowest the Asus software will let me go). Those things can spin up to 7000rpm! The only noise coming from my Define R3 case is my Caviar Black drive, which is a very loud hdd. I'm hoping for some more affordable 512GB SSD solutions later this year - the Crucial M4 series is getting close.

At load, my CPU fan is still quieter than the HDD at 4.4Ghz, but I can hear it's whoosh. At 4.5Ghz, the CPU fan kicks up to 1000rpm, although I may be able to lower the speed back down from the stock curve since the heatsink is still cool.
Hmmm I've got a caviar black as well that I store my videos on. Maybe I'll stick it in a NAS somewhere.
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