Post Your Mac Setup!

Here's my little setup:


Teh Macbook on the left:

1.83 Merom
2 gb
160 gb hd

Mac Mini (under the dualies)
-monitor on left-

1.83 Merom
2 gb Kingston
60 gb hd (I'm upgrading)
Lacie 250 gb external

Egads, teh PC running the dualies

e6600 @ 3.4
2gb Corsair pc8500
Evga 8800 GTX
Netcell raid card
Dvico HD TV tuner

lol at this (yeah, my room gets hot as sh1t):

150 gb Raptor x (Vista)
200 Maxtor (Mandriva)
250 WD Caviar (XP/Ubuntu)
400 gb WD Caviar (Data)
500 gb Seagate (Media)
3 x 74 gb raptors in RAID (Netcell)

The high maintenance cat on top of my PC is my friend's ex-wife's cat who he got from the divorce. Chip is my little black dude on the right.

Not a bad setup. Wish I had dual 30" Apple Cinemas and a Mac Pro to boot as well. Next raise I guess...;-)

Here is Chip crashed on teh Mini - he digs it.

Looks nice. Thanks for the answer.

note to self: it's time to sleep when you can't even recognize an application you have on your own system.
when i saw the first pic, i was like "wow, that doesn't look like a mac owners setup. too cluttered and messy ;)"

then I saw it wasn't a real mac and was like ... "that explains it"
when i saw the first pic, i was like "wow, that doesn't look like a mac owners setup. too cluttered and messy ;)"

then I saw it wasn't a real mac and was like ... "that explains it"

a watch, a cellphone, ipod, keys and a mouse is considered cluttered? :( :( :(
Not to sound mean, but it is still a "hack job."

It is illegal to to, my Apple terms you agree to, and it is against the rules here.
Here's my Mac

i <3 it so much!

wait for it



I only turn the ccfl on when i need to look inside my case...other than that it stays off.

running a core 2 duo E6600

Are those V-Moda Vibe headphones on your desk? If they are, are they as good as the reviews make them sound?
Here's my Mac

i <3 it so much!

wait for it



I only turn the ccfl on when i need to look inside my case...other than that it stays off.

running a core 2 duo E6600

good work and good argument. this may be illegal, but who cares, that is an awesome job. looks nice, its cheaper and works well. apple needs to open the door to modders.
mac elitism at its best i guess.

I love the operating system, but I built a better spec'd system for half the costs...and it still runs just as good as the real thing.

No one craps on mac users for boot camping xp or vista to play games, why should they crap on me for wanting to use a better operating system and building it all from scratch?

granted, yes i have to use a hacked/cracked version of the OS...but mac users fail to realize that Apple established it's roots in hacking, trying to make things work where they shouldnt or working around solutions.

My original computer in the 90's was a beigebox mac and i grew up using a mac...along the way yes i had to use pcs but i still loved macs. I think my love for apple and macs culiminated in me making my own. I think that in itself is fair.

If it were an ugly dell box with a mac operating system crammed into it I can understand...but this project was a labor of love...i paid extreme attention to details, it's not some hackjob...i wanted it to be pristine and minimal but powerful all in one. I think it shows dont you?

It's anice setup....

But still the discussion of the hacked / cracked OS is still against the rules here.

Let's leave it at that, and not go further into or this thread gets locked.
Are those V-Moda Vibe headphones on your desk? If they are, are they as good as the reviews make them sound?

Yeah they are the V-moda vibes, and yeah they are pretty good for their price range. More for people who like bass i guess. The bass is deep, but not muddy sounding like the bass you would hear on the Sony ex71s. I like em. They don't block out as much noise as true in ear phones but i think these were made to let some outside noise in to keep it from sounding to muddy and to give the sound a lighter airy quality.
Can I play too? :p

Both systems are in my sig. :)


Another Angle.

Haha, before someone get on my back about dirty desk, I'm a true PC Gamer at heart! There, that's my excuse for being messy. lol xD
love hwo everythign is availble on the desk no need to bend over to press any buttons
here's mine.

Here's the whole thing.

My macbook

WD 250gb MyBook Drive

I don't really know why i have a 24 port hub but yeah it was free and works better then any linksys router.

MacBook Specs:
2.0 Ghz Core2Duo
Corsair 2 gbs 667mhz
80gb 5400rpm Hdd

The monitor is a 22" Samsung SyncMaster

Any thing else i have just PM me on what it is.
mac elitism at its best i guess.

