Post a screenshot of your linux!

Dude - amazing info! It worked. Only thing is the font conky is using on mine is too small and ugly - how did you edit yours to show the multiple cores and clearer font?
not sure the font in that example but it should look like this

# Xft font when Xft is enabled
xftfont sans:size=7

the ubuntu forums have a thread about building a conky script, you can find everything you need there to tweak it to what you need. My conky was done in a couple hours because i needed to install im_sensor cause i couldnt get a read on the cpu temp's and still cant the way i want. I want for each core and then the full cpu but in im_sensor its only showing me the main,m/b and aux temp.
My conky was done in a couple hours because i needed to install im_sensor cause i couldnt get a read on the cpu temp's and still cant the way i want. I want for each core and then the full cpu but in im_sensor its only showing me the main,m/b and aux temp.

might want to check and see if there is a customized sensors.conf file for your motherboard. I had a similar problem when I installed lm_sensors at first, but I found a custom sensors.conf for my board (provided by Tyan, as I've got a Tyan mobo)

I've been able to get individual core temps from each of my 4 cores now
ive been wanting to switch permantly for a looooong time. i just have a lot into vista right now. but yesterday i got soo pissed with vista, i started up the pin drive linux from my flash drive, i was actually able to use it in depth, it was nice. a lot is in this little app

Oh hay CB.


What's the theme you're using here and how would i stick it on my Ubuntu installation?

It's actually Fluxbox with the taskbar disabled at compile time and the Dyne theme. The xterms are pseudo-transparent rxvt-unicode. The font used there is 'terminus', a great monospace font that is available through most package managers. The wallpaper is something custom I made after thieving the skull from some poor bloke's site that I found through Google Images.

I'm not an Ubuntu user (so this might be totally off), but you should be able to install everything with something like
sudo apt-get install fluxbox xfonts-terminus rxvt-unicode
Then, just download and untar the Dyne theme, place it in your ~/.fluxbox/styles directory and then select it by opening the fluxbox menu (right click on desktop), then select fluxbox menu-> Styles-> User Styles-> Dyne.
It's actually Fluxbox with the taskbar disabled at compile time and the Dyne theme. The xterms are pseudo-transparent rxvt-unicode. The font used there is 'terminus', a great monospace font that is available through most package managers. The wallpaper is something custom I made after thieving the skull from some poor bloke's site that I found through Google Images.

I'm not an Ubuntu user (so this might be totally off), but you should be able to install everything with something like
sudo apt-get install fluxbox xfonts-terminus rxvt-unicode
Then, just download and untar the Dyne theme, place it in your ~/.fluxbox/styles directory and then select it by opening the fluxbox menu (right click on desktop), then select fluxbox menu-> Styles-> User Styles-> Dyne.

Thanks for all the information. I'm a bit of a linux noob so this all sounds rather complicated but i'll have a go and see what i can do.
Thanks for all the information. I'm a bit of a linux noob so this all sounds rather complicated but i'll have a go and see what i can do.

It probably does look a bit overwhelming when you're new. The best way I've found to get more comfortable in Linux is to just mess around with things. Then, when you inevitably break something, work to fix it. You'll end up learning a great deal just by breaking stuff and attempting to fix it yourself.
so, im installing it right now... well the 8.04 beta anyways... ill play with it when its done, and then post a screeny!!!wooo!! no more vista!!!
Mandriva One with Compiz on a Compaq M2000, Specs: Turion 64 ML-37 2ghz, 2x512MB OCZ DDR1 SoDimm, 60GB ide, 15.1 inch Non-Wide, 1024x768.






Srry if its slow im trying to host it from my site and i have these special things called torrents running :)
Arch Linux ftw!!! Very very nice setup...

