Post Your Mining Rigs


Feb 26, 2005
The messier the better. I'll start off first. I started with some metal rigs from China and building my own out of wood before realizing a $20 rack from Home Depot is cheaper, better, and faster to setup with the only downsides being portability and size. Cable management is not my forte so I'm seriously considering buying some grow tents to hide these embarrassments. I recently got rid of about 10 GPUs to swap out for some new ones arriving soon, so it's a little cleaner than normal right now.


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You're not concerned about fire with the motherboard sitting on cardboard? Not being negative just curious, it just seems like a capacitor 'letting out the magic smoke' could set the whole thing on fire. Probably could either get a metal motherboard tray pretty inexpensively, or even just anchor some standoffs into sheet metal or plexiglass or something?

Edit - or was that a previous picture and it's moved into that mining rack already?
No, I just threw that on there the other day. I might get another rack for it or rearrange that one so I can put one rig on the bottom row and another on the top row.
Here's my hodgepodge of 10xx GPUs on Asus BTC 250 Mining Experts running 16 GB RAM w/i5 processors - I've had up to 15 GPUs running on a single board, but find it challenging to maintain. I would really like a couple of 8 GPU riserless boards, but can't find one that doesn't have the CPU soldered in.

- I also have a 3080 in another system and pair of 1070's remote.


You guys are lucky to have started before gpupocalypse
pretty sure it's not luck but planning. Mining ETH was already decent profits in the months leading up to when 3080 hit and some of us knew that shortages would be likely.
I bought a bunch of 3000 series right out the gate including most of them locally from FB marketplace seller. Back then they were only wanting ~ 100 premium over retail (at least in my area). No way I would buy more cards at the current inflated prices. I even managed to pick up some "used" 3070's for less then retail locally. Granted I had no idea shortages would be THIS bad but still.
You guys are lucky to have started before gpupocalypse
I was mining during the previous run-up, I shut my rigs down during the down-turn and have re-cycled them since. I'm still short a few, but I'm paying scalper prices for anything. I have a lead on some 30xx cards now at a somewhat reduced cost
I was mining during the previous run-up, I shut my rigs down during the down-turn and have re-cycled them since. I'm still short a few, but I'm paying scalper prices for anything. I have a lead on some 30xx cards now at a somewhat reduced cost

Ive been trying to grab cards here and thete, moslt 1000 series if i can get a deal (like from here) but havent been able to grt a single 3 series card. I may resort to prebuilt soon.

Really want at least another 1080 or better so i can let my laptop rest.

Im getting like 20 bucks a day almost with what i have. I missing gaming but dont want to miss out while gaming at my 1080ti is my best earner.
You guys are lucky to have started before gpupocalypse

I think noko on here recommended buying up cheap 4GB cards for ravencoin mining awhile back. I got 10 of them for about $80-115 each and they're now selling for $200+ on ebay. Not a hugely profitable card, but at the time I got them the ROI was low at about 100 days. Other than that though I've just been hunting deals. GTX 1xxx series you can sometimes find deals on here, and if you check auction sites you can sometimes get lucky. I just picked up 4 vega56's for $370 because the reseller didn't know what they had and I saw a GTX 1080ti go for about $620 on ebay and here in the last week and a GTX 1080 for $420. It's definitely hard to find things in bulk though unless you're spending a lot of money at once.
Here is my current mess. Waiting on another computer to show up. I was mining on a 1080 and 1060 6gb using an amd x2 and x3 systems... with 2gb of ram. Painful
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I didn't. I started 1 April.

i guess I haven't gotten over the prices of things and not spent enough money :)

i'm trying though! I want to spend money but I feel its not worth it unless its a 3xxx card or an amazing deal on something else.
i guess I haven't gotten over the prices of things and not spent enough money :)

i'm trying though! I want to spend money but I feel its not worth it unless its a 3xxx card or an amazing deal on something else.

Yeah, buying shit at scalper prices is not a great idea - the bottom is going to fall out sooner or later and if you don't buy right you'll never ROI
these are my rigs after cleaning up and selling my pascal. Pictured is 8 x 3070 and a 3080. CPU's are 1950x, 3 x 3900x, 5900x all with 32GB ram


I also have this in the entryway: 3x Radeon VII, 3950x with single 3070

i guess I haven't gotten over the prices of things and not spent enough money :)

i'm trying though! I want to spend money but I feel its not worth it unless its a 3xxx card or an amazing deal on something else.
I got a great deal and they are all from the same seller.
I don't limit myself to one hobby, I primarily do distributed computing, which is why i build in cases to avoid pcie bottlenecks, but i have found i can pay for all this gear by mining and doing DC at the same time.
I slowly bought and purchased all of this since the start of the crash of the last bitcoin boom in Feb 2018 with 1 ryzen 1700 and a gtx 1070. Its like a self sufficient science lab. I sold enough BTC to buy all my Ampere cards outright and what i have leftover is more then a few times the value of everything pictured. One of the things i had to consider in my purchasing is getting plenty of EVGA 3070s since they are 2 slot. Most of the AIB cards are to wide to run in pairs and keep cool as there ends up being very little space between them. Most people don't put 2x 3070 in a rig since you can't sli it.
I run a card with a really thick cooler on the bottom and the smaller ones up top and it works well to keep temps in check.

This is a close up of one of my 3900x rigs as an example:

Every time I get my cables tidy something breaks and I end up ripping it apart. I gave up.

Yeah, I had that issue when I was getting mine setup. Lesson learned: If it ain't broke, don't fix it. It's not worth 5 hours of downtime to rearrange stuff.
Update for my ghetto rigs, 2x 1080s, 1080 ti is upstairs.

Adds 10 bucks a month to my electric bill, so its all free money in my eyes.
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had a lot of it. CPU are on like 15 dollar china water blocks. If I could find cheap blocks for all the GPUs I would add them for the fun of it.
Honestly, it's mining that almost got me into watercooling finally. All the used GPUs with waterblocks were going for like $100 less than their comparable aircooled brethren.