I love the operating system, but I built a better spec'd system for half the costs...and it still runs just as good as the real thing.

No one craps on mac users for boot camping xp or vista to play games, why should they crap on me for wanting to use a better operating system and building it all from scratch?

granted, yes i have to use a hacked/cracked version of the OS...but mac users fail to realize that Apple established it's roots in hacking, trying to make things work where they shouldnt or working around solutions.

My original computer in the 90's was a beigebox mac and i grew up using a mac...along the way yes i had to use pcs but i still loved macs. I think my love for apple and macs culiminated in me making my own. I think that in itself is fair.

If it were an ugly dell box with a mac operating system crammed into it I can understand...but this project was a labor of love...i paid extreme attention to details, it's not some hackjob...i wanted it to be pristine and minimal but powerful all in one. I think it shows dont you?

Your argument doesn't make much sense. It's like me deciding that I want a Ferrari but since I can't afford one I'm going to steal one. That's essentially what you are doing. Mac users (like myself) who use boot-camp to play games or use other win(blows) only applications are not stealing, we are using an actual legal copy of windows. There is no law against that. It's not at all like what you are doing.
Your argument doesn't make much sense. It's like me deciding that I want a Ferrari but since I can't afford one I'm going to steal one. That's essentially what you are doing. Mac users (like myself) who use boot-camp to play games or use other win(blows) only applications are not stealing, we are using an actual legal copy of windows. There is no law against that. It's not at all like what you are doing.

Didn't want to say anything but it really bugs me to see that Hackintosh posted in here.

I enjoy the idea of modding a PC into a Mac tower case but I would use Windows on it, or linux fit up to look like OS X; because I own the real product and wouldn't want to take away from a company that I admire greatly.

I'd also love to see a topic such as this obtain a Sticky but when people throw in Hackintoshes it makes it not possible, same with the show your desktop thread.

It's sad really.
Can I play too? :p

Both systems are in my sig. :)


Another Angle.
[I MG][/IMG]

Haha, before someone get on my back about dirty desk, I'm a true PC Gamer at heart! There, that's my excuse for being messy. lol xD

What settings do you have your icon at? 16pixels? Gives the 1440x900 resolution so much more space to work with. I like big icons myself because of how beautiful the icons are in OS X, so it's hard for me to make it so small -- but i"m also finding it cluttered even on my 24" display. Nice and clean setup, man.

Hook me up with the wallpaper if you would.
love hwo everythign is availble on the desk no need to bend over to press any buttons
Thanks. I hate reaching over for stuff too. :)

What settings do you have your icon at? 16pixels? Gives the 1440x900 resolution so much more space to work with. I like big icons myself because of how beautiful the icons are in OS X, so it's hard for me to make it so small -- but i"m also finding it cluttered even on my 24" display. Nice and clean setup, man.

Hook me up with the wallpaper if you would.
I set the icons to be 24x24. I don't keep much things on the desktop though, so I never really have to deal with clutter desktops. Those are generally temporary files that will be gone in about 1 week. I use QuickSilver to launch things and all sorts of file searching. :) The files themselves are generally kept in a designated folder for storage rather than cluttering the desktop. The wallpaper is available over by; it's an image of Jin from Samurai Champloo.

So, where'd you get your Katamari Prince figurine?
Hehe, I made it. It's actually a simple paper craft design. I forgot where I got the pattern though. :/
Just redid my setup, cause I got a second LCD (let's hope they have babies...).
15" MBP w/2GB of RAM:

Which then connects to:

2x Dell 2005 fpw, MBP gets the Studio Pro 4s, keyboard and mouse shared via kvm.
HungryDuck - The performance is great using both monitors, I have no problem unless I am running a bunch of applications at once, then it slows down a little bit. I just deposited my last paycheck, so I should be ordering 2x 1gb sticks of ram from newegg, once I have 2gb I think I will be set!
Just redid my setup, cause I got a second LCD (let's hope they have babies...).
15" MBP w/2GB of RAM:

Which then connects to:

2x Dell 2005 fpw, MBP gets the Studio Pro 4s, keyboard and mouse shared via kvm.

nice. I am looking to get a 19" display soon to hook up. How big are your displays?

Macbook 2 GHz Core 2 Duo
Bluetooh Mighty Mouse
Icy Dock External w/ Samsung 400 GB HD
Samsung SyncMaster 941BW 19"