post pics of ur p180/p182/190s

I don't think you should worry too much about dust, it'd good practice to do some dusting up every now and then... you can hold it in place with some blu tack if you don't want to use cable ties...

update of my rig in post #399:



Sorry the pics aren't very good; taken wif a phone camera
Here's everyhting installed


The window is coming. I think it's going to look pretty sweet in the end.

I just moved out of my P180B to a P190

Here is the P180B When I had BFG 7950GT OC cards and a smaller PSU


Here I had Upgraded to dual EVGA 8800GTS KO 640MB cards in SLI and a larger PSU

ANTEC P190 + 1200
Now I moved into a P190+1200 because I am stepping into dual EVGA e-GeForce 9800GX2's, so I needed more power (1200w) and space (P190 has lots of room, better cabling plan). Plus to take advantage of the GX2's PCI-e 2.0 capabilities, I also upgraded to the EVGA 780i motherboard.



just installed new psu.

80-100A on 12V rails combined.

Pictures above confused me. Many of these computers looks so damn alike.


sorry double post below
@thefirstcav what a great idea putting that huge fan on the side panel
How did some of you guys go about removing the "grill" on the rear 120MM fan?
Yeah I'd like to know that, too.
I think I'm pushing too much air out of there and the air is actually making a louder noise while it passes thru the grill. I was checking it to see how to get it off, only way I can see is to "cut" it off, but I don't want to ruin my case over it.
was it difficult to disassemble your p182's? and did you use riverts to put it back together or just screws? i would love to paint the internet of my case, but dont want to rip it apart if it is a pain.
optical zoom gets the full quality.. cropping reduces the quality of the pic.. but idk.

no it doesnt, cropping is simply editing the image to show one specific section.

Thats true. Even better, get a cheap camera tripod or just rest it on a stack of something, hand jittering really is a problem when taking macro pictures. and make sure its well lit. Daylight is best :p

hand jittering is a problem for any pic not just macro - good lighting helps any situation, but a tripod i think ALOT of people in this thread could use :), or l earn to use something to put your cam on while trying to take "light" pics so it isnt nothing but blur. (desk or something, anything to hold it stable)

changed it around a bit im gana take the middle section out so its just one big chamber i think

what prep did you do before you painted?
pulled the case down to nothing and sanded everthing really good and then sprayed it with some paint i bort from my hobby shop and its fine no paint comes of its actualy alot better than i thort it would turn out
Hello everyone, just got my new antec mini P180 and I can say I am really pleased with it, the system runs quiet and very cool, there is a real quality feel with the case especially with the aluminium front and side doors.
I running an Intel Q6600 quad core CPU, BFG 8800 GTX OC, Asus P5E-VM HDMI Intel G35 Micro-ATX, Tagan PSU 800W, 2x500gb (Raid0 setup), 2x2gb corsair XMS2...

Hello everyone, just got my new antec mini P180 and I can say I am really pleased with it, the system runs quiet and very cool, there is a real quality feel with the case especially with the aluminium front and side doors.
I running an Intel Q6600 quad core CPU, BFG 8800 GTX OC, Asus P5E-VM HDMI Intel G35 Micro-ATX, Tagan PSU 800W, 2x500gb (Raid0 setup), 2x2gb corsair XMS2...

Wow, love the system. I ordered a P180 and some other components for a LAN rig, and mine will be in on Tuesday. Once again, great looking rig.
Here's mine, so far.

Still waiting on the CPU, motherboard, graphics card, BD-ROM, etc. I sleeved all the cables in the case while also removing the stock fans for some SilenX fans (I added an intake fan as well).

That's a 750w PC Power and Cooling Silencer stuffed in the bottom. I'm not really sure what to do with all of those cables!


Please can any owner of p-182 give me exact dimensions of the case? Prefferably in milimeters.
I measured 20 inches high, 20 inches deep, 8 inches wide. You can punch that into an online convertor, just search for one. That is not including the little shroud on top of the top fan. Add another inch or so for that.
Here's mine, so far.

Still waiting on the CPU, motherboard, graphics card, BD-ROM, etc. I sleeved all the cables in the case while also removing the stock fans for some SilenX fans (I added an intake fan as well).

That's a 750w PC Power and Cooling Silencer stuffed in the bottom. I'm not really sure what to do with all of those cables!

After everything is hooked up, wrap all the unused wires together and then zip tie them, they compressed nicely in to a small bundle.
Got a question on the P182B. The hard drive cage has what looks like a fan holder in front of it. Doesn't fit a 120mm. Wondering if anybody put a fan in there or not. I got a few extra fans that I want to throw in there.
Got a question on the P182B. The hard drive cage has what looks like a fan holder in front of it. Doesn't fit a 120mm. Wondering if anybody put a fan in there or not. I got a few extra fans that I want to throw in there.

No such thing as a P182B, only P180b and P182. In either case, both will take a 120mm fan there, as the picture shows.
pretty sure u can. its only riverted in. so just drill the rivert and out it comes :)
Took mine out to make more space for a large water pump -- had to bend it though, and drill out rivets, so it's not going back in.
I don't think I have the gear for that.
Only have a standard phillips screwdriver.
my p180b still gota buy some more fans and do a couple more things like find a place for the pump ???? any ideas??


Comments? I need to get some actual sleeving for it, but I'm a bit lazy and cheap for that... I know that would make it look better.
The P180 is not really a candidate for showing off the insides (gray metal interior and ugly drive bays) so people rarely use a window (and therefore rarely sleeve the interior that will be hidden anyway).
getting robbed sucks ass, now i miss my p182.... WTF!!! argh! and i was going to mod it, oh well, time for a new build!
getting robbed sucks ass, now i miss my p182.... WTF!!! argh! and i was going to mod it, oh well, time for a new build!

That does suck. My best friend got his house broken into 24 hours after he got an R1. they freakin' kicked in an unlocked door..

GL on the new build.
ya, these fucker's busted open an aluminum gate then a door (i dont have any set schedule so they must of known i had left --> informant security guard), and of course the "security guard" i pay monthly conviniently didnt see shit or hear anything... ya like you cant hear wood frame being cracked opne with a crow bar or an aluminum / steel gate frame at that!, cops are investigating him though, and the other tards are getting deported (other security guards who work), thats what you get for messing with me and illegally working in costa rica you tards, i pay you , you watch my house... ya who's laughing now BOO YA KA shAAAAAAAAAAAAA! now i get to enjoy my new 37' LCD tv :D and make a new build!!! ohh yaaaa

dammit, on the last beer!