Post a screenshot of your linux!

I took the challenge to go Windoze free (same challenge recently made here by Jason Wall) and I have been 100% windoze free for 60 days. Here's my desktop.

Here's my kubuntu setup. Took a little bit of time to look the way I wanted it to.
A handful of installs I've done over the past-

1.5GHz Celeron laptop, 32-bit Gentoo and Fluxbox:

Same laptop, same distro/WM:

Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 2.88GHz, 64-bit Gentoo/Flux:

Same desktop (slower clock speed), 32-bit Gentoo/Flux:
I really like the look of that gentoo/flux desktop. I think I'm going to try it. Nice work.
I'm nice, it's all I got;)

I know the whole Beryl thing is old news to most of you, but it's new (and really cool) to me....
can I ask what gnome theme you are using, cause it looks the theme I designed, if so :D

Ubuntu 7.04 SE using the "Human" theme that I tweaked a bit to suit my color preferences...What theme is it that you designed? If it looks similar to what I'm using now I would be very interested in seeing what you came up with.. mine is a little too plain for my tastes... I would really like to see the one your speaking of:)
Ubuntu 7.04 SE using the "Human" theme that I tweaked a bit to suit my color preferences...What theme is it that you designed? If it looks similar to what I'm using now I would be very interested in seeing what you came up with.. mine is a little too plain for my tastes... I would really like to see the one your speaking of:)

it looks like the ashes theme I designed for Ubuntu SE :) I designed ashes because I hate dark themes and the default theme for SE (satanic is way too dark), but yes I use ashes and the blood drops icon theme. I am glad you enjoy it :)
Plain jane Zenwalk....just installed 4.6 on my's stupid fast!!

Shot at 2007-07-02
A fellow Oregonian? That's multnomah falls on your background is it not?
I didn't take the picture actually, I'm from Michigan. It's definitely Multnomah Falls and its definitely a place I want to go visit. I found the picture on Interfacelift.
I like switching around a lot, this is UDE running on Linux Mint on my laptop, not much to look at but I don't look at it much :p

Why even bother with X? At this point you're just wasting system resources.
I sometimes go online with it, so rather than quit FAH then having to start up it barely uses anything, that .7% cpu really takes it up :p