Possibly the coolest computer room on earth

Ok.. any of you other geeks notice they patterned it after the old school Trek.. but Teach is wearing a NextGen uniform.

Oregon Trail was the best game ever!
our copies of Oregon Trail were on floppies on our Apple machines. I generally had a 50/50 shot of getting OT. If I didn't...we had another badass game....Mackinaw Lake
Shit, u fuckers had it good. My high school had the ancient TI-99/4A models. Course, I've been out of high school for 14 years now, but still.............hehehe
Originally posted by beamrider
Shit, u fuckers had it good. My high school had the ancient TI-99/4A models. Course, I've been out of high school for 14 years now, but still.............hehehe

My entire grade school had like ten PC Jrs, and we were the "advanced" school. In my senior year in high school (96) the only computer course offered was a BASIC programming class using an IBM terminal system for which the manuals were copyrighted in 1982.

I never played Oregon Trail :D

Needless to say, my computer education was gained primarily at home, and since my parents held a stranglehold on the family PC, on a high school budget.
how many of those kids even know what Star Trek is? Was it ever on during "kiddie" hours?
Originally posted by BrkDncr
how many of those kids even know what Star Trek is? Was it ever on during "kiddie" hours?

Who knows, but you have to figure that their parents at least grew up with it and could be fans.