Thanks :) I'm completely converting to Arch. The more I use it the more I love it. It's everything Linux should be. The only remaining computer w/ Ubuntu is my headless web/file/print server and thats because I'm not going to fix something that isn't broke :)
Thanks :) I'm completely converting to Arch. The more I use it the more I love it. It's everything Linux should be. The only remaining computer w/ Ubuntu is my headless web/file/print server and thats because I'm not going to fix something that isn't broke :)

yer Archlinux is nice, alot of what I like about Gentoo is in it (minus the compiling)

Gentoo still for my desktop, its tooo fun to mess around with
but arch everywhere else (server,eeepc...)
whats the difference between arch linux and ubuntu? whats the pros and cons over it?
whats the difference between arch linux and ubuntu? whats the pros and cons over it?

They're both GNU/Linux. So, no difference.

Unlike Ubuntu, Arch Linux starts you off with a very minimalistic setup initially. In short, it's pretty much bare minimum. You're expected to install what you need after that. However, with Pacman (which is similiar to apt), it's not too hard.

Ubuntu simply gives you a more complete installation initially (Configuration, Apps, etc.).

Just depends on what you want to do. I use Arch off and on, and it's a very nice OS to start off with because it doesn't install a bunch of more or less useless junk on your first install.
whats the difference between arch linux and ubuntu? whats the pros and cons over it?

I would say what Mandane said is correct but there is a bit more to it than that. Ubuntu and Arch have different philosophies, with Ubuntu being focused on being easy to use and a good end user experience, and Arch being focused on reducing unnecessary layers of abstraction and focusing on the most straightforward and simple solutions to problems.

For instance (and this is based on my own experience), in the latest Ubuntu release, xorg is automatically configured for you. Say you want to get the binary, non-free drivers for your Nvidia graphics card so that Compiz is accelerated. You use the repository or the driver manager application to fetch you the driver. Seems very simple, unless you happen to have an 8x00 class card which is affected by the pink shadows bug with compiz. Now, because of this extra layer of abstraction between you and the core configuration, you have a problem. If you try to install the binary drivers off of Nvidia's site, you will find that you cannot configure xorg through the traditional means of editing xorg.conf because the new release no longer relies on that configuration file. So you can either wait for a fix to show up in the repositories, or you can spend hours searching for a solution to make the drivers off nvidia's site work, then more time implementing it.

In contrast, on Arch, the repository drivers are affected by the same problem. But xorg is configured in the traditional way. So you remove the problem driver and libraries with pacman, install the fixed library file, and go to nvidias site. Run the installer and you're up and running in no time.

This is just one example of where 'ease of use' enhancements can cause more trouble than they solve. Overall, I find that Arch is easier to deal with when problems arise, and especially easier to configure to avoid problems. By configuring everything correctly from the base system to a functional desktop, you tend to have a greater understanding of your own system to help you when something goes wrong.

Another advantage that I find is that the Arch community is more responsive and knowledgeable. I know that sounds crazy, since the Ubuntu forums are known for being a great resource, but with Arch the signal to noise ratio is better. When I run into an issue, I hit up the irc chat and I usually have a solution in a few minutes that works. There are a lot of really smart and especially kind people in the community.

And finally, theres a sort of satisfaction that comes with knowing your configuration is yours alone instead of some one size fits most approach. You kind of have to enjoy the tinkering and learning if you're going to run it. But at the same time, it's more pleasurable than Gentoo if only because you avoid much of the compiling.
And... and... and... and... Arch comes totally pre-compiled for i686 operation as pretty much every modern processor is. No more of the lackluster performance from i386 kernels and code... everything that comes from the Arch repositories is ready to go. Sure, you can recompile if you feel it necessary, change some flags, etc. but realistically there's no point as it's already been done for you. Pretty amazing how that works...

I see nigerian_businessman hinted at that at the very end of his post, just thought I'd add a little sumpin' sumpin' to it. ;)

Arch64 user here. I keep things simple, just KDE 3.5.9 without Compiz or anything like that. I started with SuSE, a bit of RedHat & Fedora, then Debian for a while & since January & my new build it's been Arch. I absolutely love it & can't see myself switching to any other distro any time soon.


Just found geektool on lifehacker and spent about 10 minutes getting it setup with some useful information. So far I really like it!